Were the 90's really that magical?

Were the 90's really that magical?


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There was nothing magical about the 90s. Except Blessed Union of Souls.

yes. the 90's had soul and so did the shows and films.

If I watch anything rom 93-01, even if I've never seen it before in my life I get instant nostalgia.

Me too and I was born in 2001


Maybe in comparison to the worst of today, but otherwise, it was still full of most of the same crap, just less pronounced. We still had morons in the White House and idiot protesters, we still had dumb soulless corporate trends, we still had SJWs, we still had pathetic spammers looking for reactions on the internet, we still had capeshit and people complaining about capeshit, we still had forced diversity, we still had adults trying pathetically to appeal to kids, race riots, all of that. The ONLY difference is that it's gotten worse (Andrea Dworkin is now considered a conservative by feminists).

Temporal Homesickness is a bitch.

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Nope but the 80’s sure were.

There is not currently a moron in the White House, Also, I reject the notion that SJWs were around. Yes, there have always been hippies, freaks, commies and countercultural types, but today's SJW as-such is a particular species which metastasized into being circa 2007, and grew from there. I hold the SJW co-terminous with the rise of web 2.0, the smartphone, and social media, and the attendent oversocialization which occurred. Where the SJW is concerned, there is not merely a difference in degree, as you've falsely stated, but a bona fide difference in kind. And this is closely bound up with the available technology and how same effects human behavior. Most of the rest of what you wrote is tenable though.

t. born in 1984.

that smoggy misty area at 1:18 is true 90s kino

>There is not currently a moron in the White House
All Americans are morons
An American is in the White House
Concordantly, there is currently a moron in the White House

yes but it started going downhill around 1998

Weird seeing the 90's in HD, it feels more like a film

heh, posted this in the YouTube kino thread last week, glad it's got some traction, makes me hate muslims desu

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The only capeshit was Batman though

>India's kissing crisis

Uh... wtf is up with that guy in the red SS shirt that grabs the camera at 1:43? That's kind of fucked up he would just walk around wearing nazi stuff.

No, it was even more magical.

was he /ourguy/?

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America had just won the Cold War and beat down Iraq with the whole worlds support. China was still shit. We were the undisputed champion of the world. 70s/80s Crime was drastically decreasing. The internet was accessible but niche and everyone embraced a cultured of unrestrained consumerism. It was of golden age of entertainment and particularly children’s media.

Yes, it was a great time. The decline was close but had not yet set in. 9/11 ruined the optimism of the 90s but the US really didn’t begin to decline until Obama

The internet is the worst thing thats ever happened, the world was better without it

>That's kind of fucked up that he would be able to walk around and express himself freely
kys libtatd

This but unironically.
If I had a button to disable the Internet forever I would press it in a heartbeat.

It declined economically with the financial crisis but is now rising again.

You know when you look at movies from the 1950s and it all seems so mystical.

It's so fucked to see that happens to the 90s. I knew it would happen eventually but I hoped it would happen after like 40 years rather than 20 years. Even worse I was hoping to look back and think 'wow things really were awful back then' rather than 'i miss it so much'.

What do zoomers think of the 90s? What do people in their 40s and up think of the 90s? Asking seriously.

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>heh, posted this in the YouTube kino thread last week, glad it's got some traction, makes me hate muslims desu
Bait, this video has been posted consistently for like a couple years now

What does his shirt say?

Not true. Superman sequels, a wonder woman tv show, a hulk show, a spidam tv show/movie, a captain America movie, and a flash tv show/movie had all already come out by then

Yes, they were extremely based

>living in a 1 million+ pop city
jesus christ why do people do this shit to themselves

>until obama
based retard

>tfw remember being excited for the turn of the millenium as a kid
>tfw post-2001 America
There's definitely been some fantastic medical and technological breakthroughs but the rise of social media really kills me inside.

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>rise of social media
Get off the internet turd. Go study.


I need the internet to study though

did leggings/ yoga pants exist in the 90s?

everything peaked with the summer of 2000.

it was the first round of 18+ years with nation-wide access to abortion so all the blacks were killing their kids in record numbers, the market was up and the resultant genocide of black people plummeted the crime rate in most major US cities.

gas was also under a dollar a gallon for the first time in forever.

wait until you learn about the 80s

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Giuliani made the right moves on crime and abortion, he should've stayed mayor there for the next decade.

9/11 was literally the event that started the fall


it was fine when you needed to know a bit about computers to access it. you know, there was a barrier that kept most of the idiots out. now even kitchen appliances and 80 year old grandmas can connect to it with zero effort.

People were still complaining about the small handful of superhero/comics movies that had come out though and acting like they were the only thing Hollywood made. One of those entertainment rags (I forget which) ran a cartoon showing a bunch of fat, drooling greedy-looking generic superheroes hovering over the Hollywood Hills when Dick Tracy came out, with one of them saying something like "Door's open boys".

Eh, even back in 1993 they had ''Eternal September'' to refer to when the internet became too mainstream.

I was learning about white privilege in college in the mid 90s. You're an idiot kid.

New York City
Support the _____ __ _____

I am a 18 year old zoomer and I'd kill myself to live in the 90s or 80s. I don't care if isn't that much better than now It just looks like a fantasy world to me, so distant I wish I could experience it.

Gen Z: it was probably better not because muh nostalgia, but because it was pre-9/11 and less kiked in general

Don't know much about the 90's to make a judgement. What were the adults doing? What was America's plans for the turn of the century. Details like that.

why did based bill clinton marry a satanic globalist whore?

A whiter time.

Then you clearly werent an adult in the 90s.

Then maybe hes not based after all

There was hope and creativity.
Now there is none of it anymore.

The Matrix was right, 1999 was the peak of human civilisation.


It was the height of American global hegemony is all. We're an empire in decline now and that's why things are mostly shit. I bet if Romans in decline had the internet they'd be shitposting similar things

And it came literally seconds after the other global power center literally collapsed. Coincidence? Obviously not. Power is a limited resource.

Hardly looks any different from modern day New York. The only difference is no mobile phones, less spics and faggots and different hairstyles.

I have seen this video a bunch of times. This is the first time I saw this guy in it.

>brown paper bags
>women still
>even the graffiti was more wholesome
>women still had class
>my dad was still alive for another 20 years yet


The 90s were like this weird transition from the analogue shit of the past to the digital shit of the 00s.
It's kind of mental. Everything was so janky and unrefined

It wasn't as bad (I had pre-emptively addressed this by acknowleding PC culture of the 90s, you've just chosen to ignore that because it's convenient for you), and it mutated with phones. I know whereof I speak.

found this

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I work with outdated school textbooks from the 90's and you can't go over five pages without seeing some minority represented in the pictures. I actually think it's fine, but you're wrong in saying that they weren't SJWs just like the ones we have today.

Further proof here.

Attached: fifi the feminist2.png (610x818, 607K)

Tell me this does not look like something you'd see today.

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>but you're wrong in saying that they weren't SJWs just like the ones we have today.

Not him. There was obviously PC/SJW stuff in the 90s, but it had the benefit of 1. Being an extreme minority, and 2. It mainly being seen as a joke/not taken seriously.

Most chicks didn't wear that kind of thing daily. I enjoyed the 90's as a kid, but I'm grateful as fuck for being an adult on the leggings era.

Well everyone one laughed when 90s kids tried to force theirnostalgia

Kek everyone just said "nope we're sticking with the 80s"

I don't really have any statistics to refute if they were an extreme minority, but it's logical to think that if it was considered 'a joke' it wouldn't have gotten into school textbooks. A couple of generations were educated with that material user, in schools all over the world.

everything after 1997 was garbage
t. 39 year old xoomer

This. These are good-faith posts which make a compelling rhetorical point, but that central point is still false because /large numbers of people didn't actually believe this shit yet/. Everything you're posting is merely jews laying the groundwork, and now we're reaping the results.

I am so confident in my stance that I will even post a mildly humorous sketch which, interpreted your way, could be taken to undermine my point (but which actually doesn't): political correctness in art class, courtesy Kids in the Hall:


The reason why the sketch is funny in the early 90s is precisely because it represents a not-yet fully-metastasized moonbat minority. Outside of campuses, this type was not one that average human beings actually had to put up with-today, it is. But it is germinating the entire time, on that at least, we can agree.

What? You need to get out more dad. The ride never stops.
t. 36

>but it's logical to think that if it was considered 'a joke' it wouldn't have gotten into school textbooks.

Not necessarily. It was quite fringe back then. Minority stances are sometimes included in textbooks mainly as a means to introduce different perspectives, but that doesn't always imply an endorsement.

See, nostalgia moves quite a bit faster on the Internet compared to other media, maybe because the Internet skewers younger than movie producers. In real life, nostalgic movies and TV shows in 2019 are still stuck on le 80s, moving somewhat into the 90s a bit.

But on the internet, it's a much different story. People online were ALREADY nostalgic about the 80s and posting "Child of the 80s" lists around 1995-2005.

Then the "le 90s kid" craze ALREADY happened online in 2005-2015 (remember all those Buzzfeed/Leddit/Facebook memes in 2012 constantly mentioning the 90s).

Then nostalgia for early 2000s stuff like Shrek, skater punk, and Spy Kids was ALREADY big online 2015-2018.

Now in 2018-2019, the new wave of Zoomer nostalgia for the late 00s-early 10s things like Party rock anthem, iCarly, Minecraft, and Cool math games has ALREADY swept over the internet (pic related).

Yet in real life, there probably won't be any legit nostalgia movies/TV for 2012, Party rock anthem, or Minecraft until like 2042. Again, since Internet nostalgia moves seemingly faster than IRL nostalgia.

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Well, large numbers of people today also believe that diversity is a meme, and they are far more vocal than back then because of social media. I know I won't change your mind, but I truly believe that we have roughly similar amounts of SJWs and conservatives now because of how everyone just passes down their way of thinking to their children. If your father tells you that niggers are scum, it's unlikely that TV shows or school textbooks will be able to defy that view of the world in your head.

Nostalgia means you miss a time that can no longer exist. You can be nostalgic over something that is 20 minutes old, or over an era that you have never lived through. The only requirement is that, "You can't live through it anymore". It's why you can be nostalgic of a time when there was no internet and TV was your main means of entertainment. Or nostalgic of a time when there were other blockbusters besides a Disney movie. Or nostalgic over a time before Yea Forums got flooded with phone posters.

Delete social media, keep Wikipedia.

No but it was semi normal so the dis-utopian hell we live in now makes it seem like paradise


Fritz the Cat, 1972

I hope an asteroid or stellar radiation punishes the middle east for the evils it enacts against mankind

>or over an era that you have never lived through

No. That's romanticism.

Nostalgia is home sickness, i.e. fondly recalling times you experienced. Creating a fantasy/idealization of a time you didn't experience is romanticizing it.

Nope. Trump isnt saving you kiddo

Wikipedia is social media. Its users constantly preen themselves over their editing accomplishments with user pages (ostensibly meant not as personal pages but of course they are) and play their social status game according to false rules of "neutrality" (read: a currently acceptable western liberal worldview).

me at 1:02

>not posting the superior version

stop trying so hard mate

Hey guys let's """discuss""" Yea Forums and movies with the towers so the jannies don't derail the thread for no very good reason at all (it's right about at this point, that is when a thread is actually going well, that they like to prune):

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32 year old. It was nice watching mtv music videos. There weren’t cell phones and internet really besides AOL so people weren’t really connected. Driving in nyc and Boston without gps was always a fun experience. I don’t really mind gen z though. Gen X are the biggest fucking freeloaders I’ve ever worked with. At least actual baby boomers are nice but retarded.

the 90's were boring
the 00's were boring
the 10's look interesting but they're actually really, REALLY boring

prime mtv was in the mid 80s, when there was no nighop or reality shows
t. 39 year old xoomer

The 2010s are a chaotic clown world which makes them kinda interesting, in a trainwreck way.

i think they look much more chaotic than they really are
trump for instance looks like some sort of post modern collapse of traditional politics but life under him hasn't been much different from life under obama
things are just degrading slowly and boringly, there's nothing interesting about it

To be honest it was weird growing up without the internet, without computers, without cellphones, and then turning like 16 and all of technology just booming. I unironically want to go back to before all that shit took off.

>90s were boring
>cheap drugs with zero consequences
a lot of people out there who barely remeber them

People socialized more, there were less incels and no school shooters. People were optimistic about the future after the cold war ended and there was no endless war on terror.

Which capeshit is this?

This era is the doom foretold for the Puritans empire

Attached: shock.jpg (641x530, 46K)

Both of them sucked ass, the 1920s were better.

They had a cool ass President

>"70s/80s crime was drastically decreasing"
>Multiple serial killers in both decades
>Drugs everywhere
>Hippies and counter cultures
Fuck off.

>until Obama
You did a great job larping as a GenXer until that last part, Zoomy. You blew it.

we have mass shootings every month now and I would take all the hippies back to lose to current social justice milieu.


>good economy
>on verge of promising new millennium
>"we'll have flying cars and lunar hotels by 2007"
>biggest foreign issue was Kosovo
>biggest political issue was Republicans complaining about Clinton getting his dick sucked
The late 90s were a good time to be alive in

Wtf are those ugly 2 rectangles in the back

>no school shooters

The US in not an empire you stupid fat mongoloid

the 2010s have been significantly better than every other decade and if you disagree you're coping

Beavis And Butthead

No worries, an asian company with US participation took them down

Columbine was 1999

The first half was good, the second half was shit

>omg there are screens everywhere this is great

Attached: visual disproof of your thing, even the 'society of the spectacle' image is better.jpg (1180x842, 117K)

yeah, it was the last decade before women started shaving their bush


By what metric
How is it not an empire?

The 2010s were the decade when Boomers got dementia and turned crazy


No one was aware of school shootings until Colombine

Most of the ones after columbine have 0-2 deaths as well.



Erroneous logical deductions are not based, sweaty

In what way was anything user said not true or based?

This. The internet is mankind's greatest mistake. It's absolutely incredible how quick the world went to hell once normalfags discovered the internet in 2007.

in what ways did the world go to hell? by and large it's pretty much the same as it was in the 00's

You cannot honestly believe the world is the same as it was at the start of the Millennium. Are you simple?

my life isn't that much different, how is yours?

Mine is really great thanks, moved to Mexico to start teaching. But you and me aren't the whole world so it's a very redundant thing to reply with.

80s/90s sounds like the most comfy time to live, maybe early 00s too.
t. zoomer

does anyone else find high quality footage of the past really eerie

I remember when blu-ray came about, watching 30+ year old movies that looked like they could've been shot yesterday fucks with my head. It feels like the present but it's not

i mean i turned 13 in 2000, but all of my memories of the 90's are pretty great. of course it's just like any decade in many ways, but for me, the 90s nostalgia is real, same for older people missing the 80s, and zoomers missing the late 2000s

40's guy
Movies I saw in theaters and shit
Darkman - Based as fuck. Great F/X
T2 - Best theater experience to this day
The Doors - Not bad at all. I was already a Doorsfag
Twin Peaks - Fire Walk with Me. Meh. Lara Flynne Boyle's replacement kept taking me out of the movie
True Romance - Sorta based. Felt like a Wild at Heart knockoff
Jurassic Park - Loved dinos as a kid. I nutted in the theater
Schindler's List - Hardcore. This was NC-17 level at the time.
>1994 - 1995
Went thru shut-in hipster phase. Got gangster rap fatigue illness.
Rumble in the Bronx - Jackie Chan being the man
First dvd player was also a laserdisc combo. Only Space Jam was available. Fuck that. Joined Columbia House dvd club.
Star Wars Special Editions - Shit
Became an Aqua and Spice Girlsfag. Stopped being such a hipsterfag
Saving Private Ryan - mindblown
Blair Witch Project - based
Phantom Menace - meh
Rush Hour - based
American Beauty - first film i saw with my first gf. It was Kino. Predicted it would win oscars for best pic and spacey for best actor
Overall score for 90's: 8/10

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because it's a country you utter incompetent dunce

I'm not american (and I was poor) so my view of the 90s is likely different from most anons, but what I remember from the 90s is:
- Not understanding a lick of the day to day life in the (american) movies because everything they had seemed alien to me
- Pokemon was just a (popular) tv show
ah, and by the end of the 90s, finally being able to buy yogurt was a BIG DEAL, and I loved it. I still love yogurt to this day and honestly think that "greek yogurt" was one of the best things of the 2010s.... But thinking about it, greek yogurt probably existed in other countries since waay before the 2010s.
Back then I also used to think that things always improved heh

It was the other way around for me but my father elected to not raise me.

>kids in the hall
patrician taste

>If I watch anything rom 93-01
What is rom? I don't know what that means. Thank you!