Now that 8ch is down, where can we discuss his television show

Now that 8ch is down, where can we discuss his television show

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Here sir. My website is your website. We accept refugees because we are tolerant.

This is 4channel, sir.

8ch tv was dead already

what more needs to be discussed? it got cancelled like 3 years ago

just checked. it's not down.

but it is

Reported, you right wing gun nut

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Cap which i posted in other thread

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works for me

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Im from Europe. So it might be because of that.

But it's not down

nope, works fine.

those guys did nothing but gossip. I don’t even think they liked the show

OP is in clear violation of Rules 1 and 2. Furthurmore OP is attempting to sow discord and promote hate speech via thinly veiled alt-right references/imagery/allusions. If OP is not instantly banned for a period of upto 3 days the Mods are sodomites and deserve to be fired.
Fuck off

>bikini warriors
>demon slayer
based /pol/ak-47

>t. resetera janny

>he knows reddit subs

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What happened to the /hebe/ board? Only good thing about that site

>One of the most active boards was /christian/
>It's gone
I remember when Steven Anderson cultists invaded

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People still went there post gamer gay?

Clear your DNS cache mein dude.

i still go there for the ranch

Nope still doesnt work

It worked for me.
t. German

I want my /b2/ back =(

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