Another victim
Is she trying to kill the Chad race? How do we protect Henry?!
Another victim
WTF Jolie has looked like the Crypt Keeper since 2005. At least she was still attractive when Brad got with her. What is Chris' excuse?
Witchcraft at this point
Probably a childhood crush
Terrible taste in women. See also Miley Cyrus
To stir up news articles and stuff Bout him since everything he has touched outside of Thor has bombed. He is just trying to stay relevant.
who wants to fuck AJ in 2019?
I miss 90s Jolie. GODS SHE WAS CUTE THEN.
His brother is with Miley.
This ain't cute, my dude. She's always been a turboslut bimbo
Fuck I read that as Liam
He use to be IS MAN WHORE
She had the cutest nose back then. Why did she butcher it?
Reminder, Billy Bob Thorton is the only one to experience peak Jolie. Brad got sloppy seconds.
that sex scene in Original Sin with Antonia Banderas is 10/10
nooooo billy bob owns her still
rip brad, you never win, even when you are the most chad movie star of all time
He's just five years older than me. That means he hit puberty when Hackers came out and was around 20 when Tomb Raider came out. If he's not gay he has probably blown many, many loads over her.
Jolie has never looked good.
Chris is JUSTed and it's a shame because i liked him. But he WANTS to make more movies with Tessa Thompson and now this. There's no hope for him
She was a CUTE turboslut bimbo.
AJ and Brad probably banged before she got with Billy Bob.
I've jerked off to that a bunch but I never knew what movie it was from. Is it any good?
That poor girl. At least she may produce some good Boi porn.
I know she's hit the wall, but I bet Angelina is still sexy as fuck in person. There's a reason she's been able to steal so many men, and it's not entirely down to her looks.
i honestly hope so
i think her being an older responsible mature female in 2019 is just a front. shes probably a crazy slut still
Literally the perfect representation of western society
*of american society
I don't think Henry is in danger, considering his tastes.
>shes probably a crazy slut still
She was into knife and blood play and possibly incest. Once a freak always a freak.
That woman needs to be tried for child abuse.
This woman needs Jesus.
I wonder how high Shiloh's IQ is.
WTF does that headline even mean?
not to mention shes got like 10 kids now
Doesn't Henry go for the younger variety?
he is a closetfag
What is it with Chris and older women? Is he a Mommyposter? /oneofus/
>Crypt Keeper
I laughed
Imagine being this gay. Prime Jolie is a 10/10 specimen.
Even in her supposed "prime" she looked good in some pics and hideous in others.
That's how it is with most people on the planet. Even whoever you consider to be the hottest probably looks ugly at some bad angle or in poor lighting. She was still an attractive woman.
I need a crossover with that old woman and Pablo
Yeah, if that closet is at a school
You did? It wasn't that funny.
What rumours?
fake nose even back then?
Prime jolie was untouchable.
That’s photoshop. If there were pics of them together before 2005 we would’ve known about it, the event, etc.
It's known he's gay with Matt Damon. Matt moved to Australia to be with him. Chris lives in a mall so he doesn't have to see Elsa. Couples get together for pap shots, Matt with his ugly latina beard.
Maybe Hemsworth should purposefully stop picking shitty movies like Ghostbusters 2016 and MiB International.
he likes comedies and only continued to be thor once they turned up the quips. That's not gonna happen