Why are so many people underrating them for the world cup? They're one of the most dangerous teams I think

Why are so many people underrating them for the world cup? They're one of the most dangerous teams I think

Attached: germanysoccer.png (868x1016, 114.29K)

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Nobody actually underrates us, its just cope and banter

They arent being underrated, its the group of death for something

From the outside it may have not been as apparent as to how much Löw negatively affected the team. They just assume that the players have gotten shit.

still can’t decipher that boy kai havertz. he surely has the touch of the world class champion (the germans never had a player with such flair and creativity) but , i don’t know , he seems little incisive when the shit hits the fan.

it's not underrating. since 2014 we got more and more shit. and the reason is more and more nonwhites. this team will never win anything again because its not german anymore.

We kept saying we didn't want to draw them, that's for some reason. Never underestimate ze krauts.

He isnt even the most creative player on the current squad, what are you talking about?

not only outsiders desu
I've seen quite a few Germans talk about how shit >our squad apparently is despite it easily being top 5 material

explain france then ronny

Havertz is an elegant but incomplete player. Great finishing, great touch, great dribbling, great passing - in theory - but he isnt using his strength systematically and hasnt yet learned how to maximize his impact. I think he's low iq but he makes up for it with his off-the-ball movement, his instincts and his clutchness. 8/10.

maybe the real french suck at football. france has nothing to do with germany, retard.

I think many of our German players don't want to play with the mutts and turks.
Their is close to no team cohesion and the most likely answer is that they don't have much in common with each other.
Compare players like Müller and Kimmich to low IQ players like Rüdiger or Sane.
In France even the darkie feel proud to play for France, now name me one non-white player in the German nt that really feels German and is proud of that.

Top kek, >our best striker is fucking Werner.
Reaching the QF would be an achievement

Why do you point at the negroes, who have always identified with Germany when they played for the national team? Boateng was the best defender at WC2014. Blacks never caused any drama about their origins or ethnicity. It's always the arabs who deep-down despise germany, and there were more arabs in the NT at 2014 than there are now. The blacks are just low-iq players, doesnt have anything to do with their relation to Germany. Sané just has an all-around shit personality, Rüdiger always gives it everything for th NT and dominated Depay in the last NT match.
Shit analysis

and who would that be?
you mean low IQ on the pitch or outside? on the pitch he was never low IQ, see this assist for instance. overall, i think the premier league is not for him, he would be better suited for la liga or serie a.

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Werner won the CL last season as a starter. This isnt a video game.

Bernd Schneider had 10 times the touch of someone like Havertz


Rüdiger is a fucking Islamist, just fuck off already.
I wouldn't want to play with someone like that.

I think he's low IQ on the pitch. What you posted is flair and instinct. What i consider IQ in football is how you strategize in using your talents on the pitch. Think of the greatest players, aside from brazilian-like players, and you have always those who started to be able to execute their strengths efficiently and with perfect timing. Havertz doesnt have that at all. When he gets the ball, its likely to look good and he can create chances out of nothing, but he never dominates matches because he isnt systematic. He needs a coach like Mourinho.

nobody give a shit about that tho

Some players like Kimmich for sure don't like that.

Not him but Müller is the most creative

Oh, you mean the glorious striker who didn't score a single relevant goal in the tournament? Fucking Großkreutz had more part in winning the 2014 WC than Werner in that CL run

in 2014 there were three (3) arabs: Mustafi, Khedira, Özil.
that's not more.

only a casual would think this is a group of death. this is not how it works.

that’s more about discipline rather than IQ. distributing your energies, choosing when to slow and when to speed up the game, all those things which (the completely untalented) t. muller did perfectly, that’s something you learn with hard work, training and dedication. some of the things that havertz does, you will never learn them: that’s IQ for me. vision, inventions, passes and spaces nobody else sees.
i think havertz’s lack of incisiveness on many games is due to a more general lack of character , self confidence, courage, and most probably a little bit of laziness.

Werner made the dummy run that opened up the space for Havertz. You cant win a tournament by stats alone. Werner is a great utility player and Germany has various options on how to set up the attack. With Flicks pressing style, Werner can be a lethal player for any team. Just because Werner isnt world class it doesnt automatically follow that we have no chance of winning the cup. Again, just like Chelsea last year. (and countless times with other (NT) teams before)
It's a fact that we have a brillant coach. Another fact i think, is that Germany has a very interesting set of players, the team can be set up in various ways without really losing class. Nonetheless i dont think we will win it. I see it more as a 2010 situation. Hot prospects and exciting football but not yet title worthy.

Didn't Wenz score in the semi lol

Irrelevant as they would have gone through on away goals anyway

We can agree to disagree, but you are dead wrong to call Müller untalented. He's actually a complete player. He also does all the things that Havertz does: Vision, Inventions, Passes and seeing spaces that nobody sees. Havertz is a more elegant but less disciplined Müller.

>the first goal of the semifinals doesn't matter
based retard

> He also does all the things that Havertz does: Vision, Inventions, Passes and seeing spaces
well, let’s agree to disagree user

U wot?
He scored in the SECOND game

Football is not a math formula, I agree. Nonetheless, Germany, Japan and probably Costa Rica are good teams and anything can happen, and as far as I remember, that's the definition of group death.

Oops I slipped up Stevie G style. But still an important goal bud.

they were very sloppy against our shitty ngubu team

Alright, but check this out if you want to learn something. Müller is terribly misjudged by 90% of people.

based retard me,

Not having a striker will go a long way to getting people not to rate a team.

Havertz is a better striker than 36 year old Klose and Fatze False 9 at least

Havertz is as much of a striker as Götze was. You want him on a 10-like position.

Kimmich only cares about winning and players showing effort and as the other Germanon said, Rüdiger always gives his all when playing for the NT

He's also a retard with established locker room drama at every club he's been at, played a big part in Frank losing the dressing room at chelsea, he also has weird outbursts like autistic goose steps randomly during matches

i watched just the first 3, which were 1 long shot for the single striker making the run (too long btw), 1 cross, 1 one-two. then i switched off because i already lnow the player, i watched him many times, 1 time also at the stadium.
by no means i am saying that muller was not good, he was a champion, he won everything, but creativity and assist-making are a whole different thing.

>germany unterhunding as usual

This isn't the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s or 2010s user. Germany are shit now.

Americans love to do this as well

just the first minutes of that video are full of Müller entirely uprooting a situation with his vision. Get out of here, Italianbro. Your eyes are too weak for the game.

Incorrect, we had a shit manager that destroyed the team and held back our power for years. It is no longer the case, if England play Germany in a knockout game in Qatar you'll get memed

Jesus G*rms are such bad posters. All of them. Rangeban this shithole already.

seething nafri.

t. Syrian

Just like in the Euros huh?

Löw was still manager at the euros

disagree, he actually works best when he's in header distance of the goal. if we had good wingers we could just park him in the box and hood crosses to him but we don't (ok Gosens is good).

So is this the group E(xtermination) thread?

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Hes overrated

I just hope "we" go out in the group stage. Fuck that team of mutts.

True dat