I have never seen them save a shot that was going top corner

I have never seen them save a shot that was going top corner

Attached: skysports-alisson-ederson-liverpool_4437203.jpg (1600x900, 237.56K)

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They usually are involved in 1 on 1s due to the way their team plays. A curled top corner shot tends to suggest a defence which sits deep, which neither team has.

Allison has bailed Liverpool out on countless occasions, the 4-0 against Barca being the most notable.

zoomie npc goalkeepers, don't know where they came from and will not remember them in 5 years

What you are describing is called a "good team babby". These keepers are actually fraudulent because they are never challenged. This occurs in the USA too when college quarterbacks play on one of 4ish elite programs with 5 giant motherfuckers in front of him that will all play in the NFL some day. Being a quarterback from Ohio State is an example of this.

Luckily thanks to advanced stats we can now see which goalkeepers are actually good. PSxG/90 reveals that David De Gea is the best goalkeeper in the league, and that Allison is also very good. Ederson is below average, and famed Emiliano Martinez of Argentina is the 2nd WORST keeper in the league. Wow, imagine that, an Argentine GK that's shit. Baffling!

Attached: Screenshot_20220405-092402.jpg (781x1536, 335.88K)

>100% portuguese euro BVLL vs le 56% face

Allison has been saving 1v1s every game this season

Yes, he is the second best GK in the world, only neuer ahead.

Attached: giphy.gif (480x270, 3.51M)

>PSxg/SoT PSxG+/- Mbappe neymar
kys yourself seriously

brazil lost the final because theh played Ederson instead of Alison

De Gea has a lot more saves to make so has more chance to build that number up

this metric adjusts for shot sums and defensive quality and plenty of other things. If United had any other keeper in the league they'd be even worse than they already are, which is amazing to ponder.

Is Alisson Becker German or Jewish?


he's expert on 1v1 and fast reaction demanding shots

Attached: ALISSON SÃO PAULO vs INTERNACIONAL 12.11.14 - Join.webm (800x600, 1.55M)

That's some Buffon shit.

Alisson is greatly underestimated by brazilians desu.


did he became whiter when he went to engurland?

Lmao All the best keepers are German.

I would rather have one of the world's best shot stoppers than a stopper of the world's best shots

Lay off the fucking drink.

In english doc?


He's Brazilian tho

this doesnt take into account stuff like claiming crosses, sweeping, how good the goalie is on the ball and passing etc

but yeah shot stopping de gay is the king right now

I thought Americans were clueless about the difference between nationhood/citizenship and ethnicity/race. My White Brazilian buddies have the same problem. Wew, lad.

Have you seen Becker's brother? Alisson is definitely not 100% ethnic german.

>White Brazilian

That was some weeks or months after messi scored a freekick vs him in the first leg of Barcelona vs Liverpool
I remember that because everyone expected messi to score the same goal but we know he is a pechofrio when plays for argentina

Never claimed otherwise.
They exist.

Genuinely don't think I've ever seen a keeper better at one on ones than him

He hasn't seen the sun for a few years.

>Irish intellectuals


>Surname is Becker
>From a twin in Brazil called Novo Hamburgo

americans don't exist then. There's only irish, germans, italians, africans asians there.

Shhhh, they still dont know what BRASIL is

I love how Americans are way more knowledgeable about football (soccer) than Europeans and South Americans.

>Muh PsxLGBTQ+
Absolutely SOVLLESS statfags

This just remind me that we have the most kino league


Brazil exists as a meaningful entity unto itself in the same way that chaos 'exists'. You are so miscegenated as to be non-descript and beyond definition, identification, or understanding. Your own people are confused as to their identity - e.g., Fat Ronaldo or Gaymar calling themselves brancos.

>inb4 takes one to know one
We are headed to a Brazil-like state of affairs demographically.

>Let any one who doubts the evil of the mixture of races, and is inclined, from a mistaken philanthropy, to break down all barriers between them, visit Brazil.

You can't reduce a sport to statistics (this has been demonstrated in baseball - and the problem of induction, as Hume described it, is certainly a problem for sports statistics), but to dismiss statistics altogether is naive and foolish.

As I recall, many German Brazilians were assaulted or even murdered after >sete a um. I think the Goethe Institut is still banned from Brazil. Correct me if I'm wrong.

These stats are garbage, part of the reason De Gea lets in so many shots is because his distribution is so bad, he kicks it right to the opposing team. There are too many metrics and subleties to use these stats to pick the best goalie, just like clean sheets can't objectively tell you who's best either

>As I recall, many German Brazilians were assaulted or even murdered after >sete a um.
that sounds like some made up bullshit

There were also reports of mass abandonment and killings of German Shepherds, the elevators in many newly-built buildings omitted and mention of a seventh floor, Brazilian military and police units phased out German Shepherds in favor of the Belgian Malinois, several towns founded by German immigrants were renamed, and bomb-threats were levied against the German embassy in Brasilia. I know it was traumatizing but do you really have that much amnesia?

>omitted any* mention
Giselle Buendchen also considered a name-change, the Lutheran Church has faced political persecution, and Playmobil products are no longer imported.


Lol Pickford is ass.

as is Ramsdale.

>football in 2022

Attached: code-matrix.jpg (1774x1024, 361.61K)

Brazilian sun is no joke. Arrascaeta turned into a negrito.

nigger what?

Dont bully him

Don't need stats to tell that Lloris is finished

I said your GK is statistically proven to be pecho frio and stopping a penalty from Penandes and humping the air afterwards is not going to fix that

Based statCHAD

>De Gea
>Best goalkeeper in the league
The absolute state

Well yes he is, shot stopping wise, pretty average all around game tho, especially bad when dealing high crosses



all made up bullshit

Alisson is far better, de gea is just having a good season. Previous to last season de gea was absolute shit for three seasons