
Fuck cityfags

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This Bally sport channel is gay as fuck. I miss comfy fox sports west.


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Give back the welfare and seethe more

Why can't the US be more like Canada, not an overpopulated shithole with over 100 million "people"?

At what population is it considered a city? I’m not looking for some faggy scientific answer. I want your opinion.

whos winning the stanley cup?



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I miss KCAL 9

My kingies

Tim Brady

t. poor nigger

Take me back.....

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Right here was the best place I have gone to to see the stars. Go figure.
Alberta actually sucks cause the rural areas are actually extremely populated. Montana / Wyoming is where you wanna go when you wanna see the REAL shit.

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Excellent answer.

Just wait for Californians to ruin it

t. future montanan

None of you have even seen a total solar eclipse so shut the fuck up.
I saw the 2017 eclipse in Idaho. I've seen the northern lights in Alaska. Lick my california native asshole.

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>seen the northern lights in Alaska


thats an every other night thing for me

Going to the game vs the soft pussies tonight

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>None of you have even seen a total solar eclipse
yes I have
2017 at Wayah Bald

Shut the fuck up, reddit spacing bitch.

>godless atheist numale cityfags will never marvel at the night sky while feeling the overwhelming love and power of Christ

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>calgary bringing LA the most exciting hockey game of the year for them

You're welcome LA frens. Hope you enjoyed.

Thanks lad, here's to a exciting last minute and maybe OT

The country has way too many people
The entire East half is polluted
Imagine how nice the country would be if it wasn't importing millions of Irish and Italians in the 19th century for muh GDP

You're not even a Christian, you are a larper




>any format

I feel like

b u d


das it mane
gg flames

I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts that is all

What are you guys gonna watch next? I'm gonna watch See.

I’m sorry sweeties but my kingies will make the playoffs and will be the road kings once again. Be warned.

>kings lose to flames

yeah my wife anzu is not pleased

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Finna abouta keep playing fallout and drink vodka.

What does this flames victory mean for my islanders playoff hopes?

>cry for help
Christ will welcome you any time my friend

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But I already did

This nhl66 stream is the best bootleg stream ive ever watched in my life

You didn't. Stop lying.

>nothing but boredom as far as the eye can see
still better than the city desu

literally nothing

yep i never use anything else

This, wish they did Ufc too

Who's this blonde chick and what happened to Alex Whatshername?

You done your communion?

why hasnt stone cold ever given gary a stunner before?

goodnight everyone have to wake up early to catch the bus to work tomorrow

Gary has never been on wwe before


I don't disagree with the bible's values but real Christianity is long dead. In this "Christian" nation, why are women permitted to have leadership over men? Why aren't the whores stoned to death? Why are the fags running wild? Why hasn't the pope been killed for blasphemy? Have you ever had pre-marital sex? Why is abortion legal? Americans abandoned god for liberalism. Americans ignored the scriptures they did not want to follow. Americans abandoned god for convenience. It's impossible to take any "man of god" serious while thoroughly desecrating the good book and everything it stands for. You could call me a fundamentalist.

alex curry has her own show now on fox sports.

No. I am not a practicing christian, I don't partake in the ritual stuff and never have.

One day Christ found me and I have gone with the flow of his grace ever since. The ritual stuff is not a required thing I gotta do because of reasons.

I see.

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what kind of sick fuck makes people suffer just so they could possibly enjoy a better after life?

laffs or kitties tomorrow night? might bet 500

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Kitties are only good when they play shit teams

Lets go Flames. Canada hasnt had the Stanley since Bush Sr. was in office. I dont hate it

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