
Yup, it's kino.

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the ending scene was lame but whatever (was she oding or ?). probably the best scripted show i've seen ever. the sound editing is particularly impressive.

The season was great despite its glaring flaws. The finale was shit.

thank god it's over see you fags in what 2-3 years for next season?

Or perhaps I'm wondering why someone would shoot a man after burning him with flames?

Curious about the viewers this show got. Why was it shilled so hard on here?

Literally discord trannies shilling the mentally ill faggot who played the tranny

Zendaya titties yet?

I watched it because one of my clueless friends put it on because Drake executive produced. It grips you early on and it is genuinely honest and ends up undermining its lefty agenda the entire time. Very well shot too.

holy shit based

Because (((they))) are trying to convert you mass shooting incels into trannys so you can finnaly have sex

Would it kill her if I tugged her off?


>tranny propaganda is kino

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>Drake is the EP of the show all about teenage degeneracy and sex
Makes perfect sense actually

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always the same few shills thank god the season is over so i don't have to see tranner musk anymore

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Odds on the tranny being alive at the start of next season?

40% give or take?

does this board actually discuss tv or just cry about trannies in shows

Alive would be 60% you dumb fuck

I don't know if people are aware that he isn't just a nigger but a nigger jew,

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Nope, it’s shit. Faggot shit to be exact.

What the fuck?
Nothing happened this episode.

looks like that Rammstein video

Attached: rammstein.jpg (1357x631, 53K)

Whole show was dumb.

If they manage to write a slightly better and less pretentious script next season it will be kino. Now it's style over substance, though I like the style very much.

The show was pretty good. The beginning pulls you in hard with an blunt and realistic portrayal of what teenage drug addiction looks like. It was one of the best shot television shows I've ever seen. Music/sound editing was solid. Show was interesting enough to keep me watching. But he season finale is absolute fucking trash. Nothing happens. The characters sit around at a dance looking miserable. The end.


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do you mean melodramatic? I think that's the point of the show

>durr nothing happened in the end
What's it like being massive brainlet?