I am going to say the word.
I am going to say the word
Go ahead friend, it is 1913 and a man of royal anglo blood such as yourself can say whatever he desires
Lovecraft was a meme "writer" and a literal aspie
>probably the greatest American horror creator second only to Poe
>the left says "he's cancelled cuz he said nigger that one time!"
>the right says "he's based cuz he said nigger that one time!"
>no one actually reads him
If GEEK CULTURE has taught me anything it's that you should be happy that people don't like the shit you like. let it be obscure and niche.
There I said it
Help me, Yea Forums, how was his beloved cat called again?
reminder that his mom fucked him up by coddling him well into his 20s
>probably the greatest American horror creator second only to Poe
I've read all of it. Pretty spooky, very enjoyable. That said, he WAS an autist, he WAS more racist than everyone at the time, he DID think he was english royalty for no fucking reason, he DID try to join the great war to fight for the british and barring that tried to sign up for the US army before his mom marched him back to the recruiter to tell him he was prone to fits and seizures. Dude was pathetic, but a great mind for writing. And yeah, sometimes his "scary" bits were just "There are savages here doing voodoo shit OH MY GOD"
Reminder that Shadow over Innsmouth is 100% filmable and the only reason it hasn't been done yet is because normies aren't ready for the deep ones.
>sometimes his "scary" bits were just "There are savages here doing voodoo shit OH MY GOD"
but user that's literally the most scary thing
I've read a lot of his stuff. Love it, although 100 years later his plots are really predictable so his 'horrible' twists don't work at all.
Did people only learn that he was a racist in the last year or so or is it that they've only now started "caring" about it? What an annoyance.
If Lovecraft's obscure, then I'm a girl.
Shadow over Innsmouth is pure kino.
Rats in the Wall is all you need to read to learn about his racist shit, dude.
big no
The nice thing about Lovecraft is that some repetitiveness and predictability doesn't necessarily hurt his body of work since it makes the mythos overall seem more real if that makes any sense. Every story is another piece in the puzzle.
I think Houellebecq compared Lovecraft's fiction to the stories about Sherlock Holmes in the sense that the reader doesn't want to surprised by the conclusion of the plot (in the sense that Holmes will obviously solve the riddle) but rather is interested in the exact way it plays out this time.
>clear violation of Rules 1 and 2
>blatant political undertones outside of /pol/
>hate speech
enjoy the ban retard
I don't know but it's somewhat cringeworthy. Like in some recent RLM video they were so desperate to point out how racist Lovecraft was in some obscure attempt to distance themselves from it as if that were really necessary when discussing the horror stories of a long dead author.
this but unironically
Say the word and you'll be free
Say the word and be like me
Say the word, say it with vigor
Have you heard the word is nigger?
It's so fine, it's sunshine
It's the N word
In the beginning I misunderstood
But now I've got it, the word is good
Say the word and you'll be free
Say the word and be like me
Say the word, say it with vigor
Have you heard the word is nigger?
It's so fine, it's sunshine
It's the N word
Every where I go I hear it said
In the good and bad books that I have read
Say the word and you'll be free
Say the word and be like me
Say the word, say it with vigor
Have you heard the word is nigger?
It's so fine, it's sunshine
It's the N word
Now that I know what I feel must be right
I'm here to show everybody the light
Give the word a chance to say
That the word is just the way
It's the word that I figure
And the only word is nigger
It's so fine, it's sunshine
It's the N word
Say the N word
Say the N word
Say the N word
Say the N word
I have endeavoured like a madman to write on this most illfated eventide a single word of such horror that even burlymen faint at its utterance, nay, even the mere threat of its enunciation. This term, which I call rather academically the abominable word, has been known to cause riots and murder. Shall I proceed?