>tfw I already know I'm gonna miss a ton of World Cup games because of work
>tfw instead of watching the games with my friends on Yea Forums, i'll instead be making more money for Mr. Bernstein
Tfw I already know I'm gonna miss a ton of World Cup games because of work
Just quit your job bitch boy
Just stream the game from work, im sure most matches will be on weekends too.
I've already requested all 3 days off and had them approved, sucks to not be white collar I guess.
We're not your friends schizo
I will kill myself before the world cup begins. And it will be the best day of my life.
Already requested vacation from 18nov to 18dec. Then my work closes for the last 12 days of the year and the first week of the following year, fuck yeah.
i feel you bro. i'm in the same boat. I will have to work too an i hate it
just come to Germany and enjoy 450€ for doing absolutely nothing.
Yeah we are. Grow up.
>whining but not doing anything about it
truly the wagie lifestyle
Feels good being self employed and taking off whichever days you want
whatcha doin, Pedro
I'll take England games off, the rest I will watch at my desk or at home. I do about 5 hours work a week lel
We certainly aren't you fucking real life friendless basement dwelling bitch.
Is that a chips sandwich with black pudding and ham
Translating stuff
ill be "wfh" during the world cup
looks like sausage black pudding and bacon
just needs egg to be a propah lunch
yeah we are you pathetic loner frog piece of shit nigger sucker
does one need qualifications for that?
I am interested too; is it from/to english? are you a freelance?
Feels good being unemployed and taking the entire rest of your life off
kill yourself
>he doesn't just watch games at work
>not watching the games on a big screen at work
Getting paid to watch footy is great lads
What business closes on weekends?
that's mr. bernstinho to you OP
how far will that get me in rostock
arent we all NEETS here?
>last time i went outside was in saturday
immensely based
USA plays on Monday, Friday, Tuesday
Canada plays on Wednesday, Sunday, Thursday
>he doesnt have a comfy office job
I have a degree, but there are many people out there translating without one. Having one makes it easier to get your first jobs when mailing cvs though. And yes, I'm a freelance.
nice off topic blogpost loser
what are you translating usually?
Mostly software, but all kinds of stuff really
>His office doesn't put the games on
>His office still isn't working flexibly so you could just be at home shitposting and monitoring emails/slack/whatever for 90 minutes (because no one else will be doing any real work anyway)
Imagine being under the thumb this much
well, maybe I could do something like that in the future as well
knowing three languages decently enough (German, English, Czech) should come in handy
how much do you usually make a month? just about getting by or actually crushing it?
Just quit your job. I did so during last Euros and didn't regret a thing.
>Imagine being under the thumb this much
how many vaccines have you taken
have you considered getting a new job? My life vastly improved since I started working from home
No vaxxpass to go into the office in the UK. US workers been bootyblasted by it. Top kek. Imagine getting jabbed because big corp said you can't wageslave otherwise.
answer his question
>mfw wfh except tuesdays
what happens on tuesdays?
also work from home, supposed to go in to the office once a week, but I will not be doing so if there is sport on to watch
you don't even have friends online by the looks of it. Now leave nobody likes you here
Everyone here is my friend
Can confirm, I am indeed your friend
Are there people out there who dont work from home ever since covid started? Don't tell me you fell for the office meme and got lured back?
Tuesday everyone is expected to go in the office generally, so meetings etc. Sometimes I come on fridays for a cheeky drink and snort/visit some mates in the city afterwards
go in once a month just for a change of scenery and stop off at the pub after work
what the fuck do you need money for anyways?? go live at the beatch and eat coconuts. you literally can't suffer in portugal
Only need to come into the office twice a week and can pick any days so I just come in thursday and Wednesday and work rest from home feels comfy af 2bh I only do actual work for like 2-3hrs
Looks like a breakfast roll to me. Hash browns, sausage, bacon, black pudding.
>everyone on Yea Forums works a cushy office job
>Mbongos gonna embarrass the Dutch in the first game
lmao Jeroen on suicide watch
Just take Thanksgiving week off bro, simple as
if you work in retail then kill yourself already you deserve it
in their fantasies yes
Can you at least discuss the games with coworkers? I'm sorry, friend
nah, gonna be browsing Yea Forums for games and be on WhatsApp with actual mates