
Mildcuck fangay edition

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yep, it's time

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finland... is this real?


My Debbies :)

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>hoc on page 2
It’s over


>checks starting lineups

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There will be no racism, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny, transphobia, antisemitism or arachnophobia in this thread. Thank you for complying.

Or what, you gonna report me to janny you fucking faggot?

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I only post racism when I'm on Yea Forums tbqh famski

Let’s see an example

eating some dinner and watching the hockey, life is good bros

Yes but don’t tell the janny because announcing a report is a bannable offense.


He's my favorite kike :3

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No, user. This isn't a bed of daddy long legs spiders. It's just Asian pubes

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forgot pic

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>a sockless drawer

campbells chunky is GOATed

>Canes using the black gloves and pants with their white jerseys
holy shit I like it

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Just watched a video of pk subban kicking an islanders players ass for a dirty hit on Hughes

I don't know which one is more repulsive desu

Fuck off antisemite. Hope your kind are wiped from the earth

I only eat on special occasions because it's so decadent and expensive

Imagine eating tinned chowder instead of making your own. I imagine that would cost a month salary in Canada though. A can of chunky soup is already almost out of reach.

>six 1900EST puck drops

for me, it's the potato bacon flavour

luckily chowing on your moms clam is 100% free, eh?

>dirty hit
>kicking ass
Monke jumped the white man as they are wont to do

based rat delivered last game

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>six scoreless draws

They're really only good for the meat and potato ones. Progresso mogs them on everything else

Youve never see a vagina in your life, kid

I don't watch hockey

both canes and broons are playing shit teams. guess i'll watch makar v crosby

and got stomped by the alpha male subban. Like or hate him he can still drop fools

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Why are the Devils wearing faggot black and white jerseys?

>rags have nothign to fear from ploff-eliminated teams

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watch it

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Trust me my man, you have made that abundantly clear for the last 25 or so years.
We know you wish that upon me.

not everyone's as pathetic as you bro

Nth for the Rangers of Hoc

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based. none of us do, except for one of the canadians. but he's vax'd

No she charges by the hour.

TNT faggots wouldn't shut up about them on Sunday

Imagine what you would be doing without hockey, lads??

In Canada, chowder comes in bags.

The only reason Subban “won” was because the players literally wasn’t expecting him and Subban came at him outside his vision and started punching like a little bitch. If any player could have survived that and kicked that monkey’s ass, then they should go into the UFC

Release my wife from captivity this instant

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>/hoc/ still thinks this was a clean hit

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I like these crossover jerseys

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something productive

>the New Jersey 'Jersey" jerseys...
fuck sake, Gary...

yes, yes it was

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Blacks cause crime, pajeets stink, faggots are annoying, women are property, trannies should be imprisoned in psych wards, jews are repulsive, and spiders are creepy and pointless. Thank you for tonguing my anus.

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watching old movies on TCM

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I still don't understand how Subban doesn't get a 5 min major

Blacks are bad for the sport

subban destroyed walstrom bouta give him that bbc

Lmao get roasted faggot


Okay I warned you. I’m beginning to inform the janitor, who works tirelessly for free, of your transgression.

Yes, we know you’re a leafs fan

Delete this

Go cry faggot, he won’t fill the void left by your mom

so real the janny removed the evidence

damn right id like to see if hes still that cocky against the leafs after that maybe simmonds will pay him a visit

>announcing a report or 'sage'

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My mom and I are very close. She even pretends to like hockey during the playoffs.

>Okay I warned you.

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simmonds does have those long arms

I've never played hockey but I have followed hockey for many years. Can someone tell me what happens in the face-off circle? Does the referee say anything? Does he say "1-2-3, go" or some such? Why sometimes do both players seem to go after the puck but the ref never dropped it? Why do sometimes a player gets kicked out of the circle? Give me a run-down from start to finish what happens in that circle, please.

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Go back


Which one should I watch?

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My Debbies :)

first time watching TVA Sports
when do they produce their own overlay instead of using one from another broadcaster, the playoffs?

rags bros...


All of them.

I always liked the 2002 edition. I think it's 11

I had a box set I threw away after he was fired. I just couldn’t support him after that as well as his comment about women and natives

>one scoreless draw


Nice turnover rags aaaaajenjenjen

my last 4 digits

Number 12
why doesn't 12 have a box

more like TVGay Sports

>a cockless whore

I know this is bait, but I still want you know you're a faggot for making such low-quality bait


Just like my Islanders

this. i cant support an old white man whilst we're trying to expand the game

the absolute state of ragsanons

It’s not worth it every playoff series has the stupid Cinderella run team vs the top dog.

first period, retard. Look at the total shots on goal and who has more

can't stop thinking about that marnerjeet picture

unfortunately this game is not worth 30 points in the standings.

taking an intermission nap after the 1st, lads

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unfortunately the >rags are losing to their rivals in the devils who are god awful

jesus christ, look at this faggot

you are a dildo for responding to said bait. shitposters and trolls feed on (you)s.

that happens in every single league, of any sport, that has a playoff system

The Devils jersey says jersey. Do the helmets say helmet? Do the pants say pants?

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oops forgot pic

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(you)s are not upvotes


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Sports aren’t for me then I’ll be on Yea Forums

this year it will be >my Islanders

they say that russian faggot just got his shit punched in

omg get the heckin updoots!

Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

How do I breed a rural Canadian Indian woman?

>Rosen hates fighting
when are you retiring ya old fuck

you should be a stand up comedian or something, I'm dying from reading this

>rags have to result to violence to stay relevant 10 minutes into game


Who knew the Panthers could make such kino

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>clean hit
>Devil chimps out

sorry your russian chimped out over a clean hit

are you talking about the red dot indians or the feather indians?

i see the rags are still scarred from the attack from tom wilson lol

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will they move the red wings to houston

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Bring a bottle of Listerine to the first date

I don't understand why a team gets a PP but still has to put a player in the box

>equal amount of home and visiting team jerseys
yep that's how you know it's Florida

..... do it

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>Strome actually scored a goal instead of missing wide
wew lad

>Nooo you can't stick up for your teammate!!!
Make it less obvious you've never played hockey.

bring a dap of DMT to the first date

How bad will the ruins rape the red wings tonight?

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who the fuck is covering strome?

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>implying every hit is fight worthy