What movies have had a smash mouth song in the soundtrack?

What movies have had a smash mouth song in the soundtrack?

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Rat Race

Shrek 1



Huh, Tyson actually saying something not dumb.

Jesus Christ, fuck this sort of """"scientist"""".

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What's Neil's point

What happened to black science man's rape accusations?

I hope based Tyson doesn't give in, he's right no matter how much screeching celebrities do

Did he apologize?

Why don't we ban cars?

That Americans need to lose weight in order to not die as fast as they shoot each other.

Are you on the side of facts and science or the side of fuck off and reactionaries?

someBODY once told me that facts don't care about your feelings

Rent free

Cat In The Hat


They were thrown out

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This Neill dude is actually pretty based to be honest.

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Only one who needs to apologize is Smashmouth. Tyson was right.

kek based

Read the last sentence of his post

Very cool

I mean, he's not WRONG

mass shootings are only a big deal because of the spectacle of them. Practically they're dwarfed by heart disease, liver disease, mental health issues etc

If one person causes a car pile up and 5 or so people die, that is absolutely not national news. If one person shoots and kills 5 people, that IS national news


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>Be American
>indian doctor cuts your penis off
>you live as woman now
>father is 909% black so you are mutt
>get shot by liberal extremist
>Heavens rejects
>spend eternity in hell

>Practically they're dwarfed by heart disease, liver disease, mental health issues etc

Society focuses more on shootings in comparison to other, deadlier problems. Low impact, high visibility vs High impact, low visibility.

>believes in heaven
you're just a shitposting ameritard, you can't fool us

It's only made a huge deal due to the left's mission of gun control/ban.

You could stand in any Walmart and your odds of being killing by an incel are lower than your odds of being struck by lightning while winning the lottery.

never understood the hate towards reddit science man but his take here is retarded

everything he listed is something you can find in every fucking country where as mass school shootings represent a cultural problem unique to america and only america
is that not worth talking about?

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>the left's mission of gun control/ban.
lmao you fucking retard, Trump was just on the news saying much more needs to be done with gun control and will be looking into it.

wow smash mouth is even more cringe than black science man

based N(RA)DT coming out as a 2A advocate

That and the leftist media knows about the copycat effect. They know when they make a big deal about a shooting that copycats will happen. They do this deliberately to cause more death. It's their agenda to push gun control.


>Often our emotions respond more to spectacle than to data.

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This is actually verified truth.

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I don't understand, is he just saying people shouldn't be upset because it's just another way to die?
Is he just literally saying that the numbers don't matter, its the method, if so, why? Did someone say the opposite?

Is he implying we should focus on lowering the other methods?

Seems like a stupid comment to make considering the timing, is he just looking for woke points?

And then he'll do nothing. Just like he always does.

shut up faglord

It's still a very minor problem that barely affects anyone statistically. People being murdered by Islam is a bigger problem globally and in Europe. Yet no one wants to talk about Islam control.

some shootings. Gang and/or inner city gun violence is largely ignored for racial reasons.


Mass shooting are a tragedy, but taking away guns isn’t the solution

WTF I love guns now!

Yes he will, he banned bumpstocks after Vegas

Reminder Trump has already done more for gun control than Obama ever did.

Trump is and has always been a leftist who conned a bunch of hicks into thinking that he hated brown people and hillary just as much as they did.

>let me use science to show how it didn't happen

Uh no sweetie

Holy shit, medical conditions and accidents don't make national news whilst people shooting people going about their day to day does? Who would've guessed?

>Trump is actually a leftist
thats a whole new level of COPE

This. You can't explain why CNN and other news channels have been told repeatedly how to stop copycats yet they keep doing the exact opposite. The only explanation is that they do it deliberately. Because they know full well how to stop it and they refuse to. What do they stand to gain by continuing the carnage?

>Trump is and has always been a leftist
found the retard

based retard

>black science man is in the right for once

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>scientifically proven fraud

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He's basically btfoing libtards who say we have a white supremacist problem.

wtf Neil deGrasse Tyson is a chud now?


let's meme this


He didn't make a point he's just pointing a fact out.

based papa roach

Ehh,if they're gonna use 12 or 17 years worth of data for the left three charts they should use a similar amount for the causes of death chart

Though I don't think that changes the amounts much anyway

That people are spectacle junkies and don't care otherwise.

>people kicking and screaming about gun control
>trump bans MSM reporting on mass shootings and domestic terrorists
>shootings suddenly stop

Holy kek

we do. unironically. shootings are just the manifestation of the evil white supremacist rhetoric that as been taking over America since Trump was elected. These will continue until Trump is out of office and the country can begin to heal

Anyone remember the train crash Obama did that almost killed half of the republican party?

If people actually cared about saving lives they'd tackle what neil listed with the same fervent aggression they show whenever a shooting happens.
Though those aren't as black & white political topics, so virue signalling on twitter and getting likes/follows is far easier and rewarding, so who cares lmao.

How long until Neil deletes the tweet and apologizes?

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>left three charts

If genuine, this user is so hopelessly incapable of reason that not even killing xirself could make whole those who have witnessed this floundering

You can be in walmart and die of a heart attack.

Then explain the rise of white supremacist violence when Bill Clinton was in office.

gb2 reddot

the issues with islam have nothing to do with the issues of school shootings in america

when did i say that in my post

White supremacist violence is a meme.

Incomprhensibly retardeed analogies: the post

you are literally retarded bro

take it easy with the transphobia friend

A fence sitting bitchboy position.

"Well according to the data, the home grown terror group within our nation is only killing 30 people a week while falling down the stairs kills 40! Clearly we should do nothing about the terrorists because they kill less people!"

He's a fucking idiot

>when did i say that in my post
you implyed it

What happen if I removed all veins, arteries, & capillaries from mybody and laid them end to end?

He is a fucking retard. And I can't believe so many ameritards thinks at this board that he has a point. Things in that list can not be controlled in a country with 300m pop. But you can control mass shootings at least to a degree by banning guns. And why do people think that what he says about outside of science matters? He is a sciencist, other than that he is a normal citizen.

based neil

>uh actually cancer kills far more people, so it's not logical for you to do anything about this
me, as I stab you


the wise magical negroe is getting ratio'd

This, ban assault knives.

We should ban male niggers since despite being 6% of the population they commit 50% of all violent crimes right?

*shoots you*
get dabbed on commie

youd die

People only care about whatever the media tell them to care about.

we should ban males, period. Since they commit 90% of all violent crimes

Why not ban the people who are disproportionately responsible for murder?

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>500 to Medical Errors

The absolute state of American medical practitioners

>t. Neil's writers
You can't make a point either, huh?
Listen up kids, logos alone isn't valid rhetoric. I'll sit tight whilst you Google those words.

only males are capable of greatness; in good and evil


Is Black Science Man™ advocating for mass shooting in medical conventions?

have sex before you shoot up a mall

I have a gun and you don't, which makes my opinion right and yours wrong. Please let me know when you have a larger gun and can win the debate.

Is this nigger serious with these utterly retarded comparisons?

American """scientists"""

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we need to ban death

Not the guy you're replying to, but Trump was actually a Democrat for most of his life.

There's even an old interview where he says so.

Sorry, dilate beats have sex

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>libertarian intellectuals


Neil deGRasse Tyson has autism, so I don't think it's appropriate to tell him to fuck off when he says something embarrassing like this.


>home grown terror group

you mean vigilante nihilist incels who use politics to justify their murder suicide spree?

Whether you like it or not, I don't think our guns are going anywhere any time soon, folks.

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>be illegal
>sneak in to amerishart
>shopping in shartmart
>get shot
>can't go to hospital cause get deported

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Friendly reminder that gun control doesn't work
t. Ausfag

/k/ should be removed

That handgun deaths are hyped by the media for political considerations, not because they represent a serious danger to the American people. Banning cars would save far, far, far more people.

government sponsored murder of millions that takes away civilian guns is much preferred to the occasional incel shooting spree that kills a few dozen

>represent a cultural problem unique to america and only america

yes because the world is only america and europe


White incels are as legitimate a threat as ISIS. Posting on /pol/ or /r9k/ means you're a terrorist and you should be hauled off to Gitmo and imprisoned. And yes, I unironically believe this.

How many JDAMs do civilians own?
Oh that’s right. NONE.
Fuck your guns. We’re taking them.

>Australia’s firearm homicide rate dropped by about 42 percent in the seven years after the law passed, and its firearm suicide rate fell by 57 percent, according to a review of the evidence by Harvard researchers.



Please, this 'white supremacism' is rising because Democrats shill for sanctuary cities, child drag queens, black crime to be ignored and endless immigration.
Trump is a symptom, not a cause. The cause is Democrat policies.

>the drop in homicides wasn’t statistically significant because Australia already had a pretty low number of murders. But the drop in suicides most definitely was — and the results are striking.


As someone who literally lives here, that's bullshit. It didn't stop shootings and now as a result, only criminals have guns and we can't defend ourselves.

>and that's a good thing

wouldn't really call that striking at all

>less people killed by guns
>still same amount of people killed...just not by guns

>less people shot themselves
>abbos just huffed gas fumes instead

>Weak dumbasses perpetrate "tragedy"
>Entire race gets blamed for it

So this is how niggers feel every waking moment uh?

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That there's lots of bad things happening all the time, but we amplify and focus on things like mass shootings because it's easier to get emotional over them vs. all the other bad stuff that is just silently happening in the background.

As someone who also lives in Australia, you are full of shit

I'd be more for gun reform if it focused on handguns, aka the cheapest, most violent weapon we as a society have. Instead we focus on the rifle which has far less kills.

if you want to know why spectacles and emotional crimes are covered more, there's only one fact you need to know: 50% of the population is female

Unironically, yes.

t. peaceful black man with a job

We've spent 20 years fighting camel jockeys in the desert armed with nothing but AKs.

>I am so fucking smart aren´t I?

>As someone who also lives in Australia

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Scientifically proved that it didn't happen

Please try

I'm in a kangaroo pouch right now m8