
>suddenly half the screen is dirty feet
I don't care if it's your fetish, don't flaunt it in normal people's faces. You could feel the entire theater got awkward silence each time.

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why are her feet so fucking yellow?

Every foot was filthy in the movie.

calluses because she's a filthy hippy

They weren't hippies they were basically doomer who stole the hippy looks and are beloved by neo nazis

I wouldn't mind if they were at least pretty feet, but Tarantino seems to pick the fucking vilest gross ass dirty ones he can find.

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The joke was that everyone knows he has a foot fetish. My theater laughed each time they were foregrounded. Maybe you live in Plebsville user.

he gives us footfriends a bad name

color grading retards

What the fuck is a doomer, shut the fuck up and quit posting

can we please get some pics of margots feet scenes so I know when to ejaculate when i see it in the theater?

my mom has feet that yellow lmao

her feet aren’t that yellow it’s color grading

now I know why she was so insistent on not showing them

Post pics to prove it.

And what about the feet so dirty they were black scene?


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>wore fucking boots
>feet somehow dirty

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If I had 100 million dollars to make a fucking movie, there would be plenty of tomboys with ample breasts showing off their abs.
You'd have to be the gayest retard not to shove your fetish in your movie. Fucking Yea Forums homos, I swear.

I wonder if Tarantula applied it himself.


How many people that haven't seen Tarantino's films before went to see this movie?

You would assume that any Tarantino's fan would already be expecting the foot scenes at this point

>no Maya Hawke feet

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>no Laena Dunham feet

For once, God has not abandoned us.

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This but with the gays

>I don't care if it's your fetish, don't flaunt it in normal people's faces. You could feel the entire theater got awkward silence each time.

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She wasnt wearing socks, hence dirt from the inside of the boots

Me n my friends knew about the foot scenes before going in but holy fuck I didn’t expect so many. The Theater probably thought we were retarded for laughing loudly at every foot scene

There were only 3, guy.

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True patricians simply smile and imagine the smell.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywoodmight find its way to a longer cut and in a form of a mini-series!

Nicholas Hammond, starring in the film, told that Quentin Tarantino is working on a longer cut to be dropped on Netflix. According to the actor, the extended cut is most likely to be four hours long, showcasing a fat, jam-packed cast of performers including Tim Roth, who, unfortunately, had a couple of scenes cut from the release in the theatres. Note that Tarantino’s previous movie “The Hateful Eight” also had a 4-hours long extended version released on Netflix.

bitch look like she part chicken with those feet

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male feet are the true patrician choice t b h

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Except Leo's at the end when he's in the pool, what did Tarantula mean by this?

cant wait for the blu ray rip of this scene, the webms and images, I will go into nofap mode until they are made available