When will the superior and only Old Republic story get it's movie adaptation trilogy? I talk about the REAL Knights of the Old Republic not the KotoR videogame that makes no sense. Tales of the Jedi feels like an actual Star Wars prequel series.
Star Wars
Old EU > dogshit > Disney Wars
Go shill your mediocre comic shit at Yea Forums
dogshit > Old EU > Disney Wars
this isn't crimson empire, you pleb
>LITERALLY the best fiction in star wars
YOU are retarded
>he actually likes legends garbage
I'm worried that they're going to rewrite TOR for something completely retarded to make it easier to digest for the lowest common denominator. Like Yoda being the first jedi or something stupid like that.
Old EU contains: The best Star Wars comics, books, games, shows, and non-movie characters.
If you hate the Old EU, you hate Star Wars and are more than likely a Disney Wars fan, simple as.
>inb4 you look up a top 10 list of dumbest things in the EU and start posting them
>can't use the Revan/Bastilla love story because Kylo/Rey is already done
I read Heir to the Empire in the original paperback release, all Star Wars EU shit sucks.
>good eu comics
Post them faggot
>I read Heir to the Empire in the original paperback release
I'm sure you did little Zoomy. But I'll play along, why do you the entirety of the EU?
>>inb4 you look up a top 10 list of dumbest things in the EU and start posting them
Let's be real user, if he did post a list of good Legends comics you'd just call them all shit.
Not even that user but reminder that “Luuke” and “Luuuke” is a complete misunderstanding of the EU. Luuke was just a clone that was features for five seconds so Luke could kill him, Luuuke was a non-canon joke. This “Luuke” meme has been perpetuated by Disney shills since at least 2015 to make the EU look bad in a desperate attempt to defend Disney Wars. They do not actively know anything about the EU, if they did they would know the context and that Luuuke was a joke, and could actually bring up real garbage in the EU like Crystal Star.
Reminder people who post “Luuke” love the Disney Vader comics, to which this is a part of. Never trust anyone who uses “Luuke” as an argument.
>Luuuke was mentioned in "An Apology", a non-canonical short story by Timothy Zahn that was released on April 1, 2012 as an April Fools' Day joke.
>I read/watched/listened to X and I hate all of X
This is the most common shitpost on this site. This literally isn't an argument.
>why do you the entirety of the EU?
I'm too old to put up with your into English
I'm saying I was there for everything, from the West Ends Games RPG supplements, the Glove of Darth Vader young adult novel to the dreadful trade paperbacks that always involved the Solo kids getting kidnapped. The X-Wing and TIE Fighter PC games were "ok."
Good taste
Some complaints about the Legends EU This is no shape for form is an endorsement of Disney Wars
>Depiction of New Republic as galactic leaders in original Thrawn Trilogy retconned / incongruent with the Dark Empire series
>Luke starts Jedi Academy on Yavin 4 only because it's a familiar location
>Superweapon overload: Sun Crusher, Eye of Palpatine, Galaxy Gun, World Devastators
>Han Solo never given anything meaningful to do
>Borsk Fey'lya
>all the complaints are post-ROTJ
Not surprising, like 99% of EU’s trash is post-ROTJ. Prequel and Old Republic EU is where you get the real quality
>I'm saying I was there for everything
And I'm saying you weren't. It's fine if you hate some of it since the Old EU is most certainly not perfect, but anybody who calls the ALL of the Old EU shit is just a shit poster/Disney Wars fan.
Instead of debating the topic, like raising examples of good EU entries (Courtship of Princess Leia, I, Jedi) you want to disparage the source, typical libtard behavior.
>Courtship of Princess Leia
Oof, shoulda said Darth Bane or KOTOR II
>Instead of debating the topic
You weren't even debating in the first place, calling something shit isn't a debate.
>typical libtard behavior
>Courtship of Princess Leia, I, Jedi
Thanks for further proving that you just wanted to shitpost.
Go back
Great game, stupid character. Same with The Force Unleashed.
I wish I could figure out how to get the updated graphics mod for Dark Forces II to work. Outcast and Academy's graphics were perfect. :(
Wear your victory with magnanimous pride
I need help. I want to get into the EU novels, but I'm not sure which are worth reading. I mostly want to see Luke's new academy, and to read about Mara Jade, Jaina Solo, and Jacen/Darth Caedus. Any recommendations?
Forgot to mention: I see they're in a ton on novels, so I want to narrow down the good ones
Just read the Thrawn and Darth Bane trilogies
luuuuke, he's a bigger luke, 4 u
If they're going to revisit the past, this is likely how they'll approach it. They've already retconned the Republic and hyperspace travel to be only 1000 years old technology.
>Palpatine had a dozen clones.
>Palpatine had a wife and multiple children, some if which were weird mutants.
>Luke and Leia had a third sister.
Old EU was absolutely retarded. It started getting its shit together in early 2000s', but before that it was an abhorrent nonsensical mess.
Post the retcons
>>inb4 you look up a top 10 list of dumbest things in the EU and start posting them
Wait, what?
Disney canon retconned all of the EU
It’s literally one of the dumbest SW comics.
>When will the superior and only Old Republic story get it's movie adaptation trilogy
Do you have a fucking brain, why would you want more Star Wars from fucking Disney, fuck that sound.