ITT: gunslinger kino

ITT: gunslinger kino

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Bump of coke

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I don't have much to add besides the obvious, but I hate how the gunslinger style of film died for the boring action hero style. Gunslingers are like swordsman with a fedora tipping panache to them, people running around trying to act tacticool is lame.

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is this actually good?\

I enjoy.

Val got anything new coming up? Really liked him in Willow.

think he's dying.


Is tuberculosis really this aesthetic?

Dermot Mulroney or Dylan McDermitt

That's normal innit

been watching a lot of this after seeing OUATIH and getting the itch to watch classic western shows. all five seasons on youtube. it's fun seeing veteran actors real young like dennis hopper, robert vaughn, and warren oates show up as guest stars.

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this movie is so good.

A Simple Plan just starting

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were in the spirit world asshole they caint see us


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Pretty much any Clint Eastwood movie qualifies. What is the definitive Eastwood gun kino, Yea Forums ?

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Paladin is the man

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so no one's gonna mention it?

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Maverick with Mel Gibson

I'd watch this with my girlfriend's grandpa when he had dementia, was beautiful times

That's right. I've killed women and children. I've killed just about everything that walks or crawled at one time or another. And I'm here to kill you, Little Bill, for what you did to Ned.

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3:10 to Yuma, the one with bale