Millions of people are dead but don't worry your dog is alive.
Millions of people are dead but don't worry your dog is alive
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God I don't give a shit about dogs. I'm not some kind of psycho, I just don't care more when dogs die than any other animal.
Good, all dogs deserve to live happy and carefree lives.
>happy and carefree
That's like 85% my definition of a dog right there
Good, doggos are pure
I'd let a million people die in order for my dog to live.
Doggo’s name is Boomer.
>how did they know?
>boomer survives at the expense of younger generations
That dog is probably dead now.
i'd rather see millions of americans die than one dog
Cats are the man’s animal.
>dogs, man's best friend, are reddit now
Yea Forums has consumed your soul
>Mother and me watching a movie.
>Thousands of people die.
>Here comes the dog death scene.
>She starts blubbering up like some fucking mad cow and sobbing.
>Turn the movie off and have to leave because of how embarrassing it really is.
People like this are nut jobs period and you can confirm it when they see a person in real life die and don't react either but "OH LORD I HIT A CAT WAAAAAHHHHH"
t. catcucks
the only people who prefer cats over dogs are womans or basedfaggots
To be fair probably millions of dogs died in the attacks too.
Holy shit...
Dogs and cats are inherently reddit. Only toucans are based
Rate my pupper
women are obsessed with dogs you dumb retard
But those dogs don't matter cos they belonged to other people.
Oh, most definitely. How long ago was ID? 23 years?
Caucs will let their dogs jump on the couch or bed with them. Absolutely disgusting
Yeah, sure catcuck
Wouldn't he have been flash fried by the explosion being that close to him, and wouldn't it have just come in the door with him?
Yeah, I heard about what white women do to dogs.
hahaha epic post my fellow four channeler, fuck dogs and fuck dog niggers. Have a gif just for you :)
i think it's more the
infantile shit that's annoying. nothing wrong with having a dog.
>Why yes I think dogs are retards for retards, and that the self sufficiency and blend of strength and tenderness of a cat makes for the perfect pet, why?
Such a great scene.
At what age did you first begin starting fires user?
how come the fire didn't enter the janitor's closet they took shelter in?
Because it's a stupid movie.
1 in 30 women's pap smear results show presence of dog semen
>he doesn't like dogs
>he likes fucking cats
>the most selfish fucking pets
because it was filled with niggers
Good. I don't care about millions of people, but I do care about dogs.
it seems you have a grudge with cucks my man?
I can tell you’ve never ever had a cat
He looks like a good boy. Give him an extra pat on the head for me.
There's nobody left to take care of him.
He will have to feed himself on roasted human corpses to survive.
what a hansom boi 9/10 would pet
A single dog is worth more than a certain 12% of the population.
Because i'm not a fucking faggot
yet also 50
I can’t stand the dog obsession
you boop snek snoots you fucking boomer cuck
People are shit.
There's a reason dogs are viewed as practically sacred and definitely sympathized with more than fellow humans in the west.
Except shitbulls.
if I could trade all the jews and niggers of the world for a single dog what do you think would be the best answer?
Pitbulls deserve to live, just not around children, and they should be quietly bred out of existence so they can't harm future generations, like white people.
Throwing your racist antisemitic useless body to the pigs.
But how would you know retardog owner?
My pit is the fucking goodest by there is, fuck you.
Muslim tier. You're probably low IQ
I actually don't consider people who either dislike or are completely indifferent to dogs human at all
I would easily watch you die without feeling a thing
things gonna maul your firstborn and then you
Corgi kino when?
>I'm not some kind of psycho
>the triggered replies to this
why are dog fuckers so emotionally driven!
>goodest boy
filthy reddit nigger
Looks like a sweet boy, here, have a pibull song:
>retardog owner
4chin 2019
never change
>doesn't like dogs
I'm convinced that """""people""""" who dislike animals aren't really even human.
>can't upload longer gifs because of file size limit
Use webms you nonce
Katties and Puppers are Based here newfags
holy fucking based
Low quality b8 ,
Corgis are banned in the UK for being Psychos
>t. Aabid Muhammad Abdul Hakeem
fuck off fag
Low IQ. They're just pests.
Tryhard summer fag detected , lurk moar
I was here before you were born kid. Now this place is filled with estrogen-brained zoomers who anthropomorphize brainless creatures.
Niggs let apes sleep in their own beds.
He didn't start the fire. It's been always burnin' since the world's been turnin'.
I'd rather save a stray dog from a fire than you. That goes for 99.9% of all of humanity.
Good, I didn't know a single one of those millions, but have known & loved my dog for years.
If you consider the lives of people you've never met nor will ever meet more important than the life of a longtime companion of whatever species, you're most likely a piece of shit.
make it billions.
Dogs get maybe a decade bro.
Das rite. It's not the dog it's the owner.
These aren't dogs meant for children or fools.
You can see how some moron could misinterpret this expression & get their fucking face eaten because of that. Pits are loyal as fuck, but typically only to one particular person & even then, they have a trigger point past which they'll murder anyone. Most will try to warn you they're nearing it, but they're subtle about it & if you miss the signs you're fucked.
These animals' nature is not their fucking fault, we created this breed & have lost all sight of what the purpose of them originally was & misuse these tools.
Pitbulls are monsters created in labs dude, get a real dog
>monsters created in labs
Kek, no they fucking aren't. A lab would've produced more controlled results. This is what happens when you selectively breed a species for aggression & strength over & over & over again & then forget that you did, or have morons clam thinking that's what was done & what they are is "bigoted".
>get a real dog
You seem to be entirely missing my point that THESE ARE NOT HOUSE DOGS meant for families. They're fine for actually intelligent bachelors.
Based and redpilled
Mentally ill self-hating furries
Reddit has consumed what remains of your brain cells
>b-but muh empathy!
Yes, it IS normal for people to feel empathy. However, normal human beings feel empathy for their fellow man over a furry little parasite. Your deranged personified attachment to what is objectively a disposable beast on the level of importance as a rat or squirrel is due to your mental illness and misplaced parenting instinct, as you are pathetic incels or sㅇyboys that will never actually breed and so think of literal animals as your “furbabies”. It is literal cope and clear proof of your utter failure as a human being caused by your latent sociopathy and autism.
>b-but muh good boyo doggo snoot pupper fluffy boi furbaby goodest boy xD fluffing snooper - bZZZt bZZZt *crash*
I think we’re done here, NPC.
>what is objectively a disposable beast on the level of importance as a rat or squirrel
>entirely incapable of seeing humans on this level despite the fact that this is clearly what we are
The mental illness is yours for insisting our species is super special, unique, & important snowflakes.
This is scary as fuck.
They bathe their dogs regularly and take them for vet checkups
Those dogs probably smell better than you and have better insurance
>having in-group preference is racist goy!
Kill yourself schlomo
He's just smiling, what's the problem?
>in-group preference
>this applies even when you have never met any of the others in "your group" and you should prioritize their lives over those of other species you actually know
Fucking brainlets, I swear.
Of course you should value your own dog you fucking spastic, because it belongs to you. But feeling bad for completely random dogs that have nothing to do with you, just because it’s a dog, is unironic mental illness.
Agreed. And ive owned several. I like them when they're my pets but generally dogs are obnoxious
>Of course you should value your own dog you fucking spastic, because it belongs to you
>aka specifically the point of this thread
From what fucking point have you even been arguing?
I like dogs, but dog "parents" are insufferable cunts.
Take your meds.
it's only los angeles, who gives a fuck
found the chink
Quoting directly :
>“I just don’t care more when dogs die than any other animal.”
Which is the only rational position to take, you utter fucking imbecile. If it’s your own dog I can understand caring a bit more but caring when some random fucking worthless mutt dies just because “it’s le doggo” is utter retardation.
Have sex incel
>I am incapable of addressing only the specific post I'm actually replying to
>arguing with some other faggot's perspective while replying to mine
I don't think anonymous sites are for you.
Seethe more dogfucker
name one reason why dogs are good pets
Agreed, people who get angry that others are indifferent or dislike dogs and then themselves go on to say they like dogs more than people are sociopaths who have had very little proper interaction with other people besides family and so latch onto dogs as a coping mechanism to feel better.
they're man's best friend
I'm not Canadian tho
All the best folk like dogs
>These animals' nature is not their fucking fault
Fuck off with this cuck bullshit
I suppose you think it's not niggers or poor peoples fault either
holy fucking based
>I suppose you think it's not niggers or poor peoples fault either
Not really. Niggers were never meant to be anything other than slaves or subordinates at best; poor people were never meant to be anything but the same.
Not really their fault we expect them to function well beyond their possible means.
unassailably based
guess the rumor of her recently getting heavier was true...
>It's happening
fucking confirmed
>my dog
the score is kino
never kill the dog btw, unless you're some edgelord filmmaker trying to subvert expectations
>never kill the dog btw
This. If there's one thing that'll keep me from watching a movie it's gratuitous dog deaths.
based user made the furfags cope
Well, that or we find dogs to be sympathetic
I bet you can't watch I Am Legend then
It was done tastefully and with plenty of foreshadowing in I am Legend so I didn't really mind.
>cutting your dog's ears so you can have cool points when you take it outside
No mortal man should own a dog that rad
>you don't like dogs? What are you some kind of psycho? I hope you die a slow and painful death!
Movies for this feel?
fuck shitty stupid dogs
this post made by cat gang
Shall live what?
cunt bitch
People should learn from their mistakes. Pitbulls were a mistake.
They helped mankind survive and doing so earned our eternal respect and companionship.
I've seen guys rob rob stores and girls sell their pussy to afford medicine and surgery for their sick dogs.
They wouldn't even do that shit for their kids.
so are you a gook or a muzz?
I don't get why so many people are getting triggered by this.
>"I don't value one thing more than others"