Can this fight ever be topped?

Can this fight ever be topped?

Attached: spider-man.jpg (730x300, 33K)

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>big epic fight in open area descends into gritty man-to-man brawl
based fight scene trope
post others

Attached: jlu femdom.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

Already was.


Nope. it's amazing.

Get this faggot shit out of here

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Too bad its the only good fight in the movie

What a piece of dogshit. Modern Marvel's fight quality has never been that great but this one is really terrible. Cake goes to Raimi anyday.

>The entire fucking comment section

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Nope. Black Panther is superior in every way. Soundtrack, lighting, intensity. That goofy ass Goblin costume is enough to disqualify Spider-man 2002 from any superhero discussion.

Fuck no
>Soundtrack is shit
>Sound effects are shit
>Cutting to a different shot every second
>Acting is over the top
It's shit

Based trips of truth.

I remember I had a toy set of the goblin and the brick wall
of all the merchandise they and my parents decided I simply must have a brick wall to play with

this one here

god i fucking love this movie. willem dafoe's marvel villain is still the best


>complaining about anything being over the top


probably not but I still think it gets an asterisk because without the 7 minute rape scene earlier in the film the final scene of peter castrating GG really loses its potency

>Realizing now that whatever Spiderman gets empaled or not, Green meany still would have died.
Was dying part of his plan all along?

MCUcks on suicide watch

N-no it was the goblin!

Yeah Raimi's movies are over the top but they knew when to be serious like the scene in the OP.

So serious

A joke before the main villain dies.

yeah his son and spiderman BFF did turn agaisnt him after all

Man I used to watch this on fucking repeat when I was younger.
And then there was that fucking nickleback song in the credits that I loved at the time.
Raimi Spiderman >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Holland Spiderman.
Only thing I liked about homecoming was the part where he lifts the building off of himself, kind of tapped into the spidey kino I was hoping for

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wow, this is truly epic filmmaking.

What joke? Do you mean the "Don't tell harry" thing? It's 10 times better then "Is this your king" and "the black panther who's about to lead you into the future"

him saying "oh". it's done for comedic effect.

it was topped by Doc Ock on the train


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It's no better then the girls reactions to T'Challa getting beat up and thrown off a cliff

>Horrible cgi all throughout the scene.
>no spider sense
>location blatantly looks modeled instead of being a real life setting.
>random sound effects that make no sense and are campy.
>action isn't even intense.
This doesn't come close to any of the mcu's final fight scenes. Was good at the time though.

Even the fact that he cant avoid the bomb in the first part is brutal. Every landing is painful, I feel sorry for Peter.

It's obviously much worse.

why cant DC translate their kino animation into a decent live-action?

You aren't even trying.

>whack out of sync bongo drums to go with fighting
>spear chuckers fighting
>spear thrusts nowhere near them
>they get cut everytime
not only that but when the purple nigga walked in it was so forced and rushed
>no don't kill him, i killed your dad
>no reflection, inner thought, just says ok
>niggers take this movie as humanity's magnum opus

>Spider-Man doesn't quip enough
>It isn't funny enough
Is there a gayer complaint?

How the hell does this compare to say the final scene in far from home which has spider-man doing 4x the action as well as delivering on an emotional ending? If op was genuine in asking has it been topped, the answer is yes because modern marvel movies do a much better job of displaying the superheroes abilities compared to this, which looks like a tv budget fight by today standards.

Gay or whatever, it's obviously a valid complaint.


Because Spider-Man quips.

Spider Man is THE quipping super heroes


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I honestly don't know if that's the actual movie footage because it looks like actual dogshit. Everything is zoomed in to hell, you can't tell what is going on.

>so you came back to die with your city
>no, I came back for you

Should've posted the fight with iron man vs captain america in the civil war movie, because that is actually good

Blade vs Nomak.

jesus this is so bad, ive even seen better choreography in power rangers

>music whack

lol only you, a contrarian fag believe this

>killmonger needs inner reflection

Nope. He's already had his mind made up on what he was going to do. The movie is simple enough for children to understand and it went over your head. Amazing.

>can't follow this simple scene

brainlet alert

>not Reinhardt


Artistic freedom. WB's execs don't care that much about the animated stuff so they are free to do what they want. When it comes to live action, WB's execs put their filthy claws on everything, take dumb choices and ruin it

Why did gob stand up at the end? Even if he hit spiderman it would have impaled him too.