I have to return some videotapes

>I have to return some videotapes
What would be the modern day equivalent?

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I have to deliver some Postmates orders

I have to catch an Uber

I have to play some fortnite

I have to return my redbox blu rays

>i need to post delivery tip my uber eats serviceman

i have to update all my social media accounts

I have to fetch Pokemon critters

I have to dilate
i have to have sex
i have to sneed

This is the proper answer, based on the reasons he said the original line

I have to hunt some pokemons

I have to charge my iPhone®


all of those were a thing in 1988 though

I have to cancel my 1 month trial

I have to get dubs.

> and then i have to make a new disposable email

I have to renew my sub to ninja

>I have to marathon latest Netflix original

>I have to update my Instagram profile

>I have to live stream (some video game) on twitch

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