Tell me about the robot. Why does he hate the jedi?

Tell me about the robot. Why does he hate the jedi?

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his parents were killed by a jedi or something

Love him or hate him , The General at always at the front in the thick of the action.
His childlike joy at being in combat is infectious.

Based, TCW is trash compared to Genndy Wars. It’s literally only loved by zoomers and Disney shills who watch Rebels.

They both suck, but the fact that so many zoomers love it and say "it actually makes the prequels good!" makes me despise TCW more.

season 4 and 5 were good

Because they fucked over his homeworld
>be the Kaleesh
>living on your homeworld, Kalee
>suddenly a shitload of giant fucking praying mantises come from space and decide to enslave millions of your people
>a young leader appears and leads a counteroffensive
>Kaleesh take over all of the mantis colony worlds and slaughter all of the bugs on each one
>the bugs go to the Republic for aid
>Senate votes to completely fuck Kalee economically, Jedi show up to enforce the peace
>Kalee falls into poverty, is only saved by the Banking Clan deciding to invest in them
>all they want in return is the service of the leader who led the fight against the mantises - Grievous

Oh you mean the seasons with that horribly cringey Onderon arc and fucking Droid Squad?

i liked the satine and dath maul stories but i absolutely despise all droid episodes, the very last episode with yoda was the only good yoda episode

Umbara was kino

It was good until the Jedi became a non-sensical traitor asshole moustache twisting villain.

That actually sounds like an interesting lore. Is there a book that describes this?

That end fight was kino

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why is he so based bros?

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It's from an article published in a magazine.

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I always come to the conclusion that the confederation are the good guys in Star Wars

This alone is more interesting than TCW and the last few films, sad!

His people, including his gf

TCW has a lot of good episodes, genndy's just feels like 2 hours of samurai jack with a only a few good scenes.

It was clearly meant to be watched in small doses. One episode a day for example. I watched it all in one sitting and it felt like a pilot of unfinished show.

Reminder that he lost to Ventress in a straight 1v1 fight

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star wars is a children's movie, it isn't supposed to have more than a surface level plot

He saw the fall of the Jedi and rise of the Empire. He decided to join the side that was going to win and sabotaged as much as he could to gain their favor

I want a General Grievous movie, but knowing Disney they would fuck it up.

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How is Ventress so ugly yet so fuckable at the same time

>the Banking Clan
what did he mean by this

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Shes actually just Bald Pale Debicki

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(((San Hill)))

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What we need is this kino

>Obi-Wan movie
>set during The Clone Wars
>Grievous and Ventress are the main antagonists
>they've captured Duchess Satine in some CIS plot
>Dooku is only present over hologram because RIP Christopher Lee
>Anakin is also in the movie
>Ahsoka, Cody and Rex all in Cameo roles