/stg/ Star Trek General

Aft Torpedo Launcher edition

Attached: Galaxy Class aft.jpg (1440x1080, 89K)

I like /stg/ more than /trek/.

show me the forward torpedo launch.

/trek/ or bust

/trek/ was a mistake.

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You're a mistake and this thread is cringe.
kys faggot

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>Klingon sudoku

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Am I supposed to post here or the other thread?

I love DISCO (Star Trek Discovery)!

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Do you want to post in the fun thread or the thread with chartfag and STD shills?

This shit thread was about to fucking die when I made the other one and then someone decided to bump it

Was Butler a good boy?

Attached: Butler.jpg (1920x806, 301K)

What a worthless ship

The other thread is kinda gay

If only it looked more like a toilet seat

He was just talking about how fat riker was, bro.

at least it doesn't have chartfag

The best

Thanks Bill

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