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Other urls found in this thread:

weak mind, no wonder their women get manhandled as we speak


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Well no time to invade when you're fucking ukranian women


>fucking the women now instead of doing it after fighting successfully

They're all in Romania and Poland now. Why bother fighting?

weakminded people tbqh

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they went into your capital and raped every single woman lol. you have nothing to mock kraut rape baby


eh we did the same to them on a far larger scale tbqh
still doesnt distract from the fact they STILL havent taken Kiew lol

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its a shame they dont send more tourists for us to fuck, but at least some of them got stuck here for a few extra months

you did the same by not taking their country or capital.
meanwhile your leader shot himself as every man of worth was executed and every woman was raped by slavic ogres in your capital city.

you have to go back Jan Pawel

atleast try getting the names right Mario

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Every single brazilian that is "studying english" is enjoying his own irish redhead atm and getting an lifetime euro visa

Mate your country wanted to increase the "aryan" population and in the end your next generation was dominated by slavic and turkish blood kek

says the guy whose country fought against that and afterwards invited pakis in by the millions lmao

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they're driving for deliveroo for below minimum wage and living 10 to a room, while trying to scratch together extra money selling shit mdma. try again monkey. also, go home nobody wants you niggers.

I thought that was the Italian tomboy. Yes KNOW the one mean

cope BC you know I'm right. you are more Turk and Slavic than German.

Your women sure do seem to want us, while poor little potato mick is simping for some russian retard while his whole country gets cucked by Neymar look-alikes

>deluded avatarfag

Im thankfully neither otherwise I would of course support the russian side you retarded inbred ginger
>if I close my eyes the pakis that we brought here simply dont exist!

this is a fiction you've invented in your head, likely BC you area BR subhuman. enjoy your headcanon while your countrymen deliver my groceries

Some of these guys will keep baiting you for their amusement but you should hide this thread and not come back you're an embarrassment

You know the one I mean.

I hate autocorrect sometimes

what a retarded faggot you are. I can smell your obesity and low IQ from here you simpering queer.

Estas a defender o alemão pq? Kkkk

try to stay calm kek otherwise your heart might not make it

ukraine is literally russia

ukraine does not have sovereign borders and in some ukrainian cities up to 90% of the people speak russian and identify as russian (god knows why anyone would want to do that)

not defending putin killing civilians but facts are facts

Attached: Putin.jpg (300x400, 13.74K)

eh, last census showed 77% identifying as Ukrainian

cope + seethe

cope about what?
your likely death at the tender age of 50 due to alcohol mistreatment?

how many of that 77% identify as ukrainian jews

They will soon be all russians tho.

Why hasn't that census been done since 2007? You know exactly why

ah yes, the military special operation that was meant to be short and demilitarise the entire ukrainian army is so successful that talks are going back to the point of simply acceping luhanks and donbass as independent regions kek

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they are done every ten years, and I think we all can think of one big reason why the ukrainian government would not be exactly able to do one atm

Attached: 096.png (580x449, 275.1K)

Cope harder potatoid

Trump Lost
Putin Lost
The “cucked west” has won
Brazilians are fucking your women and getting euro visas through your shitty potato island

Seethe and dilate

They haven't done one in 20 years. They've been avoiding it since maidan. Not difficult to guess why

Because I despise Putin simps and potatoids.

Lol, both Bolsanaro and Lula are Putinaboos

are you retarded?
They are done every TEN years.
which would mean 2017 would have been the next one at earliest. Now try to think real hard, why it would not be possible for the Ukrainian government to do a census in a warregion they have no control over and could potentionally lead to direct war with Russia.

Yes, it is one of the reasons Brazil fucking sucks and you migrated to the UK

They didn't do one in 2011 either. Now think why that is.

It's not a matter of being a Putin supporter. Just simply fuck Ukraine. Don't feel any sympathy to those shitters

You do realize that the pro-Russian Yanukowitsch became president in 2010 right?
Weird, why wouldnt he want to do a census in Ukraine?

He did, but the opposition refused to agree to the terms of the census. Now I'm sure at this point you can figure out why

Putin is losing

Cope harder

>Putin is losing
No way you believe this

lmao the guy who singlehandedly walked away from the EU association agreement, despite protests from the opposition, suddenly found his hands tied in 2011? 2016 too even?

Oh yes, this is why the mighty based topkek uncucked Russian army is retreating from the capitol and hasn’t been able to take a single major city besides the Donbas area in two months of fighting.

I don't care dude

Attached: 1649087172432.png (524x737, 480.08K)

>bush spotting
>distances completely skewed
the fucking state

>can't post the link to the ukie colonel getting arrested as he was being fucked in the ass by a tranny because "our system thinks it's spam
When even the trannie jannies of Yea Forums are running damage control for you, that's when you know you're winning

Attached: 1649087507909.jpg (960x948, 128.53K)

>they're driving for deliveroo for below minimum wage and living 10 to a room
and getting beaten up by teenage scumbags all the time


Attached: 300.jfif.jpg (680x590, 54.45K)
>he does it for free and he does it on Yea Forums

>nobody mentioned kiev
>this guy thinks russkies wanted Kiev

>actually it was the hecking russians doing all the torturerino these past 8 years

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Oh no Colombia, watch out!

Attached: 1647100034260.jpg (2400x1264, 320.11K)
more like /k/wab

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S*rbs aren't people though

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>the absolute state of /pol/tards

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>attacks against lbqt
thats based though
>only ever posted once outside of /k/

that's ironic considering you're literally slurping NATO semen.


Attached: usual vatnik.png (640x517, 505.25K)

you may have schizophrenia, seek help.
So you've done this little song and dance on Yea Forums before
>the ukrainian twain


of course, and I always get (yous)

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>t. town rapist

>Without taking his hands out of his pockets, Zelensky declared that control of Mariupol had been lost forever

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>these retards posting archive links like it is some sort of own

Attached: taycringe.jpg (492x496, 36.85K)

Sorry about your /k/ommando buddies getting killed like retards

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not as sad as spending all day on Yea Forums so that you actually show up in those archive links.

wrong balkan shithole, eesti

>the war is basically won sweeties, any day now the hohol nazis will give up

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>German retail association announces pricehikes of 20-50% for Monday
So that's why he's rattled

Attached: 1649089878824.png (720x704, 485.49K)

Um sweetie it's actually BLIYAT, ok?

Attached: 1648080366118.jpg (2638x3843, 2.41M)
Nice VPN, bro

What does the Z mean?

plZ no sanctions

Go back to Ukraine slav mutt

Mexikanische Ratte

>German defending a slavic country

>brit defending a slavic shithole
no news here tbqh

Attached: fc0.jpg (340x296, 12.85K)

>men killed
>women and children fled
>cities destroyed
>poorest country in europe even before war now they've been sent to stone age
are we winning ukiebros?


>losing is when you hold east Ukraine in your hands, cucked eu in process by cutting gas and now they have to pay more for it
Wow putin bros how de we cope?
>/k/ using anime to cope
Meanwhile in the real world

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Za Donbass

>believing every country on earth doesn't pay the same clique of kikes to issue their own currency
>believing sovereign nations exist
>believing secret judeo-masonic orders controlling everything of importance is just a myth, bro
>believing this isn't the same old well-planned theatre to precipitate economic collapse of previously white countries and justification a centrally controlled Jewish World Order

Dumb goyim garbage get everything they deserve now.

They're all Russian

The guys banging them?
Unlikely, most already left through humanitarian corridors and are now in western europe having sex with old men for money

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why exactly? way more people would identify was ukrainian now, votes for pro-russian parties have tanked

while babushkas fist fight each other over a pack of sugar lol

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mariupol taken? :)

Show grannies fighting over sunflower oil in Germany

>thread about russia or ukraine
>polecucks, baltcucks and that one finncuck sperg for hours
kek, amerifats lined you up like good cucks you are

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where? also you forgot to add some screeching about panslavism and how poles are race traitors

Hitler did not kill himself

Attached: hitlergate1.jpg (1400x926, 546.79K)

You didn't take the capital.
Your soldiers didn't rape anyone.

>can't even take over a fucking shithole like ukraine

top myself desu

>this thread

>Yea Forums - Sports

why are so many Latin Americans pro-Russian? Is it all newfags from /pol/?

Every Latin American discussing politics you meet online either loves trump and the altright or hates america and capitalism
Ironically most of them don't even identify with the right or left, they just spout some bullshit and leave

Why in God's holy name would we EVER side with NATO/US on any matter?

We feed you

With bullshit?

They really think usa is the good guys, nobody told them that America staged coups across latam because communism was gaining ground or that they put an embargo on Cuba

this isn't 'nato/us' though, it's ukraine.

all you're really saying is that you're just contrarian monkeys desu

>this isnt nato this is ukraine

All got raped by goat farmers lmao and lost countrymen in service of Ameripigs kek 20 years and failure lol

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this guy finally managed to prove that people on Yea Forums post the same images sometimes


>all of these pro-Russia posters ITT
Literally why? Is the train of thought "I don't like the west, the west supports Ukraine, therefore I support Russia"?

lmao Brazilianiggers are all shipped off to meat factories as soon as they land in the country where they work for €2 an hour and live in shipping containers. That's why loads of you are dying from covid now. It's like that Foxconn factory in China but with no nets to stop you killing yourselves.

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It's best not to think about it too hard

Don't worry mate, just take your fourth booster

>Putin Lost
Macaco burro do caralho. Aposto que é um preto merdestino.

I'm not pro Russia, just don't really give a shit about Ukraine. And I'm tired of seeing people pretend like it's worse than anything the Ameripigs, Brits, EU and NATO have done in the last 20 years.

Welcome to the wheat fields, motherfucker.