Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker

All this stuff is taken from which leaked TFA and bits of TLJ. All of these were bits and pieces put together and I think it's closer to the film we get.
>One year after THE LAST JEDI.
>The First Order has conquered most of the galaxy.
>Kylo Ren is still torn between the dark side and the light and still harbors feelings for Rey.
>Hux has been replaced by Allegiant General Pryde (Richard E. Grant) and has been leaking information to the Resistance in hopes that they kill Kylo and allow him to retake control.
>The Knights of Ren return from an expedition to the Unknown Regions to inform Kylo about a secret arsenal of superweapons built by Palpatine.
>Kylo and the Knights of Ren begin searching for the Wayfinder, a device required to locate the arsenal.
>The Resistance learns about this and deploys Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewbacca, BB-8, C-3P0 and R2-D2 to retrieve the Wayfinder first.
>Rose is now a high-ranking Resistance commander answering directly to Leia and stays behind to coordinate them from the base.
>The Wayfinder’s coordinates are in C-3P0’s old memory unit in an abandoned Imperial blockade in a jungle world, where the heroes befriend the warrior Jannah (Naomie Ackie) and her people.
>After retrieving it, the heroes to a decommissioned droid factory in a snow world to unlock it, where they are ambushed by the First Order and rescued by bounty hunter Zorii Bliss (Keri Russell) and her droid D-0.
>During the battle, the memory unit of a combat droid is uploaded into C-3P0, causing him to develop an aggressive personality and take Chewie’s bowcaster for himself.
>Meanwhile, Kylo meets an oracle who directs him to the Wayfinder’s location in a desert world. Rey and her friends also learn about it from C-3P0’s memories.

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>Rey and Kylo meet and fight in the desert world, while the Knights of Ren battle Finn, Poe, Chewie and the droids.
>Rey and Kylo still share a Force bond, which causes them to experience “Force flashes” of past events as they fight.
>Kylo and the Knights of Ren retrieve the Wayfinder and return to the ruins of the Death Star in the jungle world to unlock the arsenal’s location.
>The Resistance follows him, but are ambushed by the First Order and nearly defeated before a local alien, Klaud, helps them escape.
>Finn recruits Jannah and her people as reinforcements to battle the First Order, while Rey confronts Kylo.
>Rey and Kylo learn that the Wayfinder actually contains Palpatine’s spirit. The Knights of Ren are loyal to him and manipulated Kylo into freeing him.
>Palpatine possesses one of the knights (Matt Smith) and announces his plan to seize control of the First Order and use the arsenal to subjugate the galaxy. He also reveals that he was behind Snoke.
>Luke Skywalker and Han Solo appear as Force ghosts and encourage Kylo to accept the light. Kylo then join forces with Rey to stop Palpatine.
>Rey and Kylo defeat Palpatine, but he then possesses Kylo. He urges Rey to kill him, and she reluctantly does. Palpatine is unable to possess Rey and is destroyed for the last time.
>The First Order is defeated and Palpatine’s arsenal is destroyed.
>Rey rebuilds the Jedi Order to protect the galaxy, but renames them “Skywalkers” in honor of Luke and Kylo.
So about Lando, he doesn't do much, he's just there with the heroes. Knights of Ren also have lots of scene where they are just there, Chewbacca too.There are rumours that Kylo gets resurrected by Luke but I'm not sure.

star wars? more like who gives a shit

Thanks, I hate it.
Palpatine coming back ruins Vader's redemption

Fuck Star Wars

>The First Order has conquered most of the galaxy.
>>The First Order is defeated and Palpatine’s arsenal is destroyed.

It's just like the end of 6, where somehow the entire Empire collapsed because of one battle

I could believe it in ROTJ because of Palpatine's cult of personality and the fairy tale features of the OT. ST has a different feel and I don't think Kylo would hold together the FO with such strength.


>somehow the entire Empire collapsed because of one battle
No it didnt, read the aftermath series.
Even the newer games (as shitty as they are) explain this

kylo may not be a grandaddy wizard but he has big dick energy

Who fucking cares?

>>The Knights of Ren return from an expedition to the Unknown Regions to inform Kylo about a secret arsenal of superweapons built by Palpatine.

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I do, I'm starving for more Rise of skywalker news

I'm about to watch the last Jedi. How low should my expectations be?

If you need supplementary material like videogames and books for your movies story to effectively make sense then youre dealing with a poorly written movie to begin with.


You must live a sad bland life if youre excited about star wars in 2019, especially after the last movie.

Jesuschrist who the fuck cares? The Republic clearly doesn't, its people clearly don't care and everything else can just be hyperspace rammed.

Star wars the rise of the sith

Anakin is the chosen one. He lives up to the prophesy and kills the emperor, saving the galaxy as well as his son.
With sheev back, it's just like, what was Anakins purpose? His mom gets pregnant on her own and has him as though he is destined for greatness and, he can't defeat the big baddie. Why?

Will KotoR trilogy be kino?


I have some hope for it. I don't know why

Is Kyle getting resurrected a fake spoiler?

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Rey is Anakin reincarnated. Joke, but Kylo kills Palpatine. Kylo is the chosen one. He succeeded in killing his master.

Are you pretending to be retarded? I don’t remember the internal politics of the Empire being a focus of the movies. The focus was on Luke.

Nah I think it's legit, they don't have the balls to do it (kill Kylo)

In old EU it took 20 years of fighting
In new EU it took 1 year, and only because the Empire literally burned itself down on Palpatine’s orders

Thats stupid

wait, so why does Kylo need a fleet of super weapons? what would he use the for after his ego death in TLJ?
Fuck why is the First Order even existing?!?

Jesus JJ say it with me.

>Will the Game of Thrones guy's trilogy be kino?
Fuck no

Didn't read any of that shit. Star Wars is dead.

And it will be booed as its end credits begin.

A strong black woman of course.

>Rose is now a high-ranking Resistance commander answering directly to Leia and stays behind to coordinate them from the base.

Can someone Je'Suis entire Disney studio?

It's a eulogy

How many times are you going to make this thread? This should be considered spam.

I will clap if my boi Kylo gets a good end. Please mouse ;_;

Calm down autismo
there's way worse in this world coming from Disney than a leading black star..

>Han Solo as a Force ghost

Was he even Force sensitive?

>In old EU it took 20 years of fighting
And yet there were still regions controlled by the remnants of the Empire.


I dont care about star wars anymore, but telling someone they have to play games or read books to understand plot points of a movie is retarded.

People have always joked around he was because of how "lucky" he always was. But this would throw the concept of force ghosts out the window as you had to specifically learn how to do it. When would Solo go through any jedi training?

>Calm down
I am calm. Presence of the affirmative action black woman, and here I presume she has an afro or large hairstyle, means a presence of progressive in the production, which equals automatic pile of shit.

Imagine the lowest your expectations could go, then lower it some more.

>black actress = AUTOMATIC SHIT
you sound like you smell bad.

Deny it. Tell me that that Jannah is not a black woman with a large hairstyle.
You can sperg all you want, but I know who specifically are this design choices modeled after.

Sounds like complete garbage. New magic power bullshit, ANOTHER super weapon boring ass chase movie, and characters that are uninteresting. Cool.

>but renames them “Skywalkers”
oh my fucking sides

Blame modern Hollywood for forcing so many black characters played by equally as bad actresses for political reasons. People will naturally expect the worse when they hear that a strong, badass black woman is being added to a movie.

Imagine saying this when Tessa Thompson gets dozen major movie roles per year.

Name all 12 of them.

Think of the worst thing ever.

No, worse than that. Then multiply by ten. I bet you £10 you will STILL be disappointed

Ever seen the South Park where James Cameron dives onto the ocean in order to "raising the bar"? About that low

>Wayfinder is Luke plot from previous regurgitations.

Not an original thought in that puddinghead second-rate Speilberg's head.

Watch Kylo solo the entire Knights of Ren who have no character build up at all.

South Park episode*

that cringey as fuck musical shit she does on Creed I & II.

whos pirating this crap at 480p?

I didn't realize Creed I and II came out in 2019? Let alone the same year

So there is a jew, a chink, 2 nigs, and a female as the main characters? Pass...

Did this need to be clarified?

No ones ever really gone though

>Han Solo appears as a force ghost

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Rian Johnson is from the SW franchise.

>Rey rebuilds the Jedi Order to protect the galaxy, but renames them “Skywalkers”
Worst fucking thing ever, why don’t they just stop

Niggers STANK

>jungle world
Call it Endor you fucking retards.

Everyone's a jedi now, got a problem with that bigot?

This is just so retarded it could be true. But the real thing will still be worse

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Does rey breed with other jedi to repopulate the skywalker order?

She probably got force impregnated by Kylo and that will be the plotline when they do 10-12

I'm confused how The First Order is able to make ground?

Like before The Empire had the senate and alliance/republic planets. He unified the galaxy.

After Palpatines death though they were chased to outer planets and sounded like a fringe racist army that for whatever reason only the rebels thought against (comprised of under 100 x-wings)

Let's pretend the New Republic stayed out of the fight due to vote/not recognizing the Order has a real threat.

After having core planets/moons destroyed how and why wouldn't the Republic mobilize their immense army against the Order?

This always bugged the shit out of me.

there should be some article about it in wookiepedia

Force impregnated is the best kind

t. arthouse faggot

He is actually right

First 20 minutes of this movie made me realize how fucking outdated everything in Star Wars feels.

They are limiting themselves to make everything feel like 80's movies and it's so fucking stupid. Yes Cpt.Marvel was a crap movie but all the alien tech was cool as fuck.

Meanwhile Star Wars will never get any of this because "dude nostalgia!" bullcrap.

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>dude pew pew space lazors don't think about things!

This is basically Disney on SW setting.

>implying the Mouse will now rape KOTOR

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Is this movie going to be like 3 hours long

Rumored to be the longest one yet


They got TLJ completely wrong and weren't that accurate about TFA.

These leaks are most likely fake, but I heard that when Ben sees Han or Luke it's more of a memory haunting him then an actual Force Ghost.

The irony is Captian Marvel takes place in like the 80s

Well not only that, but it's mostly about saving Luke. Vader doesn't really care about saving the galaxy.
He kills Sheev to save his son. If Palps returns, Vader was just a speed bump

Kill your hole

No one gives a fuck abour the new characters.

Shippers should be executed

youll never see these garbage characters again after episode 9

They are just corporate shills.

>Star Wars EPX
>the New New Republic falls to yet another clone of Sheev’s empire
>the Empire will always survive in some shape or form
>the Jedi failure cycle continues forever
Sheev always wins baby

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I just want him to live, fuck shipping.

Can someone post the webm autist with the batman backpack and the rey actor? thank you


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>stop liking things I don’t like
I’m tired of this bullshit. Nu-Wars has been at worst meh for the most part but I’m still interested in the franchise and where the story goes. It’s hard to have any love for something when you’re constantly seeing dumb shit about TLJ day in and day out. The outrage is overblown to hell and the same points getting parroted over and over again just make you guys look like you can’t form your own opinions. Fuck it. I love Star Wars and I’m tired of retards telling me I’m wrong just because they hate one fucking movie.


also he probably cares about the FO and their wellbeing more than Snoke or Hux.

Luke dies at the end :3

For one, the problem isnt a need to more inconsistency. For two the look of the world is a huge part of the whole thing.

What makes you say that?

>Palpatine possesses one of the knights (Matt Smith)
Had me until this. Matt Smith has been dropped from the film. He's not in it anymore. You larpers really need to do some basic research before you come up with this shit.

she fuckng starred in men in black you fucking retard. and westworld, where she had a shitty character.

If you don't think at all about what you're watching, it just seems like a typical capeshit blockbuster with some stupid moments.
It's only when you start thinking about what you watched/are watching that you'll realise how atrocious everything is

Just the type of person he's shown to be. Also I could have sworn there was some info floating around about him being heavily involved in the making of the ships and how the newer FO ships are supposed to be less deadly compared to the ones the Empire which were very dangerous and meant to instill fear into the pilots or something.

In the movies, he's very angry at Finn for betraying them and he tells Rey that he sees her friends as murderers for killing the FO. You have to remember that he thinks he's the good guy, so it's not like he's some ruthless person r even wants to be. He does what he must for the greater good, but he takes no pleasure in it.

Though I'm sure wiping out the Resistance and killing Luke was supposed to be more personal, that's another topic altogether.

star wars never had a stable canon story.
everything was modified or dozens of spin offs were made, including the shitty comic books released in 1997-2000.

I thought he was talking about a different event called "South Park" and was very confused, even thinking "doesn't this happen in the cartoon named 'South Park' too?"

They celebrated a big big win then everybody died in comic books or reboots, repeat: Star Wars.

all star wars movies made since 2015 are retarded tbqh.

Here's the this point any leak, no matter how fucking insane, is halfway credible to me. Because if you had told me The Last Jedi would have Princess Leia fly through space like Mary fucking Poppins before that movie came out I would have laughed at you and called you a retard. But it happened.
So open mind.

Yes, his TIE Silencer is a prototype and he is said to give very detailed flight reports.

It could be inferred from all of this that he is partially the reason the ships aren't so dangerous for the FO pilots anymore.

who cares about south park, it's a retarded and edgy cartoon for ugly circumcised mutt kids that should have died in the 2000s.

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>TIE Silencer is a prototype and he is said to give very detailed flight reports.

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He is directing the next trilogy

It's true. And it makes sense. He wanted to be a pilot when he was a young child and has a natural affinity for it, so it's no wonder he's heavily involved in that area.

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Nice LARP. you must have missed the Empire special feature that makes half of this bullshit.

matt smith is an ugly faggot with no eyebrows. He sucked in turkminator genisys too.

>Kylo laughing amongst the ST

Pure! No wonder they like him.

Something about the republic getting rid of its army because was is bad

who still plays roblox or lego/k'nex anyway? oh yes I know, only the RETARDS.
you have to go back you mongoloid.

i want to see daisy ridley with her boobs popping out.


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>dissing lego

fucking perish, you plebian.

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>MMO shit-tier questline turned into a movie plot
>Rose pushed out of the main plot to provide more screen time for the whole highschool group of Rey's followers, who progress through the whole movie thanks to convenient plot devices, mostly random rescues by random characters
>Kylo busy with your typical MMO mission "go to X to find Y" blah blah
>some force shit

I don't even care that it's fake, there's a 99% chance of Disney releasing something equally boring (or hell, probably worse). Fingers crossed it won't even make a billion, although it's actually worth Solo movie tier box office to retaliate against TLJ.

>MMO shit-tier questline turned into a movie plot
But user, that's an improvement.

>Han Solo force ghost
>Palpatine can't possess Rey because reasons

Yeah, no.

>Implying supporting a character is shipping

Are zoomers really this stupid? I’ve seen a lot of them misusing terms

>Kylo Ren is still torn between the dark side and the light and still harbors feelings for Rey.
What a bitch

>>Rey rebuilds the Jedi Order to protect the galaxy, but renames them “Skywalkers” in honor of Luke and Kylo.

I wanna believe that so bad.

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I know. :(

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>still harboring feelings for the future mother of your children makes you a bitch

go back

He would be a bitch if he had joined her, but he didn't now did he?

Everyone is force sensitive now (provided they are BAME and female or one of the invented genders. White men are an excemption only if they are evil. So no, Han doesn´t qualify... unless he counts as evil because he is a womanizer and that is offensive to women.)

Stop trying to make Disney wars seem relevant or groundbreaking. The current state of the IP is basically Disney milking the legacy brand with forgetable mediocre pieces of media that appeals to the present culture political bias. Once this moment passes 10 or 20 years from now and the political moment changes, these movies would have no value as they do not present a single cinematic or narrative related achivement that gives them iconicity or that´s worth analyzing outside of the current political context.

Have sex

We could have had a trilogy of Luke fighting manipulative bacteria.
Would you watch Luke Skywalker fight the Cavity Creeps?

>>Rey and Kylo still share a Force bond, which causes them to experience “Force flashes” of past events as they fight.
>Rey rebuilds the Jedi Order to protect the galaxy, but renames them “Skywalkers” in honor of Luke and Kylo.
These are so bad that they don't sound like something a shitty fansite would concoct if they wanted to get clicks. Only a lazy hollywood hack could be that bad.
The rest is fairly rote stuff, but Han Solo as force ghost contradicts the lore, and the conclusion sounds uninspired and unsatisfying in a way similar to TFA, so I'm inclined to give these rumours some credence.
Leaks posted here were right about how shitty /got/ was, I don't see why it couldn't be the case for here too.

Do not have sex.

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>watching South Park after 2006

skip every scene with rose and you won't die.

>Re-hash of TFW gotta find the thing to find the thing plot
>Rose is now a high-ranking Resistance commander answering directly to Leia
>Palpatine is back thus invalidating the prophecy
>Kylo is suddenly good
>Han Solo appears as Force ghost
>Rey rebuilds the Jedi Order
As a Legends fan I'm fucking hope to God this is all true since then Disney Wars fags will never be able to make fun of Legends again.
>The First Order has conquered most of the galaxy
>The First Order is defeated
Fucking how?
>There are rumours that Kylo gets resurrected by Luke
Please be true.

>Han Solo appear as Force ghost
fuck you

That's 4. Plus endgame is 5. What are the other 7?

more like they are not stupid. who wants to watch anything with finn and poe?

well boyega is such an awful choice so few things are shittier than that.


For your sanity, imagine that you are watching Spaceballs but with bigger budget and trying to take itself seriously

The New Republic doesnt have an immense army, they demilitarized after the war ended. They had a few fleets, thats it.

MSW said Palaptine cannot possess Rey cause she was never touched by the Dark Side. Too pure of some shit. Mary Sue.

the last scene in the movie has nothing to do with rebuilding the Jedi order. That shit is fake.

Until the sequel SEQUEL trilogy comes out.

Anyone got a link to the /r/StarWarsLeaks thread where with the Palpatine possession shit?

>Palaptine cannot possess Rey cause she was never touched by the Dark Side.
>Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight.

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It's not just one fucking movie. It's both TFA and TLJ that perma-fucked nu-Wars into the ground. Every single thing about EpIX looks godawful, and they have zero goodwill left.
If you like Star Wars still, you're an idiot and a dumbfuck, and you're part of the problem.

Oh fuck off. No one said shit about TFA except for it being derivative of ANH until TLJ came out. Then the floodgates opened and you bitter bandwagoners started shitting on everything from the current era. Episode IX looks just fine so far. We’ve only had one teaser so far and I’m interested to see where the story goes. There was nothing in it that was “bad”.

Stop being a shill, nobody from here will pay to watch Star Wars

Blame the Gen Xers for what we have now. They’re eating this shit up.

Did you miss the part in TLJ where Luke freaked out about Rey reaching out to the dark side immediately after he taught her about the force?

Translation: “I’m so retarded that I can’t fathom how someone can like something I don’t.”
Can’t wait for December to see those box office numbers and watch this whole board seethe into oblivion.

Carrie Fisher passing away shortly before release was just the icing on the cake.
I get everyone has their own opinions, but I genuinely can't fathom how TLJ has so many ardent defenders. I love a lot of shitty films, but saying TLJ is objectively good is like saying you enjoy listening to someone sing completely out of tune, it just doesn't make sense.

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>No one said shit about TFA except for it being derivative of ANH until TLJ came out. Then
Not that guy but I had huge criticisms for it even then.

>No one said shit about TFA


>nobody from here will pay to watch Star Wars
I am going to buy at least five tickets

>Rose pushed out of the main plot to provide more screen time for the whole highschool group of Rey's followers
Yes, to make way for a black female lead! A massive improvement indeed!

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No. Fuck off reddit.

Why can't the force ghosts just fight Palpatines spirit? How/when did Han learn how to become a Force ghost, without even being a Force user?
If this leak is true, this will be the weakest of the series, and that's saying a lot since TLJ was utter fucking garbage, with no redeeming qualities.

>never helped Luke run the Order
>never helped prevent Kylombine, be preventing Luke or zapping Ben immediately after
>decided to prank Luke by torching the tree the sacred Jedi Texts used to be in
Apathy is Death

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Palpatine coming back ruins 90% of the OT.

>palpatine comes back
>they won't make anakin come back to personally finish palpatine off for good

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I know you probably threw 90% randomly, but I unironically agree

you made this post 6 hours ago

well? how did you like it?

>Anakin never came back to talk some sense into Kylo
>TLJ establishes that Force ghosts can interact with and influence the world around them

Are there limitations stopping Force ghosts from interfering a lot, or are they just assholes who only show up when they feel like it?

Honestly if you were done with the shitslog that is life and achieved ascension, would you want to come back and deal with it? You're free bro. It's not your problem anymore.

>wanting some dead old far to come back

It's called the new generation, buddy. Kylo will finish what his Grandfather started and defeat Palpatine for good. He's Anakin's legacy, not Rey. So quit your bitching.

A new generation so weak that they need to rely on the old characters to sell tickets.
The only remotely interesting characters are Kylo and Poe. They made Kylo interesting by accident, and Poe was cool in TFA because he did cool shit and was played by a cool actor, but then got cucked to shit in TLJ.

bro just start reading black library warhammer 40K novels if youre looking for scifi to sperg out over its canon is much more detailed and consistent, its no more (and often less!) retarded than nuwars and they even throw in big tiddy eldar gfs

god this sounds so fucking boring and contrived



lol fuck off he's almost less popular than Finn and just as garbage, if not more.

Kylo is the one people love and he was always supposed to be the center of the story.

>they need to rely on the old characters to sell tickets.

You're thinking of Rey and her loser crew, Kylo is actually popular and trends with the OT characters at Celebration.

also a good pilot like his father Han Solo. gtfo.

Why hasn't Daisy Ridley done any more nude scenes. I wanna see her naked ass

oh please user they gonna put him on screen even they need to drag ford by his neck.

still just the one where she played a corpse?

I truly wonder how fanboys will defend against this completely invalidating the prophecy. Especially since so many people shat all over the old EU for supposedly doing the same.

>made by D&D
Not a chance in hell


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lol damn disney. you fucking suck

>the memory unit of a combat droid is uploaded into C-3P0, causing him to develop an aggressive personality
so bad that I want to see it, but this is obviously not real

They don't care at Disney. It's quite shocking how these new movies utterly destroy Anakin and Vader as a character. Completely demolished and unmade. The only one redeeming factor is that this new trilogy is so hollow and boring that they will ultimately be forgotten.

Probably HK47 ripoff.