Holy fucking BASED

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What does he even do now?

why is he defending white nationalists?

Is he autistic


Neil "Your Son Got Shot? Don't Really Care A Lot" Tyson
Neil "Gun Crime? Not Worth My Time" Tyson
Neil "Gun Control? Shut Your Hole" Tyson
Neil "Ban Cars Before ARs" Tyson
Neil "Gunned Down In A Walmart? Fuck Off Bleeding Heart" Tyson
Neil "Guns Bother You? Wait Till You Hear About The Flu" Tyson

uh, tone deaf much?

lmao reddit is probably seething at this

based and redpilled

he gives 0 fucks ever since they tried to metoo him

He's right tho

Reminder that the dayton shooter was a leftist

She has a white male soul

This is misleading because he left out gang violence from the mass shootings statistic. If you add them in then the numbers are much higher, but for some reason people think it "doesn't count" if a gang members shoots a bunch of people.

Gang members tend to shoot each other so who cares.

Who cares? We should be focusing on helping the victims instead of caring about the political beliefs of the monster that shot them.

>didn't even get ratio'd
It's a brave new world, lads.

left, right, doesn't matter
all white males must be purged

He always does shit like this, just normally with shit with movies and being pedantic, I don't see the issue.

Media is probably going to hammer him for this, and it's dumb that they are.

hes unironically right


He just looks at the data and the context of that data.
It's what everyone should do.

What the hell are you trying to say you absolute nutjob? Why should we give the shooters attention and infamy? That just ends up making more people want to commit shootings because they want the infamy too.

Reporting on the identity and beliefs of the shooter isn't just wrong, it's straight up dangerous. And it's being done by /pol/tards in this case purely to score political points and own the libs.

>the data and the context of that data
That's what 99% of redpills are.

you fucking white supremacist

>medical errors
thats a funny way to spell female doctors

>And it's being done by /pol/tards in this case purely to score political points and own the libs.
Literally hours after libshits had "white supremacist terrorism" trending all day and the goddamn democrat candidates all jacked off on live tv about how trump caused the shooting. kys faggot

That's a pretty funny observation

Facts and data are racist tool of the right wing, donchaknow

They are well Twitter is and it’s the same shit

>That's what 99% of redpills are.
imagine actually believing this

>dead amerimutts


Huh? One of the shooters was an antifa leftist. Didn't you know this?

Right wing tends to ignore context with their data and twists it for their agenda. Left wing will toss out data and facts if it affect their emotions.

Need some nonbiased people to make sense of this, and not people devoted to a team "winning".

Imagine thinking statistics are racist

Holy fucking based

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Yeah we do tend to ignore "context" like WE BLAKZ WUZ OPRESSED AND SHEIT

despite being only 13% of the population...

It's always nice to hear a voice of reason speak up.

He's right tho. I'm actually right in the middle of reading a study on how minimum wage laws actually disaffect poor and lower skilled workers more than benefit them. Everytime I actually dig into leftist/socialist claims they're usually wrong.

Ima shoot that coon!

explain how a gangbanger shooting several rival gang members isn't contextually different than some incel shooting up random people in a public area

>Neil "Guns Bother You? Wait Till You Hear About The Flu" Tyson

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What has to happen in someone's life for them to care about the wellbeing of a race not their own?

what the fuck why is he a member of the alt right now???

Holy fucking based

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It is a shame Tyson got cancelled because even though he is an annoying cunt, he actually was right most of the time (and is right about this). Also sucks because he was one of the few good black role models, someone famous for something other than being an entertainer (although he was that as well).

He's white, DUH

He's just turning into Sprudo.

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Yeah but if its your family member who was shot then you don't care as much

thanks for backing up my point

I guess he's truly falling into irrelevance to start resorting to shit like this.

you aight black science man

user "no one gives a fuck that you're seething" cuckboy

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Exactly, and white people are doing most of these but guess what blacks are killing the same amount over longer in Chicago and Latins are killing as a sport in Mexico, so how can you say white people are all bad?

We need to mourn these victims but lets not elevate these horrific deeds to be like 9/11s.

>lacks empathy and always has to be the "correct one" in any room
>does this for years
>gets lashed out at for doing the exact same thing he's always done
this is a dumb thing to get mad at now.

Gang violence isn’t the same as a mass shooting, even if a lot of people get shot (which doesn’t always happen with gang violence).

Blacks actually have the most mass shooters per capita according to FBI statistics. It quantifies a mass shooting as 4 or more victims. I'm guessing drive bys over scuffed nikes are a lot more common than school shootings.

absolutely based lad. can't wait to see the succdems, trannies, degenerate idpol fucks, and all the other scum infesting leftist communities squirm over this after they smugly assumed he was a neo-nazi

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damn fuck mass shootings we have to ban traffic and eliminate all disease
thanks black bill nye

Weren't the fatalities minorities?
Who cares


Technically this IS white nationalist terrorism BUT its actually arguable if its what we need. If you can find a great deal of people who hate your race (i.e. the reaction to Tarantino's movie like saying white men shouldn't be in the movie, or 1960s was when white men rules but 2020 they will be wiped out) AND you see Democrats advocating for open borders, instant citizenship, and cross the border and get voting rights... then you can see where some people would feel like they had to do something to save their race or their country.

This. Statistically speaking, mass shootings are a nonissue, and there’s definitely more pressing concerns. Also, caring about mass shootings and giving them so much coverage just leads to more mass shootings. If people took a level headed, rational take on mass shootings, they’d happen even less than they already do. Won’t ever happen because politicians use them to gain political power. Ultimately, anti-gun politicians and the press are to blame for mass shootings, as well as thr public at large for falling for this shit time and time again.

They were Americans, weren't they?
Americans care.
Some are just lashing out emotionally in the wrong way with calls for gun bans.

>250 die in the USA every day because of nurses and doctors

The absolute state of Muttland.

cringe reddit

why not just make murder illegal so people can't do it

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he mad

Ever think the reason why mass shootings are becomong more prominent is entirely due to the media's obsessive need for the next big headline? That all this nationwide attention only adds fuel to the fire, giving the mass shooter the motivation to go forward? This happens all the time and like clockwork the reporters pick apart whatever remaining manifesto( usually poorly thought out scribblings) he leaves behind.

I find that incredibly hard to believe. I can't even remember the last time I heard of a black mass shooter.

I guess that guy that sniped a bunch of cops? But that was like five years ago whereas there's white mass shootings on a fairly regular basis.

>terrorism is justified because of SJWs and immigrants
so this is the power of /pol/...

Then we wouldn't have any meat.

I legit thought this was an edit

What a fucking retard, guess his career was dying anyway.

thats actually pretty based, coming from Neil Degrasse Tyson.

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autists are based they have no filter

Like I said - it's defined as 4 or more victims by one perpetrator, which happens all the time in Chiraq. The media doesn't cover it tho because it's racist to call gangbangers violent.

Guy has always been socially inept and unable to read a room.
He's 100% right, but as he's sorta pointing out, people run more off of emotion. If he had any social awareness, he would know this would be terrible for him PR wise.

Alright I can buy that maybe the liberal media doesn't want to talk about that, but why would that mean everyone else has to be silent too? Wouldn't right wingers be spreading that shit everywhere if it were true?

If it is true then I don't see ANYONE reporting it on either side.

Every weekend in Chicago during the summer there is a new shooting where 4+ people are killed. Mass Shootings don't have to be politically motivated to be classified as Mass Shootings, the media just covers those ones because they're not happening regularly.

I've thought that but it doesn't entirely make sense to me. It's more complex than that but I'm not smart enough or informed enough to see the entire picture right now

gang violence isn't the same thing as opening fire on a walmart

>it's another twitter post thread

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No one cares when black people get killed.

Television news media is entertainment not informative. They're not going to get viewers or further their narrative by talking about gang banging tragedy of the week number 27, local news papers report on these things all the time.

they do its just they are constantly called bigots for pointing it out.

Do you care?

Go away, greenegro

I've never been more confused in my life. I never expected this level of god tier trolling by him. I have a newfound respect for him.

Gang violence is non native populations living in the USA, an Anglo Protestant country. Niggers and spics are not compatible with civilization.

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The strange thing is that the media seems to notice this sometimes but only briefly. During the Colorado shooting they focused on the victims and refused to give attention to the shooters or their political beliefs, the way it should be, but it looks like they've forgotten this lesson and have went straight back to focusing on the shooters after this El Paso shooting.

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Yeah, I think it sucks when Americans are killed, especially kids

Right, so it shouldn't come as a shock when mass shootings from white incel rejects become news

When did mass shootings became americana like baseball and apple pie?

Blacks aren't American. You know it

My nurse is who found the medication I took that put my cancer into remission. I was the youngest case they'd seen and my doctor didn't know how to treat me. Nornal chemo wasn't something he wanted to do.

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Black lives matter user

It fits the racist white people / this is Trump's fault angle. Random crazy people don't.

>During the Colorado shooting they focused on the victims and refused to give attention to the shooters or their political beliefs

I'd like to think they were trying to do the right thing but realistically it was almost certainly because it was two leftists, one of which was transgender. Doesn't really benefit their narrative if they had focused on the shooters in that case.

who really even is in the first place.

Neither are some whites, apparently

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why does united states have more than double road deaths per capita than australia?

>whites are 10x more likely to be killed by blacks than the opposite
>innocent ppl aren't killed as a result of gang violence
Well, at least you tried.

In gang shooting you assume the shooter was a criminal and he would had gotten the gun be it legally or illegally.
In school shooting it could had been prevented if the law abiding citizen couldnt get guns.

You are right but the left is already using these incidents to blame Trump.

It's all premeditated. Some of these shooters are pushed over the ledge they were teetering on; other given a get-out-of-despair-free card: an exile from their shit existence - money, whores and drugs all ensconced beneath a wall of silence they promise to their Handlers once their DEED is done.

But, like always there are those who do the Elite's bidding without the spurring on - those who get high off of what the Others did before them; laying down their meager lives and picking up the gun, because someone else already has.

Look at: Joe Cox.

Weather differences I'd imagine account for a lot and it's easier to get a motorcycle license

Isn't there a certain threshold where violence is the only option? You guys complain that we never actually do anything, but hey...

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sorry sweaty. go back to your /pol/ echo chamber. they were both white nationalists

Based and Levelheaded. I guess Neil doesn't have to follow his usual script anymore. Imagine what this tweet will do to Reddit.
>oh no Neil

Trump's been talking about it or YEARS.

The race that conquered the land and built cities on it

>Leftist cuck
>Shoot a bar where people are already drunk and in the dark. Only 10 kills and kills himself.
>Alt right Chad
>Shoots a walmart in the middle of the day, in Texas where a lot of people conceal carry; kills 20+ and lives.

>both were white nationalists
Are you trolling or did you not see this?

>niggers caught in crossfire

None of those other stats are murder tho


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If we're going to ignore racial differences in mass shootings then what's the point of even talking about them in the first place?

The ones born in America are American. It's why the ending of Black Panther sucks. It makes an American issue into an "other" issue, like they aren't Americans.



>if I dont hear about something that means it never happened


I think he's putting volume in context. And he's right. As terrible as the shootings are, quantitive methodology would define them as "statistically insignificant".

>filled with more shills and astroturfers than legitimate users
>echo chamber
we're proud of you for recently venturing out of your own

Well no, but you'd think if these black mass shooters were really so common then I'd have at least heard of some of them.

He's 100% correct.

People love their chance to get on a soapbox and virtue signal so this autistic take will be retweeted to death

leftists always count the gang shootings as mass shootings when trying to make it sound like mass shootings happen all the time
then they leave them out when it comes to who is doing the shootings

It's a standard skeptic trope to point out society gets bent out of shape for small things then skates along over the large things.

It's been pointed out the US has spent trillions on war because 3000 people died, where a fraction of that dumped into more research would have saved a thousand times more.

Welcome to American media in 2019. Enjoy your stay.

He clearly was a chud. He killed black people mostly. If you look at his Twitter it's suspiciously like what /pol/s idea of a leftist would be, literally retweeting accounts names "antifa" he/his prnoins etc.

He planned this, he killed his sister and her boyfriend (the only non blacks he killed) he set his Twitter to look like a leftists.

new show:
Tyson Ruins Everything

>Politicizing a fucking mass shooting like some pissing contest
No wonder America is fucked

>all these mental gymnastics
>he's not a leftist because I say so!


>Neil "Gunned Down In A Walmart? Fuck Off Bleeding Heart" Tyson

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I didn't start your particular conversation, just pointing out your incorrect statement
No, they're no more "American" than a bastard is a trueborn son

He only killed blacks, apart from his sister and her boyfriend. He was a racist incel cuck, his Twitter is either fake or he is trolling from beyond the grave