World Cup AirCon

Will this even work?

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Let's hope not. People dying on the pitch or in the stands is probably the only way soccer can be entertaining.

it looks like james dyson made them


well they have their own league where a lot of foreigners play, so they have probably already used this technology and made it work

the thing im concerned about is the fans. Will Tango be able to survive the Qatari heat? It doesn't look like any of the aircon is pointing at the stands

I remember these from speedball 2

That picture isn't even real BTW. Those are bidets for Hope Solo's spectator section.

that's why India didn't qualify for Qatar

yes, it will provide heated & humidified air for maximum meme matches


I think this will work, lots of energy used tho.
But its qatar they can afford it.

Tango is going to die m8

>inb4 every player has pneumonia after the group stages

>Will this even work?
Blowing the ball all over the pitch might finally make soccer interesting to watch, yes.

Those are Zyklon-B vents. That stadium better not have wooden doors.
t. delousing pro

hope they pour zyklon b through this shit and we'll finally be done with this semen slurping sport


haha yea and climate change induced heart attacks haha

To me they look like the absolute most basic "da air comes out deese holes" arrangement.

I hope not, I want the equivalent of football death march

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>yes, it will provide heated & humidified air for maximum meme matches

Useful for Indoor Death March.


Let me tell you, it's really not

Attached: 1644276423269.jpg (453x612, 45.87K)

it's already in winter. why do they need those

Attached: 2022-04-05_13-22-39.jpg (635x143, 35.75K)

they will be spraying the next variant/airborne vax, watch out new crisis hit at the beginning of 2023

Those are Multi Ball cannons, gone are the days of 0-0 draws. It's MULTI BALL TIME

thats the average temperature, the highs could still be hot

but eriksen
you survived

honestly wouldn't mind
with all the overpaid soccer homosexuals dead, maybe actually cool sports like handball or ice hockey would become more popular

you mean luge

they need those who games happening during summer. they have football clubs in qatar, this shit isn't made for the WC

it would be really fun if someone put surströmming in the intakes

>24-15 degrees
>"Moderately hot"
Do white people really?
With 20 degrees im already freezing my ass off and I have to wear vest, long sleeve shirt, hoodie and a jacket. My nose even starts to bleed.


Just euros m8. They seriously live on easy mode when it comes to weather and start dying in droves whenever a heat wave comes on.

Eriksen collapsing was the first and only time any of my friends ever came to me about soccer

kek, I wear nothing but a t-shirt when temperature is above 14 degrees

do you get arrested when you go out, or is that allowed in Poland?

I'd say between 20-25 is the ideal temperature. Though it can depend on where you live, if it's dry heat or the humidity is high. High humidity is annoying.

england and italy played in such conditions and nobody died

Ah yes The Qatari penninsula in the Desert of Arabia and the Jungle of Brazil are the same climatic conditions.


what was USA involvement?

Brazil's jungle is actually worse because of the high humidity , This doesn't allow your sweat to evaporate and you get a lot hotter.

money laundering
same as always

Look like huge versions of those directed vents you get on planes and coaches


Not to mention that some of these players this time will have unknown myocarditis

Nah, Europeans are just bitches.
this one is a better version with brazillian comments

they look they belong in an airplane


Wouldn't have been any good for all those migrant workers. They wouldn't know what to do with them.

>It's the USA's fault that FIFA gave the WC to Qatar when they were in direct competition in bidding for this same tournament

you guys live 365/24/7 with aircon on, every store in autralia is refrigerated down to 15°C even in moderate climate areas, stop bragging

t. lived a year down under

>t. fatlards who instatly dies if no air con in car/store/mart

works for you too, fatty

They'll blame this, rather than blaming the vax.

25 is good to relax in
15 is good to work in

25 is only good if its dry heat, but the UK is a humid shithole so anything above 22C feels awful most of the time

this, only faggots need over 15°

They can use solar power it's more cost efficient

That's not even hot. This whole time people (idiots) have been saying how it'll be 40°c