This damn film...
I watched it before bed, cried a bit, then I dreamed about it and cried in the dream, then I woke up and finished it, cried a bit more.
This damn film...
I watched it before bed, cried a bit, then I dreamed about it and cried in the dream, then I woke up and finished it, cried a bit more.
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Wait, you deliberately turned it off so you could finish it later? Fuck this board is retarded. The movie isn't even two hours
kino in its purest form
That whole monologue scene kills me inside every time
In my Top 5 films, definitely
How did Sam Shepherd write such excellent dialogue?
wenders is a god
an user mentioned 'lucky' last year and i had never heard of it, but it's a really touching send-off for stanton, it's absolutely beautiful
it was also directed by the fat creepy guy who may or may not have been zodiac in zodiac
Couldn’t even finish it lol. Too boring
My uncle showed me this, and many other kinos... He killed himself by jumping off a cliff though.
i cry everytime
I don't know why but I'm still sad Harry's gone, even though he lived to be 92 I wish he were still in movies.
This is probably my fav movie but could you be anymore of a faggot?
lucky was great
>Virgil Texas
He didn't fly so good
what do you think David Lynch and the Zodiac talked about? how do they know each other?
Well joke's kind of on you though since he missed the first time and felt in the fucking safety net... Not the second time though.
nigga you cryin over some arthoe shit
One of the most gorgeously shot movies I've ever seen, I feel like it's underappreciated in that regard.
Robby Müller was brilliant.
Nastassja was my first waifu. Seeing her looking like a cheap blonde in this was the beginning of the end though.
>One of the most gorgeously shot movies I've ever seen
Maybe there's something wrong with me but I kept missing what was being talked about becuase I was enjoying the visuals
I don't blame you. Every shot is beautiful.
This movie and five easy pieces made me feel sad, i like Paris, Texas more tho.
It’s 2 and 1/2 dummy
are all german women this pretty?
>that scene where they watch their videos
can't watch anymore because I know I'll never live this
Best film of all time
(In my humble uninformed opinion)
She's french I think
Check out The American Friend.
I watched the movie after seeing this videoclip from Beach House, best thing I've done lately.
It's a masterpiece, arguably one of the best pieces of cinema ever made. That said, your faggotry is very unkino, almost to the point of ruining the film for the rest of us.
It's a god-tier masterpiece but the fact that you didn't watch it in one sitting is an insult to its artistry
Any more movies with aesthetics like these?
herzog's stroszek
Five Easy Pieces
You telling me you didn't cry during the movie?
C'mon user, you don't have to lie here.