Would nu-Yea Forums like House if it aired today?

Would nu-Yea Forums like House if it aired today?

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no it'd get called fedora

>We need to talk about my brother
>And by brother you mean?
>I mean my parent's other son.
>Wow, Same father.
Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

no. it has like one nigga character so it would be reddit netflix woke diversity show

>house is minority with glasses
>every smart intern is ebin minority
>white doctors all dumb as shit and almost killing people
>pajeet doctors solve every problem
it would literally be the opposite of reality

it wouldn't be the same show. house would qualify a a sexual predator, sexist, racist and fascist by todays standards.

I know examples for all the others but when did House appear fascist? He always seemed apolitical to me

Since you used singular possessive on "parent's" it would just mean he's calling his mom "parent" for this phrase.

he was a white man giving orders. he was literally a fascist

the fact that nu-Yea Forums does like house suggests that nu-Yea Forums would like house

>straight white man telling women, WoC, PoC and immigrants what to do
>not a facist

everyone who isn't a SJW leftist is a fascist. Apolitical doesn't exist in their eyes.

wait a second, both Cameron and the black doctor was relatively smart. Chase was the dumb one of the trio

And later on all new assistants was minority/jew/female I think

Just caught Three Stories in tv. What a fucking kino episode

Chase had the highest amount of successful diagnoses

>Chase was the dumb one
Cameron was always dumb one

uh, sweetie. on that episode Carmen Electra was an overly sexualized female that was getting dream raped.

Why house was not respecting him? he would always ridicule him.

Yea Forums would love it

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House is not funny

it has intellectual humor. you just didn't get it

Chase was the dumb one at the beginning, but he grew in intelligence while Cameron stagnated and got dumber

Nigga I already love the show

this. he also made casual jokes about jews (in front of jews).

in reality the best doctors are asian and indian, though

chase was never dumb. he actually got the most correct diagnoses after house.

>You little heeb.
>Sandy Koufax, that’s all you Jews talk about. Sandy Koufax. And the Holocaust.

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Anyone knows where I could find House episodes in high quality? All I can find is YIFI tier shit.

Amazon Prime

If it aired today it would have left propaganda

Nope, in reality the best doctors are jews.

I was more asking what Yea Forums in the Current Year would’ve thought of House as it is, if it aired today. Not if House was changed my modern practices and propaganda

because Chase was a spineless pussy. when he divorced Cameron and became Punished Chase, House slowly developed respect for him and by the end Chase was basically his right hand man.

the opening song is great so probably

People would hate a 24 episode a season show, they'd say it has too much filler and needed 10 episodes, preferably to be released all at once and binged.

Didn’t like it when it originally aired
Fight me

Are you forgetting the racemixing between 13 and Foreman?

I was taught that one should never use violence against disabled people, sorry

Didn't they end it with chase taking after house or something like that? he was really good I guess

>It's sarcoidosis.

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no it's a sherlock/breaking bad-tier meme show

I'd like the sexy milf doctor lady in a skirt.

stay back white devil
the power of conformity compels you

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>more mouse bites


Patient's symtoms act up when he's sexually aroused.
>Chase 'Why don't you get someone to flash him?'
House looks at Cameron, looks at Thirteen.
>House 'Damn I need find someone with decent breasts around here'.



Don’t have to, all I have to do is call you a faggot

Is there anything comfier than House making racial slurs and Foreman playing along?

1BR Apartment