Cliff or Rick?

Cliff or Rick?

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Id only hang out with cliff if rick were around. Hes a cool guy but hes kind of a psycho, needs his bro to mellow him out.


both at the same time. no lube. no condom

Cliff. His trailer looks like my apartment.

He FUCKING killed his wife

Cliff. He's charming, handy,loyal and laid back.

Rick is a tool.

The dog

Without Rick cliff would have no purpose. They need each other. The part where they watch FBI together is really heartwarming


I'm sure Cliff could easily find another celebrity to attach himself too if his reputation wasn't shit.

neither, I prefer my movies to be soulful and morally honest made by a competent director

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Yeah but he FUCKING killed his wife

But he's handsome.

They both care for eachother beyond the roles they serve for eachother. Theyre genuine friends not just boss/driver. Rick gives cliff purpose and cliff gives rick emotional support. Everyman should hope to have a bro like cliff/rick.


Cunt had it coming. Plus he beat up that chink. Cool guy in my book.

You think Rick's gonna change his mind and keep Cliff around?

Good for him. Lucky guy.

the dude saved his wife and took a knife to the leg, it'd be a dick move not to.

Rick is a loyal friend who looked out for Cliff, but he's emotionally unstable. Cliff would be chill to hang out with

Brandi did most of the work and ricks wife held her own as well, to be fair

Cliff still got his hands dirty, and that's what counts.

Cliff most likely. It's rather sad too that Jonah couldn't get a role with his two Bros after getting humiliated on French television...

literally no evidence

>Cliff's dead wife is a metaphor for the #MeToo movement

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Why was cliff on a Houston chain gang?


he's cool hand luke

For sure, when that Polanski money comes rolling in he will be able to afford cliff