
Attached: Brad-Pitt-GettyImages-1165195092.jpg (931x524, 54K)

>Ywn be that rich, talented or handsome

you just KNOW he dates thicc women

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Do you think his CEO brother ever resents him?

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Chad genetics

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he looks like shit now

Uh yeah, they look it


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brad got a facelift a few years ago. there's a pic where you can clearly see his facelift scar in front of his ear.

no one who has drank and smoked as much as him can look that good naturally

why does this board likes so much to talk about male beauty?

N-no homo

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none taken

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I'm not a gay homo but whenever i see a Brad Pitt thread here i can't help to smile teubqhwymm.


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blood rituals + foreskin face masks

also TRT, accutane, and S tier surgery


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His brother looks like a jew
I bet he fucks little boys

I refuse to believe you can have such good hair at 55 years old. Life's not fair.

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t. polcel

The virgin chad genetics / The chad chad expression

>captcha: select all squares with bicycles

someone post jared leto

how has he not lost his hair or hairline? even chads like henrill cavill fall to that.