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It was a pretty based film.

What kind of retard doesn’t use a parking brake when parking on a steep driveway lmao. He deserved to get crushed.


Dog scene still gets me

remember when Skinheads were a thing? Neither do I

He was gonna die young from cystic fibrosis anyways, he didn't give a fuck.

He did. It was a fault with his car if I remember right because it had one of those shitty electric handbrakes.

ITT: movies where the good guys lost

Reminder that antifa are literal coprophiles.

One of best visceral thrillers. Watch Blue Ruin as well form the game director.
I see you fancy yourself some neo-niggers

I do really like that the nazis weren't some 'KILL EVERYONE FUCK THE WORLD AHHHH CHAOS' stereotypical villains, they were basically a cult that got put in a really shitty situation that would only be resolved if one party was entirely eliminated.
Also the scene where the dude's arm gets hacked like halfway off, holy shit


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didn't know r/the_donald would get so triggered at this movie

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Don't you mean r/the_driedal?

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same energy

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do you not like good films? do you only care about culture war bullshit? how exhausting your life must be

Green Room > Blue Ruin > I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore > Hold the Dark

The hell? can you weirdos not just discuss the actual fucking film based on its own merits?

>The hell? can you weirdos not just discuss the actual fucking film based on its own merits?

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t. tranny incel potential school shooter

Can you recommand me some music that fits this movie's athmosphere ?
I never got into "hardcore punk"

Green Room is a great movie. I get the feeling it'll be considered a cult classic in ten years time.

Antifa power fantasy
In reality they would have been murdered and buried in a very deep grave

Hasn't the white power skinhead movement been dead since the early 2000s? And wasn't it always more of a thing in the UK?

holy boring

Dead Kennedys

>the film focuses on a punk band who find themselves attacked by neo-Nazi skinheads

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>Odin himself!
Fucking cringe. I'm glad he died irl desu

The police were hardly in the film

what are you talking about?

Nah not really. Plenty of military guys and police are legit skinheads in Amerikkka

So no then? I like shitposting every now and then too, but you're really just going to spam canned meme responses? but you're totally not an NPC right? Zero self awareness.

Honestly the fact that the bad guys are neo-nazis is barely more than a background detail.

And yet we'd never have heroes that are neo Nazis even as a background detail.

This says a lot about pozzed Hollywood.

>So no then? I like shitposting every now and then too, but you're really just going to spam canned meme responses? but you're totally not an NPC right? Zero self awareness.

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Its kind of hard to have heroes that are evil user. Also skinheads are gangster trash and used to actually murder people, mostly other white people

>le npc meme
back to reddít

>killin an stuff
wow so horror. hope you are enjoying being fourteen

Main actor died from a faulty parking brake. SUV rolled and crushed him against a mailbox. Pretty shitty.

What's evil about thinking white people have a right to exist?


Defending yourself isn't evil.

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Patrick Stewart dies like a retard in that movie

>Nazis just want white people to exist

Well good for you Herr user, white people still exist and always will. Please don't commit any terrorist attacks.

murderparty is the better movie

This film was a surprisingly good treat. Also
>patrick steward says nigger for no reason lol

>Dude im not the bad guy! YOURE THE BAD GUY!!

Subversion. Go away fifth columnist

I don't see how, the two survivors came out alive by the skin of their teeth. The guy came out of it severely maimed and lost all of his friends to violent deaths, and the only reason the skinhead girl left the movement was over the murder. Also, it's not like neo nazi skins and antifa don't have overlap in their methods. Also, both tend to be ignorant and blindly follow their scenes with little to no criticism of anything they may disagree with or even hypocrisy within it.
>inb4 "le both sides are bad lol centrist"
I'm just saying both are fringe groups and kind of fucking retarded.
The Marines have been outing any neo nazi they can find, and the military is diverse. So, maybe silently. I wouldn't doubt racist cops, but I'd say most aren't as well. Why am I even taking this bait?
I laughed at that too, but makes his role genuine.
That's fucked up

Thanks for proving my point.
Have some (You)'s on me.

No one won this movie, which is something worth loving about it.

Only a few skinheads of the dozens were killed, most of the band were killed, and it's last surviving member is probably going to lose his arm and have PTSD out the eyeballs for the rest of his life

Just ignore them, my man

Great film.

>PTSD out the eyeballs for the rest of his life
Good thing he got CRUSHED by his car soon after then lmao

Yeah that after-credits scene where Anton Yelchins character gets pinned to a wall by his car was a strange choice to include

Leftists, amirite?

How is this an antifa power fantasy? Most of them were brutal murdered. Also
both neo-nazis and antifa can both deep throat a gun barrel. Are you incapable of just watching film without injecting culture war into everything?

Great, thanks for the music anons !

He dis everything right. His car model had a defect.

To become a martyr in the battle against the white race is ultimate honour for any antifa member.

>Le two sides of the same coin
Well cucked my fedora tipping friend

Don't give retards the time of day.

People are gonna see what they wanna see in a movie so despite the incompetence of the punks and the lack of any real politics, some people are gonna assume its some social statement

If it had been me I would have had the fast reflexes required to dodge the incoming vehicle.

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Why do people on Yea Forums and /pol/ love this film? I thought it was mediocre and didn't bring anything new or special to the table. I mean it was okay but I don't find any social commentary or narrative that would seduce polacks and Yea Forums.

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A film doesn't need to reinvent the wheel or be innovative to be enjoyable.

>meme buzzwords
Sure thing, dude. You definitely got me there...

The movie would be better if everyone died in the end

True. And I did enjoy green room. I just don't see it as a masterpiece or something Yea Forums would really like.

It's not about any social commentary or world-breaking themes, it's just an extremely effective thriller/horror film if you can get into it.

It does a lot of things to ground itself in a way that most films don't, like the way violence is executed, and that makes it really easy to feel connected with it/like it's something that could or has happened

It's a shame honestly. It's such a cop out way of judging film. Especially when there are other themes to explore in a film. I'm not even saying they have to like it either l. I wonder if these types of people can even eat cereal without making it political.

Based nihilists poster

Let's be real here. Compared to the fight for the survival of an entire race, any other aspects of the film are completely asinine. When the wolf is at your door, how could you waste time thinking of anything else?

Neither do I lol. I just found it to be a very enjoyable visceral thriller. Has some great characters too, both from the punk band and the neo-nazis, well at least mo

The world is not coming to an end, dude. When you locked in alarmist thinking it's no wonder one would perceive every thing as a threat or erosion of this or that. I'm sorry, but reality is too nuanced for me to live like that.

I enjoyed both sides being killed

>The world is not coming to an end, dude.
Yeah. If anything the first world being replaced by crime ridden favela hellscapes where satanism and pedophilia run rampant is A Good Thing

It was a defective hand brake that did him in. But you already knew that didn't you, you smarmy little cunt?

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Hold the Dark was such fucking garbage god damn

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Power fantasy
Neo Nazis are hardly shown as racist just a type of gang.
Neo Nazis completely reck the band except 2 people.
The girl implies she hangs out with Nazis because nogs raped her.
I hate the MUH NAZIS meme as much as the next person. But in this rare case the Nazis are mostly just a stand in gang with a bad ass look.

Besides Picard having a bad American accent it’s excellent. The violence is 11/10

As a person that comes from a country with favelas, I can tell you that the reason why you think your country will have favelas is the opposite reason of why it could happen. If you had your way, your country would have plenty of those

Why are you straw manning me? Whatever, dude. You do do.

Macon Blair directed I Don't Feel At Home In This World Anymore (which is great), all the others were done by Jeremy Saulnier. Still haven't seen Hold The Dark yet, is it good?

Right. Exactly, which is why I don't understand why some think it's a political statement one way or the other.

When will the (((left))) abandon this myth?

Fuck off, once they get rid of minorities and Jews whites will finally be allowed to prosper.

I actually thought they put in a good amount of work to make the Nazis look bad ass. The whole movie reminded me of the Manhunt level when you face the skins. Dude with the dogs that respond to German commands was based as fuck.

>being anti-Nazi is now a bold political statement
Literally kill yourself.

lol true. Dude getting his hand shredded to bits was fucking brutal. The violence was pretty enjoyable

Epic, new favelas but with with white people in them. I guess it would be a bad kind of white people.. Maybe the lower iq? But where does it come from, maybe a distant heritage? Anyway let' s get rid of those. Oh no now more white people that we thought were pure are in the favelas, but let' s not worry maybe it' s because of the color of their eyes

No one cares, my guy. Have a free (You).

I was not expecting some classic realistic gore. When the chick cuts the dudes stomach open was brutal.

It is and always has been. I know that you’re probably 13 and don’t remember what you ate for breakfast, but prior to Trump winning and the (((MSM))) kikewashing history, America was unabashedly pro-Nazi. Hitler was our strongest ally during WW2. It’s how we got Fanta and the VW bug

So. Much. This. FINALLY someone with half a brain

FINALLY, I never see my retarded opinion smeared all over Yea Forums, this place is very much against me normally, this is not my retard safe space at all

This. It’s only recently that the (((lamestream))) (((media))) invented the holocaust myth. The Nazis never would have harmed anyone or attempted genocide, they were gentle creatures. That is a lie propagated by the Jews, who are a blight on the human race and need to be genocided. Peacefully. But fuck them. We’re the good guys.

seen it twice
it was better the first time, like your first boyfriend. it's new and exciting and it seems to take a while. 2nd time you start to notice the flaws and can gauge it better. shorter than I remembered.

The only reason there is poverty and crime is minorities, gays, immigrants, trannies, and Jews. If you look throughout history, purely white societies have always flourished. There has never been crime or poverty in a white nation and that’s how we invented computers and space travel

There's an entire fucking board for your discussion, but you knew that already didn't you...

It’s a fact. The holocaust was a myth, but it should have happened. Which it didn’t. But if it does, then good.

It was a good move to have two of them die back to back.

except Sparta.

Yeah Russia and half of eastern europe don't exist, but i guess they are the wrong kind of white. There has never been horrible famines during the middle ages and every country were super prosperous, I mean they had kings with fancy clothes right? I guess the horribly poor and starving 90% of the population were just not the right kind of white

dumb phoneposter

If you knew what he meant then why do you act like a faggot soi boi and correct it.

I’m not going to sit here and debate with you when you can’t even understand history and facts. Yes, Eastern Europe ISN’T white, cuckboi. The are Balkan and have an exceptional amount of impure blood. But look at the Nordic and Germanic countries. They have never seen crime that wasn’t on account of the Jews or Muslims. And all those other time periods you reference had Jews. It’s why we fought the Crusades.

You're just happy to be here, huh?

Dead Kennedy's, Wipers, The Clash, Big Black/Shellac/Rapeman, Fugazi, Sleaford Mods.

i'm right. you're not going to shame me into anything, i'm right.
shut the fuck up, you're wrong.

You didn't fight shit, dude. You are a modern human living a relatively safe life.
I find it hilarious how you're talking about it like it's football or basketball. Lol fuck off

What are you even crying about lol. Are you lost?

Yes you must be right, I don't understand true history and facts like you, who only cares about 3 different things and disregards every single other things that could cause anything to happen. I'm happy thought that it managed to trick you into thinking you were more intelligent than everyone. It's amazing how much you feel like you understand the world if you trickle it down to very few things.

dumb phoneposter

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Kekekekekekek it’s adorable. the left think they can meme

Yea Forums - Television & Film

Okay, Shlomo. You want to tell me how it WASN’T the Jews responsible for usury, debt slavery, and all of the other economic terrorism that plagued Europe throughout the Middle Ages, rennaissance, and modern periods? Poverty breeds crime and poverty (in white European nations anyway) is largely artificially created by the Jews. It’s well documented

Yes this and nothing else, it was a very untroubled and stable world, no natural disaster happened, no horrible diseases spread, every single harvest was perfect, everyone was happy. And it all mattered to most people, serfs, who were very well treated and never slaughtered because they wouldn't pay to use the mill. There was never any wars that made everyone even poorer. Overall, it was pretty cool and chill, until big nose people come

Anyway, gotta go. But it' s incredible to me that one can think that so few things determinate history, how rich nations are, people's cultures and way of life ect.. It's probably hopeless thought because you seem to think you are very knowledgeable, for that very same reason, you over simplified every thing so of course you would think you understand and know all. Those iq charts, those little numbers about jews or balkanis or whatever constitute your little world, it' s all that matters right? And there isn' t that much of them, so in the end you might end up knowing everything! Everything of something that is 99% irrelevant and insignificant.

sick movie bros

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I'm begging you to please go outside and eat something besides mommy's tendies

And I’m begging YOU to wake the fuck up. Do you honestly think that Nazis were the aggressors in WWIi? Do you HONESTLY think 12 million Jews were killed? Do you have any idea how many resources that would take? American and the UK and France were all global superpowers, and yet SOMEHOW little old Germany and their massive inflation was able to act out and take over the whole ducking world. Yeah, sounds real fucking likely.


yea go fuck yourself you peanut brained retard

So, no argument. Sad, but expected.

epitome of an awesome concept done blandly
>punks vs nazis in dingy bar
oh yeah let's make it 95% "oh no what do we do we're gonna die" with just a splash of "annoying blonde slag is badass"

hahahahaha go defend volkssturm to your little youtube video lurking buddies dude nobody here gives a shit

but seriously you guys, why have the jews been kicked out of so many countries?
you'd expect a boat people to try to fit in somewhere.