>your dad spends £50 a month on watching these alcoholics do kayfabe arguing on Sky Sports Main Event Ultra HD, when he could go watch his local football club
Your dad spends £50 a month on watching these alcoholics do kayfabe arguing on Sky Sports Main Event Ultra HD...
I spend money on sky each month to hear Loddar approach Dementia and i still watch local football matches.
>paying money for sports
what a mark
Or just pay for the internet and watch it online free of charge, so you can switch to Blacked's channel on Pornhub for a cheeky halftime wank
My dad can't figure out how to find and use good streams
£50 a month really isn't that much. Grow up and get a job.
>get a job
tf do you do with your day? You must get bored or obsessed with things that make you miserable?
I play out imaginary scenarios in my head. This morning I was listening to music (danse danse song) and imagining I was in a footie compliation
>tfw me da is a dinnerlady
>grow up and waste money on shit you get for free
consoomer logic
states of yous mate. tell ur da to get a grip
You pay for the convenience and to avoid the embarrassment of scratching around on a free stream site as a grown adult with your friends/gf over you weirdo.
ye da's had a grip of my dick la
I happily spend money on convenience. The ability to just turn my tv on and watch whatever I want rather than searching for decent streams that sometimes vanish halfway through is worth what I spend
My father only watches game of the day on the Big Black Willard 1. He doesn't even bother watching the PL games which are on the free (given you're with Ziggo as 50% of the country is) sports channel here
my dad streams the matches illegally
Oh nvm it's called Match of the Day
but it doesnt save you time
finding a stream takes 5 minutes max if you know what youre doing, lets say you watch 50 matches a year, thats 4 hours a year spent finding streams
if you pay 50 quid a month, so 600 quid a year say you earn 20 quid an hour after tax, thats 30 hours of work
so youre actually losing 26 hours
my dad's only hobby is spending hours every day going through different IPTV services checking them out because he doesn't want to pay for Sky. I think he just has no other way to pass the time and it makes me sad. he will wake up at like 5am and spend a few hours checking IPTV out before everyone else goes up then does the same mid day when everyone is busy
just had a look at ziggo and this is one of the TV package options
you know what's a more fruitful hobby and better way to spend your gibs? drugs
probably doesn't want to spend 20 quid to be surrounded by drugged up racists
It's embarrassing. If you actually have a social life and a decent job and aren't an isolated NEET you too would understand why trawling for illegal streams is pathetic, especially with people around.
>waste 50 dollars on some stupid shit
Cmon, your wasting 600 bucks a year on a shit service.
lmao at this coomsumer shitter shill. im not gonna pay for shit i can get for free, cuck
ITT: poorfags
They're a cable television provider why wouldn't there be sex packages?
The price I would pay to not have to look for streams in front of people is wirth way more than £50 per month. As is the comfort that the stream won't switch off multiple times throughout
imagine being such an insecure fag that you are scared to refresh a stream infront of your """friends""""
t. plastic deano wastes 50 quid having his deano mates round to his newbuild to watch his beloved man u.
im find spending 50 quid on football, for actual football tickets to see my local team with my mates, an actual social event. if youre wasting your hard earned money due to being obsessed how other people see you then thats your own mental problem i cant help you with.
When my dad gets home from Nintendo he usually just watches a couple Hee Haw reruns before he beats mom and me to a pulp
dunno what part of the UK you lads are from where your mates would judge you for NOT wasting money on gary neville. i bet you have iphones too
It's called being an adult. I am not expecting my friends to sit around for a few minutes every time the stream shits the bed. It is fucking juvenile. £600 per year is a completely inconsequential sum of money
>Sky, Virgin Media and BT owning all the TV rights and broadcasting it through obsolete technology you need to have installed in your house and plugged into your TV will die in your lifetime and Sportsflix will become a thing
nobody under 40 gets sky
theres a reason its dying
except it will be £100 a month
boomers gonna boomer
>*£50 a year for every channel you could want, or free when you used to work in a convenience store run by an ethnic minority*
you had Sportsflix 10 years ago and it was called Sky Sports that owned everything
Amazon Prime is already offering some footy matches as a free add-on to being subscribed to its netfix like service. It will outprice current market standards which are catered to boomers who don't understand the value of what they're paying for.
Prime also offers basically all tennis which is pretty based
good dagdig by you
The worst is that some are retarded enough no not just pay 50 for sky, but also even more for bt or amazon or dazn too because they split to sports up to milk the brainlets
imagine being such a poorfag you need to pirate your entertainment.
do you snag candy bars from the local convenience store too?
not the same leaf
people are proud of giving money to shameless organizations who want nothing but the worst for you
just pirate stuff and give the money you would have given to the jews to charity, or a friend
Yeah, candy bars are a smaller offense
Why not?
It's right there.
Old lady at the till won't catch you.
They charge too much for it anyway right?
I don't want to hurt my local convenience store.
I do want to hurt globohomo central.
Simple as.
Fuck off wit' th' prawn sandwiches.
if you could guarantee i could steal my entire weekly grocery shop without getting caught then sure id do it every week. my family needs that money more than the american billionaire that owns asda
oh no, how terrible! how dare they hurl some banter at my heckin' wholesome nguberino :(
>I'm fighting against globohomo
>I still need to consume their product though
The absolute state
Seriously, how does a long-term unemployed autistic white male get a job?
>paying for useless things is good because... it just is ok?
it's quite easy to get a job right now if you're not fussy - especially in the services/hospitality sectors, they're massively understaffed
Are you a NEET?
streams are getting more unreliable
Reckon? I've found it easier and easier to get good streams. HD streams used to be rare and now they're all over.
well you grow up mentally talk outside your front door to any business and ask if they have a job
i guess it depends on what you are looking for, but i've had tons of problems getting streams to even work. especially streams for television channels, maybe it is being interrupted on my ISP's end.