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Meh We have Black Harvey Dent before,but Nice try faggatron

they should really leave batman alone for like 5 years like how it was before batman begins. it's turning into spiderman where we're going to have a new actor playing batman every 5 years.

will one side be white and one black?

You know where to go

not a terrible idea, there are some characters that are interchangeable and he's one of em

I get irritated by this stuff sometimes, but I really don't think it makes any difference in this case. My only concern is that he's terrible on HBO's Ballers, but so is everyone so I think it's more of an issue of the writing/director.

Honestly, for whatever reason, I feel like you could race swap most if batman's rogues and even Dick Grayson or Tim Drake and it'd work fine. Except maybe Penguin.

I think it's acceptable to black Catwoman and Harvey at this point

Eh Billy Dee Williams was a black Harvey back in the 80s and nobody gives a damn


Lets give the choice to this 13c cent coin batman
One side you live
The other you die
52% chance batman
Make the call

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Unironically would be a cool idea (if for another character)

It's purely subjective I'll admit but some characters are too big to race swap but 2face isn't one of them

incels btfo

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Who's going to play him from before the accident?


Washington is based. This would honestly be a kino choice for Two-Face. I just hope those fucking heebs don't cram a gorillion villains in the first Battinson kino because it will inevitably mean some shitty lack of character development

>raceswap a Dick
>Bruce Wayne adopts a young black boy and suddenly Batman has an acrobatic young black sidekick
>not suspicious at all

Relatively minor character so whatever. My concern is that the makeup won’t look very good on black skin. Unless its over the top like the animated series, he’s just going to look like a darkie with a skin condition.


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Why hasn't Bruce dressed up his sidekicks in blackface to keep people off his trail?

He's okay on Ballers.

they should cast Debicki too

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Well he got away with Dick just wearing his Flying Grayson's uniform and a one inch wide piece of fabric over his face for a few years so I guess he figured Gotham's criminals are all colour and face blind autists.

he's been black before in the animated series and he isn't a huge deal to most capeshit viewers so backlash wouldn't be huge

who the fuck is this guy aside from being denzel's son? he just showed up

He wasnt black in the animated series, and I didnt realize every piece of media has to pacify niggers and fulfill your BLACKED fantasies.

What would be kino raceswaps?

For me, it's Nicki Minaj or a black woman of similar proportions to her as Catwoman. Imagine the acrobatics and speed but with a fat ass and tits jiggling, a huge THUD everytime she lands. Imagine the female rap music playing while she beats up criminals and makes deriding, sassy comments about their penises.

>all these fags supporting blackwashing
Am I on reddit?

the jews are trying to make him the next big black actor, now that Denzel and Samuel L. are getting old

I think the Riddler would be better.

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he has this uncanny valley thing going on because of how perfect his skin and hair care looks
it's very creepy

I dunno man, he definitely ain't white
also Billy D Williams played dent in 1989 Batman so that's something
he's just not that important of a character to care
now if they turned him into a chick that would be pretty stupid

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You could go back there

>they're not getting mad! why are my outrage farming attempts failing?
fuck off

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two-race. heads, you live. tails, you die. shiieeeeett

The Iranian is not a pol incel

>never hispanic
>never arab
>never asian
Are black people the only ones going to the theater anymore?