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how do you go from this

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>so….you really want to know how to escape north south position? Well…I guess I have some free time. Come take a seat, user.

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big drop:
The DC Check-In With Khamzat Chamiv


shut up ping pong lee

thanks brazza I love these

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go back hong kong


first for true love

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rip coral


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no. i rather want to fuck your fat tiny mom in her stinky bamhole, chang lung

Hi this is corals nurse, Emily. He kept muttering “heem” over and over when we had him under anesthesia. He’s in critical condition now, we couldn’t contact his family so we ended up finding this forum and figured we’d try here. it’s looking like he won’t make it through the night….if any of you have his families contact info or would like to say your goodbyes now would be the time. Thanks.

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I no chinese frens

Go on...

oh fuck noo

trash, "karate hottie" lmao with her hobbit ass paws

I hate how Cormier talks to Russian fighters like they are retarded or something, it makes sense if they don't speak English like Yan but Khamzat/Khabib are both clearly fluent.

tits. pls


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Great, you footfags creeped her out too much by obsessively posting her. Now there’s no foota for anyone

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don't want to live with my parents anymore b's

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whats wrong? do they stink?


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>bradda you like killa you gotta be killa you can not have best friend like dis

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What’s the real average size, don’t bullshit me

past a certain age a man without his own space will start to take severe psychic and spiritual damage


well. I wish u and ur parents the best.
I hope they are well off with your move


i'm not going anywhere i am dependant on them and will be for the foreseeable future but thank you

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>be volk
>nothing but pitter patter since chad mendes
>korean zombie calls you out saying that you won't go for the heem and will point fight like a fag
>immediately cope and say surely this time I'm getting the heem to sell tickets

If he wasn't a bitch he would have fought Triple C

That is a yuuuge schaub

I used to think it was retarded, and hated it like when adults baby talk kids instead of just talking to them normally. But DC really connects with them

Size 10.5 mens
Size 8.5 womens


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Anyone here sign up for Kay Hansen only fans? Good fap?

I mean… they are retarded b.

This but unironically

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Whats with the sudden increase in wmma posting?

gaethje was right

I’m not giving her a fucking dime unless she’s lezdomming asian girls.



Khabib and Khamzat probably think DC is retarded cause he's black so they give him a pass, I feel like any Russian would find that shit condescending.

how do i heem the enemy team in league soloq when my team is full of room temp inters?

its like a sensation to them....a speaking fat ape

by switching to eu, learning to play and going back to na

its wholesome chud stop being a racist incel i bet russians like when large black men talk to them like itty bitty babies it reminds them of the mother they never had, russians dont give their babies attention, you know this

This is unironically true, Islam and Khabib make fun of him all the time and tell him to go eat chicken, AKA shit is kino asf

become a riven main

free yourself of the addiction. league hijacks your reward system. you don't even like league.

Understandable. Get it together, user.


I would sell my soul for a Paolo Costa redemption arc

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ohh so i'm cringe? okay.

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He's too busy taking care of his child with the gay lanklet african.

omgosh i remember that hump im so fucking happy he lost

Ngannou under those duvets.

>The Korean Zombie
>regular name

need more meme names in the ufc

yikes lad

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fake win, Costa drank too much wine.

>inbred mountain apes
>not retarded

play dota

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play jinx and watch doinb dancing videos