The meltdown continues...
The meltdown continues
Other urls found in this thread:
Have ANY of the old Jackass boys reached out to Bam? I haven't been following the breakdown other than seeing thread titles posted on here for years.
>those anons that actually think Bam isn't in the wrong here and think his friends and family should do even more for his spoiled baby ass
What the hell happened with Dr.Phil and this guy? I looked at this instagram and its like some drunk asshole writing half illegible notes everywhere.
Can someone break down what happened? I hate this retard and all of his suffering is hilarious.
Pretty sure he wife cheated on him so he's going crazy and will only let Dr Phil help him...
Bam started acting like a drama queen and now he doesn't know how to end the performance
He's been sperging out all weekend
im bam margera and im going to kick my own ass all day long
Chris Pontius said something to the effect of "idgaf about Bam's drama stop asking us to get involved"
He wants everyone to come save him like everyone saved Steve-O. Problem is, nobody but Dunn liked Bam and Bam isn't anywhere near the levels of addiction that Steve-O was.
really does sound like the conclusion of a meth addict
they already tried that but he doesn't want to change he was already in multiple rehabilitation programs as well
Whatever happened to dicamillo? He was the best of the cky crew and hardly did any jackass
Can't teach the old horse new tricks. This type of guys always kill themselves out of desperation.
>turning 10mg of Adderall a day
I bet he's a bitch about his alcohol too
>Whatever happened to dicamillo? He was the best of the cky crew and hardly did any jackass
i always liked him the best too. they weren't going for prank phone calls and funny songs in jackass though. if they wanted dicamillo's brand of humor they could have easily gotten together random guys that were just as funny 10x better looking on camera.
His friends and family probably shouldn't do more, and they also shouldn't be giving him shit in public. If I had a friend in the midst of a meltdown I'd just give him a call every once in a while, not "shame" him on social media.
Jesus christ, at this rate does this moron stay in the limelight just because people like watching his life spiral into even more of a shithole?
It would be funny if Dr.Phil rejected him and he killed himself.
he's gotta be doing worse shit than just beer and adderall.
Nope, he even said if he was doing anything heavier they wouldn't have let him board the plane to that comic book convention he went to this weekend. He's literally just being a pussy.
didn't novak say bam was on meth
I live close by to where Bam lives. He posts how he is sober every 1.5 months and then you see him at a bar in West Chester immediately afterwards.
He's probably not on meth.
It's the same vein as people giving birthday shoutouts to their family members on Facebook instead of telling them directly through a phonecall or something. You do it for the attention and social status you can mine out of it. That's the rub.
>we live in a world where both Steveo and Novak are cleaner than Bam
What the fuck happened?
Steve O said Jackass 4 could happen if Bam sorts his shit out.. And Johnny Knoxville is the one who suggests a new movie.
Bams gone. No way he's going to lose the weight etc.
>turned 22 this year
>first time nobody called or posted on my facebook
It sucked that my best friends didn't but I got over that quick, it's so fucking relieving to have nobody care for you.
They should just get Bam's dad to fill the same role
>Bams gone. No way he's going to lose the weight etc.
all he would have to do is start skating and stop drinking and the weight would be gone in a month. not sure the guy really even wants to skate though.
>look at Rabb making moonshine he wont budge
>Dunn's got a little motercycle and he's riding around
>Got a bathtub with some kids in it
>Watch a car ride across a lake
>Watch a rat
>Watch a snake
Nobody wants to skate in 2019. Do you skate anymore? Man I practically lived on my skateboard for more than 15 years but that shit just died.
Just remember you're here forever.
I started posting on Yea Forums when I was 13. I'm 26 now.
You're legitimately here forever.
i dont skate but it seems to be making a comeback. over the last 1-2 years i've been seeing kids out skating again. mostly blacks though.
am I supposed to give a shit?
I started posting in 2009 when I was well underageb&. I was 11/12 at the time and moved here from The Flood. Well aware that I'm here forever
Nah that's because old skater brands are coming into fashion like Supreme, Fila etc. So black kids fake to be skating because it's seen as a status symbol for being "an original supreme wearer and not a poser".
It's a complete farce and has nothing to do with actual skating.
>'reaching out' on Social Media. Fuck this gay world
Steve O tried to take him on a few sober party trips but I don't think he was handling the withdrawals well.
moved here from a french forum in 2010 when I was 12/13, never went back
>Steve-O is clean for years now
>literally turned his life around
>has been the biggest junkie ever
>Bam JUST his life after Ryan is gone
Jesus christ nobody would have expected this in the early 2000s.I honestly feel bad for Bam,that he is crashing his life so fucking hard.
I came from gaia online.
In hindsight this is pretty fucked up
Holy fuck kill yourself.
Came here through the WoW-Forum in 2008 has been an on and off relationship.
I only post on Yea Forums and Yea Forums anymore.Mods/Jannies and lack of OC killed this site,also this Site going mainstream and Moot leaving.
Skating was always unpopular, you were just in the crowd.
New video up on Instagram.
It wasn't their first resort and they're doing it for the sake of people asking them to intervene.
Because he won't answer calls or attend anyone irl, dumbass.
Bam was always the weakest link in Jackass, he could always dish it but never take it.
>prank him with a fake snake
>goes off and pouts for ten minutes while Knoxville breaks his dick or Steve-O puts a fucking fish hook through his cheek
>im showing you what it's like to go through an english language black hole
>transformed into alaskan
>dr. phil gets it
is this how a meth addict sounds like?
this. came here from Conquer Online in 2006. only post on Yea Forums and Yea Forums anymore. The golden age of spee (2010-2012) will never return. the influx of south americans and phoneposters killed any creativity this site had. why are they so shit at memes?
>throws a fucking tantrum while Chris Pontius of all people tells him to get his qct together and stop shitting on his parents
Disgusting. The US is a disgusting degenerate country. I wouldn't care if they just lived in their own filth but they spread their degeneracy to the rest of the world.
Bam is a fucked up retard but Novak does seem like a phony. Everything he says sounds scripted like Henry Rollins.
He is doing meth. Frantz confirmed as well and in one of Bam's recent Instagram rants he yells at Novak for making that info public. Ffs man just look at his teeth.
He said in one post that he's only drinking Gatorade and Powerade, then in the next post admits he's mixing those with vodka lol. One of his videos shows him drinking "just Gatorade" in a glass with ice. So he's mixing speed with alcohol. Smart! Totally not a recipe for the erratic behavior and paranoia we've been seeing.
Losing your best friend can fuck you up pretty bad. Trust me, I know.
they looked alright 2 months ago, what the fuck happened to bam?
Based bunny lifeguard
>what the fuck mom its my fucking money
jesus christ it reads like a skit
>what the fuck mom its my fucking money i can do what i want with it
40 year old man throws tantrum at mother on Instagram
He seems like a complete cunt. Just let him kill himself.
He fucks around with Raab occasionally on Raab's podcast. Other than that I think he's a geologist now.
I always got the feeling that him and Bam were never thay friendly with eachother off screen, looking at how they interacted on the show and movies
>putting on a smile but your eyes scream "when can i get a fucking drink?!"
I know that feel
Johnny won.
>looked alright
Bam looks dead inside on that
They've been calling him. Bam responded by publicly asking them not to and blaming his behavior on their phone calls.
I got the feeling that everyone outside of the CKY gang tolerated Bam on Jackass
These Bam threads are oddly comfy
>Bam went downhill after Dunn died
This is a false narrative spun by Bam. He was spiraling out of control with addiction years before Dunn died. You can see it plain as day if you listened to Radio Bam or listened to the Minghags commentary. Frantz and Novak addressed this in a recent podcast. Bam was a full blown cokehead even before Jackass 2 was made.
Why is he making his own language?
Because he's a 14 year old goth girl trapped in a fat 40 year old man's body
Sure but add your best friend dying on top of that
Never did like this narcissistic cunt. But living like this is just ridiculous
That's what being a millionaire way too young does to you
Anybody found her insta yet? I need me an alinchik gf just like that bald fucker
Lol, I hope he an heros
Is that 17 grand what he made at the comic con?
Isn't Phil skinny after he went on the biggest loser. Phil should just go and fuck bam up. Turn the tables.
Yeah but it's private and she doesn't seem to add people anymore
Whats your favorite Jackass sketch for me its:
bald and bankrupt?
Fuck that slav bitch, she's ruined his channel
Why don't they have escape rooms for addicts where they lock them in and don't let them out until they successfully complete a series of written exams and detox proving that they know what they have to do to get healthy? It's more ethical than letting Bam kill himself.
naw Dunn won
>>putting on a smile but your eyes scream "when can i get a fucking drink?!"
jesus christ this. bam's totally not there in the moment with them. he's somewhere else in his head.
fuck, thanks anyway
Dr. Phil is a life coach, no longer a practicing mental health professional
Steve-O unironically has a 140+ IQ
It sucks to lose your best friend. But, it didn't make Bam's drug addiction worse. It gave him a convenient public cover for a problem that was in progress long before. That's what's fucked up and why I have no sympathy: he's USING Dunn's death to damage control his drug abuse, abuse that had been ongoing for at least a decade prior. Jfc, Dunn was there at Bam's first intervention and was the one who talked him into going to rehab. Dunn dying didn't create or exacerbate this situation. Bam is a sick fuck taking advantage of his friend's death to justify behavior that Dunn tried to help him stop while alive.
kek this fucking guy
Shit depresses me desu, not like I feel a personal connection or anything but it's like most people from that era or complete burnouts or just turning their life around from rock bottom.
Everything youth culture from the 00's is just a mess now.
Okay, stop calling him. If some jackass you'll never meet calls you names for not making enough of a scene later, it's no skin off your nose.
That big titted one from Minsk is public however
It's been a fucking decade. Get over it
I miss those simpler, happier times
is this based???
>bam seemed like one of the less fucked up ones on the show
>now he is JUST
>steve-o was most likely to die
>is now sober, happy and doing much better
It happens time and time again. I just turned 50 and have seen it over and over. Every new youth culture turns to shit when they grow up. This current one is gonna be exciting to see. 30 year old boomers flossing and dabing in the year 2035 fuckink hell.
Bet she's pissed that Bald swapped her for Alina. He's dark triad for sure
kys gay faggot
Dunn checking into rehab like Novak or getting married and having kids would have been the same effect on Bam either way.
CKY movies > Jackass.
CKY was peak SOUL, and BAMs editing style was basically MDE and YouTube before they existed.
Steve-o is having a great life. And I'm happy for him because he's a genuinely nice person
What's funny is bam started binge drinking way before dunn pulled a paul walker and used it as an excuse to further indulge himself in debauchery.
>bam seemed like one of the less fucked up ones on the show
>now he is JUST
He never looked like he enjoyed being on the show
>hating your mommy
she is the only person that will ever love me so I don't think that is v based
No, bashing on your mother is never based, specially since April has put up with so much shit already.
"Suck my tuna can"
t. 40 year old grown man
cKy 5 when?
Bam was always the biggest faggot of the group
Honestly he seems like a spoiled brat and nobody even remembered he was alive until this suicide arc started
Fuck him
hes a fucking pos. Ape is the best mom anyone could have.
>tfw dead mommy
We got in a lot of fights but I'd never swear at her, she did her best.
Brat is the best word for him. He's a 40 year old male version of the Cash Me Outside girl
Phil and her are fucking based
I suddenly have the urge to play Tony Hawk's Underground on ps2!
>Sum 41 and Good Charlotte released new albums that are not even bad
Not everything went to shit
Literally going to be in the Olympics in 2020 so yes, people do skate still.
I know right? Look at this shit.
fucking asshat.
More like Bam Margarita
>that one gag at the end of one of the jackass movies where everyone dies except steve-o
>mfw that might actually happen irl
Dunn did go to rehab, actually, and it worked for him. It's one of the reasons he participated in Bam's first intervention and told him to go to rehab.
Bam ain't as dumb as he looks.
He's kayfabing all the way in my opinion. Any publicity is good publicity these days. His reputation is that of a fucked-up degenerate and he's utilising it to maximum effect to keep himself in the limelight
What about dad? I love my parents more than anything in the whole world.
when my mom dies the shotgun is coming out
Does limelight = money?
so i give him 2 weeks max
Nah, don't do that. I was pretty close but self-pwn is basically surrendering to everyone who wants you dead. Spite is a perfectly good reason to live.
Your mom wouldn't want that. Live on to honour your mom.
>loving you
Who would want to give Bam a show if the only character he can play is Joker Baby?
Dads are cool too, and particularly in this case, look at Phil. Any other father would've beaten the shit out of Bam and dragged him into rehab. Phil is just too pure.
You need to be fucked up to enjoy being in jackass
weak does not equal pure
>Brat is the best word for him. He's a 40 year old male version of the Cash Me Outside girl
cause his parents were pushovers that treated bam like a little prince his entire life.
I never understood the appeal of drugs. You have one brain. You're stuck with it in this life. Why would you want to fuck it up for some momentary bliss?
If you want to bully someone, just fistfight them. If you're not mad enough for physical combat, you're not mad enough.
Sure, kid.
>Bam seemed to be unJUSTing himself a couple of years ago
>Started skating again regularly, lost weight, went soulsearching
>Now he's more JUST that ever
The fuck is his problem?
I feel sorry for you. My dad is as great as my mom.
Christine has internet cucks giving him patreon so he doesn't need his mom
dont overdo it retard and you will be fine, and you don't do drugs and ended up here anyway so you have already lost
it's called cope
chris pontius has always been based
Bam is only a couple of years away from being the age Phil was in the first CKY movie
You're just projecting buddy. You think that everyone here is as big a loser as you are.
I figured I was pretty smart to begin with so losing a few brain cells wouldn't be a big deal and would possibly make me better at getting along with people
you sure are one of them mr.reddit
Nobody here is a winner, least of all you.
You want him to fist fight his mom?
Speed + alcohol is bound to get you fucked up. Doubt he is sleeping that much either.
so this is what autism looks like, fascinating
>be me
>be winner
>be chad
>get turned to bread on the daily
nothin personell
That's not true buddy. You're just a miserable loser that can only cope with being a loser by projecting your loser mindset on other people. You're never going to be successful/happy in life with that mentality buddy. Change your diet, start working out and start working towards some goals buddy.
Who was that faggot with him on the latest episode?
>it's so fucking relieving to have nobody care for you.
Man you successfully put into words what i been feeling ever since i got rid of my friends, its like theres this image, this brand that is your name that you have to constantly maintain but if everyone is away you can be anything you want yet nothing at the same time.
Being alone is the best thing that ever happened to me.
That episode where you can see up her skirt.
>Doubt he is sleeping that much either.
well he's probably doing speed so the booze doesnt put him to sleep.
What would Vito say to Bam in such trying times?
ThisEvery addict had some problem in their life that they never got to resolve.
In Bam's case it's Ryan's death. He never got through it.
I feel every like every addict is always chasing to feel like the way the felt when they were not depressed.
hdjfnxgdk bam fhduehebfifj grow up
Gonna need some evidence
>Every addict had some problem in their life that they never got to resolve.
>In Bam's case it's Ryan's death. He never got through it.
>steve-o's brilliant
Why do you say this?
Hey Bam high five!
that van looks comfy not gonna lie, I wish I had the money to buy a van like like and travel all round just living off savings or royalties
>he fell for the soup
It’s surreal to see Steve-o so lucid and well spoken. It’s like seeing professor Hulk for the first time in Endgame
Who would of fucking guessed Steve-O turned out to be the most mature and sane person out of the Jackass Crew
I know those words but that sentence doesn't make any sense.
fuck this was funny
because he is smart as fuck
Fuck off zoomer
>Jesus christ, at this rate does this moron stay in the limelight just because people like watching his life spiral into even more of a shithole?
Bam is LITERALLY this guy now.
Bunch of people said they tried to help him out but he doesn't/can't handle the help.
I think it's saying the bagel guy (that short guy who freaked out in public) is having a boxing match for some reason, and there will be celeb judges
fuck man this came out 13 years ago, still feels like yesterday
God i wish this was me
>If this wasn't nu-Yea Forums everyone would band together to troll Bam into transgender oblivion
Why even live?
Steveo has let bam stay with him in his house at one point in recent years.
I love seeing kids out carrying a totally unused board as an accessory. I understand accessories, but boards are not small things to carry around just for shits and giggles.
>complains about Yea Forums
>is on Yea Forums
He's really committed to the "becoming Phil" prank.
I miss my dad a lot even though he wasn’t terribly involved in my adult life beyond talking on the phone at least once a month. Mom will be infinitely harder
does Christine do any drugs or alcohol at all?
How do you go from this
arms on this lad
Based on what? He's articulate?
Is Bald the most alpha youtuber? Yes!
No, he's a fucking autistic pussy. His mother is the only one he could blame for his life.
to this
Jackass was a soulful show because they all seemed to care for each other no matter how much they fucked around they were always friends.
Ablashehsgd 15 years old pissing
Age is a hell of a thing, but it’s mostly alcohol that makes him so bloated
booze and meth all day. eat half a pizza at 2am. repeat for 10 years.
Because I say so.
Just look at his Dad and Uncle.
Now THIS is projection.
I like Bam. He had an indoor skaterpark to surprise his parents. crazy! He and phil are good friends now too.
this actually triggered my fetish back in the day unironically
Happier times
eat my ass
A simpler time...
Seems like his post hit a little too close to home for you
>An escape room for addicts
Young or gay which one are you?
It worked so well that he died in a fiery car crash while drunk as fuck
give me the rundown please
Nah just reeks like speaking from experience.
And the cringe damage control begins. Let it all out.
Yes, I know what I typed
pedo uncle an heroes
dunn an heroes by alco
no gf
what important things have you guys learned from being here that long? whats the best redpill you ever seen posted?
fuck he's got a new video up where he's trying to explain the "alphabet" he created for the language he invented.
Chris is based.
>so butt hurt he accuses me of same fagging
el o el
lmao, why does he have to explain it? IT'S SO EAAASYYYY
Based & wildpilled
That takes me back.
>no gf
isn't he married?
Wife wont let him have gf
Callin' from Springfeel
this HH tweet sealed his fucking fate
It didn't last very long. Steve-o said in interviews that he would be drinking between cuts of a show they were shooting together. Without the alchool he would have shakes that would prevent him from doing stunts or challenges.
>damn bam
it's a niche sport but that doesn't mean it's dead. freestyle bmx is even more niche but even they're going to have a spot in the tokyo olympics. you wanna talk about a sport that actually seems to be dying out then talk about paintball.
He said something more along the lines of "we tried time and time again and he just won't listen so I guess he doesn't want help"
me too lmao
He looks like Matty Matheson
he was afraid to fly so he only did shit when they filmed in West Chester
bam will never find peace until he builds the skatepark.
Do you have a link to that podcast?
Pontius' fucking tweet is in this very thread
kinda yeah but I don't think he's bad enough to do it. I yelled at my mom a whole lot over dumb shit but I was never mad enough to hit her. You can't hit your mom.
Never, ever, post any personal info of you or anyone even remotely close to you. I've been doxxed on here for posting a picture of someone else, and was confronted by them irl. It's not worth whatever interenet brownie points you might get.
People might think it's cringe but some of the best redpills have come from Yea Forums, specifically hypercrisis threads. Understanding human morality, as well as storytelling and how memes/ideas spread through time and space, is vital to my life, though it might not be to yours. Just learn how to filter, a lot of shit on here is funny but complete bullshit. A lot of shit on here is useful but gets buried.
Doing some drugs once a month is fine. Doing it every day is what fucking wrecks your brain and body. Some people just dont have the self control
>Just learn how to filter, a lot of shit on here is funny but complete bullshit. A lot of shit on here is useful but gets buried.
People process this threads like reddit posts where they just go through and read whatever has the most (you)'s. I'm glad this site still has chronological posts, otherwise it'd probably be even worse.
Just because a post doesn't get a lot of (you)'s, doesn't mean that people don't read them. Not to mention youtube videos and screencaps make people bandwagon anytime they see a bunch of replies to one post.
Did bam say he'd QUIT in Jackass 3 anyways?
>talking nonsense
>extremely animated
Man, this this clown got a hold of some good shards, I see meth heads spouting this type of bullshit just about every day as they kick their feet and write words in the sky with their fingers. I'll bet anyone $1000 he's on drugs.
>People process this threads like reddit posts where they just go through and read whatever has the most (you)'s.
That's really only an issue on long threads and GETs. If it's under 150 posts, most people will at least scan the length of the thread.
Does anyone have actual links to the comments?
I don't think you can link to Instagram comments.
He smokes weed now and he sometime drinks when he’s around others. He’s a lot more open to it than he used to be.
he will only ever be Springfeel to me
Ah, right. I'll rephrase; does anyone have links to the actual posts where I can find the comments?
lol Bam cheated on every girl he’s been with even the decent Jew girl he married got what he deserved if that’s true
Some things you're sort of aware of but need more detail on:
• Dr. Phil was his nickname, he was never a shrink or medical professional
• At some point he would advertise himself as "board-certified" in psychology, though he wouldn't name the board
• He was a jury consultant, the ones who peer at the jury and say they don't like this guy because he's going to think these things
• Oprah met him on a boat cruise for homosexuals (like she met Dr. Oz)
• He is the original #MeToo, brutally attacking a woman ages ago before becoming famous. It can never be spoken of due to the lawsuit and its disposition.
Got sick of bams shit go watch the making of Minghags the last real thing they did together he was fed the fuck up with Bams drunk antics he won’t even acknowledge Bams existence now
You can go to any post on his Instagram and see people shitting on him.
I want whatever he is on
Isn't his new language that he invented to indict Catholicism, the one he taunts everyone for not being smart enough to comprehend, just a lame substitution cipher?
How long till he starts picking at imaginary meth mites?
I remember him busting up adam corollas set drunk as fuck. hilarious.
check it out. they go into detail that bam was a heavy drinker waaay before dunn died.
dunn was apparently so fed up with bam that he didn´t even appear in Unholy Union except for the wedding itself
I mean the posts where I can find Pontius, Novak, and Steve-O's comments specifically. I also saw some comment from Frantz, but I don't think that was from Insta.
this made me do a spit take
just like boxxy
Don't forget to wash your penis
>Doing some drugs once a month is fine.
No, it isn't. It's addictive.
>shitting on him.
Why do whites talk like niggers now?
Bam plz. Get some help.
Newsflash: all members of Jackass will eventually die. Retard.
>Oh god get me outta here
That appears to be the case. Nobody ever said "Bam" was an intellectual.
idk, I would look up their twitter accounts.
Look, just imagine I said it with a white cadence. I could have phrased it even blacker.
nigger what the absolute fuck are you talking about, that has been 'gamer' tier shit forever now.
/pol/faggots unironically as high on meth as Bam
This user is correct It's terrifying to think about your mother dying but that's life. Find a purpose in life and make her proud user.
I've not kept up with Bam or any of the Jackass crew since the movies but I'm amazed at Bam's dedication to still loving that shit band and their gay little logo.
Just saw a few minutes of the videos. He is on some weird drug. Not very entertaining, more just sad. See these drugged up weirdos stammering on the side of the street in the city all the time
How does this guy even have money anymore
Looks to me like he's going through a psychotic episode. He should get help.
you can tell Bam genuinely cares for Dunn, but I do get that feeling that he is using the death of his friend as a catch all excuse. "fuck off my friend died so I'm a mess" is good for like 2 years, it doesn't work for the better part of a decade.
What the fuck is Bam's obsession with that twinky Finnish singer?
same and i am unsure how i feel. either way my knees cant take it anymore
He did, constantly, every time these threads promise such funny things if I click on a fat faggot's social media. Guess what I get instead.
Ryan Dunn more liek Ryan Done Being Alive LMAO
Yeah it's like the peak of a teenagers emo phase that never ever wore off
They are staging an intervention
It's so freaking obvious
Rehab for opiates.
People have been wanting to get fucked up since the dawn of time, it really says something about the human condition.
Like other anons have said though, addiction is usually a solution to a deeper problem, depression, guilt etc.
Not to be a DUDE DRUGS guy but psychdelics are the way to go
And get off Yea Forums surely
HIM? Such a weird band to be obsessed over.
>mfw Americans actually really do these intervention things and it's not just something on sitcoms
>Doing some drugs once a month is fine
Depends on what drugs there matey
They just lured bam into a reunion to talk about a project, to throw his ass into a facility
Worst thing is, Knoxville is pretty much an alcoholic at this point, too. Just check his interviews during that recreational park movie he did
>He did, constantly
> if I click on a fat faggot's social media. Guess what I get instead.
a fat faggot
Literally all of them. He's an addict and doesn't want to get better
My first exposure to Jackass.
And now we know.
Thanks, user.
>40 years old
Holy mother of cringe
bam looks like he's dreaming about sucking on a whisky bottle
steve-o however, is a peach, god i would love to meet him some day
Did she wind up with a black guy in the end?
this is all a public relations stunt
you are all gullible.
lmfao tmz exclusive
what list are they referring to?
>I think it's saying the bagel guy (that short guy who freaked out in public) is having a boxing match for some reason
I thought midget boxing was banned?
shut up fag no one cares
So, how long til he comits suicide?
Steve-O collabs with him on his Youtube channel but he can't drag him through rehab by his ankles. It's all up to Bam.
>'reaching out' on Social Media. Fuck this gay world
It's the only way to give him to respond after he ignored all their calls
I feel embarrassed just reading this