What the fuck bros are we getting nuked I'm scared boys I'm not an angry incel I just want to discuss kino with my bros...

What the fuck bros are we getting nuked I'm scared boys I'm not an angry incel I just want to discuss kino with my bros I'm so scared you guys are my only friends and if I lose you I'll have nothing it genuinely feels slower and quieter on this board since the shootings wtf it's just a television and film discussion board it's not our fault I'm freaking out what if we're not all gonna make it any films for this feel?

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t. angry incel

Time to grow up and go outside.

Nothing is happening bro, they’re just gonna delete /pol/.

Nah we're fine but no doubt we will be further demonized just bc of a bunch of psychos

>he thinks anybody here is his friend

youll be able to go outside and get a gf and have sex soon

Time to go back to work and forget about you fags for the rest of my life BTW never ever ever ever take any recommendations from the plebs on this website in literature, art or film they are dishonest and some even are repugnant foot fetishists

Bye user, it was a lukewarm and mediocre experience knowing you.

Damn i hope they all flock to ocho chan on t o r
left right i dont care i just hate the discussion on here that is just race baiting shit

It's okay tx, you have me.

Should just delete r/The_Donald, they started it. Then again doing that would just cause their /pol/ migration to become a full blown exodus so maybe it's for the best /pol/ be the one to get deleted. Maybe /pol/ refugees can invade r/The_Donald and give those board ruining boomer fucks so goddamn karma

FUCK Yea Forums
FUCK /r9k/ AND FUCK /pol/

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Harsh but fair, like the slap of a stern father.

Dark knight rises

they did


people post their crimes on social media all the time

but they wont pull twitter or facebook

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i honestly want the chans to be gone so that people take their anger into the real world

you and fbi have same goals

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I really hope all those that left for 8 gegs come back
we need them to remove the reddit, twitter, facebook and instagram cancer that replaced them

>they can't do anything about gun laws
>Haha stupid libs, can't take my guns away
>They go after no moderation sites that allow gunmen to spew manifestos and encouraging support for attacks

what are you retards expecting to happen, for everyone to do nothing and accept mass shootings to occur?

I'm his friend.

So all it takes is a shooting to take down reddit?

when they shut this place down I'm finally going to get my life together

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Nothing was stopping the FBI keeping an eye on them.

Free speech and thought is just that until it turns into action. Have you not seen Minority Report?

What's happening?

pathetic pandering

incel mutt shooting amerimutts in United Mutts of Mutterica