Why is Another Life so underrated ?

Why is Another Life so underrated ?

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I'd say it's way overrated. That imdb score of 4.x is way too fucking high.

I can barely deal with this life, OP

couldn't get more than 10 mins into ep 3. fuck awful

Pretty much every episode is filler garbage


Sell me on it.

Is it feminist/leftist shit?

Not heard a thing about it, what makes it worth a watch?

no its just bad

It looks like scifi. Instead it's high-school drama in space. Every character is unlikable and stupid.

couldn't be more wrong

>senseless, hysteric black woman
>other black woman was a criminal
>women don't get along, cause drama
>incompetent female leader

Yea Forums is too woke for a show with these types of characters.

>Instead it's high-school drama in space.

thats every sci-fi ever

By that logic, The Mist was the best TV show in American history.

havent noticed any politics in it at all

its entertaining, well produced show, with very refreshing and engaging story and inordinary yet relatable characters


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Lmao, watch Stargate SG1 or Star Trek TNG and take back what you said.

The people on that ship talked like a bunch of a 14-year olds while they're supposed to be our last hope.

But what really made me turn of the show was the moment the secretary of defense leaded a 5-man SWAT team unto the alien ship-thing.

One of the dumbest things I ever saw. Sad because I liked Katee Sackhoff in Battleship Galactica and the virtual reality assistant due was a nice add-on to the crew.

Also, the 2nd in command in first episode has the emotional control of a toddler trying to kill the commander, how could he ever gotten into a scientific mission of this importance makes no sense.

And a bunch of other stupid shit I can't be botherted to type out.

The actual space adventure parts are ok. But then there is a massive amount of drama bullshit with the crew and then most of them die anyways. And Netflix did a strong diversity checklist with a tranny, a threesome resulting in two dads, and so on. They also had a ton of references to the earth being beyond fucked by global warming.


>trannies in space is underrated
>tranny starts a relationship with Hispanic Hurley
It’s shit