Louis van Gaal has an aggressive form of prostate cancer


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It's fucking over for him


Holy fuck
He just told this in a talkshow
Has been treated 25 times already

>The following are also associated with an increased risk of advanced prostate cancer: Height, high body mass index, low physical activity, smoking, low tomato sauce consumption, high calcium intake, high linoleic acid intake, African-American race, and a positive family history.

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Damn. What a man. Not saying anything to his players because he didn't want them to worry, while sneaking out at night to get radiation for it.

Dies this mean Koeman is coming back?

>low tomato sauce consumption

oh no no ketchup haters its over for us

hope he gets through it somehow
based Louis deserves to well into his 80s

Did he say if he plans to manage Netherlands at the World Cup?

All that sex masochism is catching up with him. Shouldn't have put an entire fire extinguisher up his ass.

didn't his wife die of cancer?

uno menos para la alfaroneta

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fuck this ugly fat bitch he ruined my football club, wasted 300m on shit like memepiss and other frauds. literal brainlet, his eternal butthurt finally caught up with him


So much for Louis golden cock

That's why I wank 10 times a day

>tomato sauce


Isn't the high calcium thing based on a low n study, that could only show a minor correlation, but also only form black men?


the prostate is in the ass

Yes when he was Ajax coach early nineties.


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sad af

Well it's a commercial club

Maybe thats why he is so outspoken lately about Qatar etc. He knows grim reaper is out there

Is he staying on as manager?

Yes he has been treated already
It will be shown in his documentary which will be released this month?


will you get your prostate checked bros?

No I'm not gay.

you think she infected him?

yes, everynight I check myself because I care about my health

>tomato sauce
kek you dumb pikey

F, sorry based Louis, I'll always be your biggest simp.


>African-American race
cancer is racist af frfr

Classic Louis

Yet he still won silverware with it

literally butthurt to the end


>British cuisine and education

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imagine the kino when Neths win the WC with based Van Gaal managing from the sidelines from bed

Great, it's coming home

He was already once was in a wheelchair coaching.

no wonder he has been so bitter lately

if i fail all of those except for not being black and liking tomato sauce on my chips i will be ok yea??

>Chad Louis keeps fighting for his health to go to Qatar
>NL reaches the final against Germany
>Last minute Veltman blooter cements Louis as the greatest Manager of all time
>Dies a month later
>Biggest funeral ever attended in Dutch history
>Amsterdam changes it's name to Van Gaal stad

Prepare for sport kino my friends

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last but not least
>gets a sticky on Yea Forums
how can Johan Soijff compete

Semas like a pretty shity study if that is the case.

>he wasn't there for the Cruyff sticky

that was on the same level as Oliver Cromwell's execution tbqhwyfam

>tomato sauce
fucking bongs think its the same hahahah

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we did it tomato bros


>low tomato sauce consumption
wtf did you just slip that in there?

is tomato an athlete?

Isn't ketchup basically tomato sauce with sugar added or something? I never eat ketchup so I don't know what it tastes like.

>African-American rac


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no-fappers BTFO

Do you think he's butthurt about it?

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S boomer chimp

FACT: Only prostate ticklers get prostate cancer. Van Gaal is thus confirmed a faggot. And Yes, prostate exams count as faggotry. If god wanted other men to touch your prostate, he wouldn't have it up your ass.

>If god wanted other men to touch your prostate, he wouldn't have it up your ass.

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reminder to release your cum often
make your prostate work

the script has been written. the world cup is already in the bag. sorry everyone else

>tomato sauce
british cuisine is truly grim

That's it, it's over. We're gonna win the World Cup, lads. The story has been set. Louis' going out with a bang!

So coomers are safe from prostate cancer.

Imagine thinking it's a cuisine thing and not simply a language thing.
>In countries such as the United Kingdom, India, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, the term tomato sauce is used to describe a condiment similar to ketchup. In some of these countries, both terms are used for the condiment.
Most people call it ketchup these days thanks to American influence. Tomato sauce was more common when I was a lad, with the other thing being called pasta sauce.

>Van Laal

uhh.. is it bad that sometimes I squeeze my dick and don't let the cum out right away? I just don't like shotgun blast everything and my timing is shit

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manlet bros, you won?

This is actually false, they did one study and it was never peer reviewed. Stop fapping and have more sex.

>low tomato sauce consumption

>Van Gaal's Height is 1,85m


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Who would replace him if he dies before the World Cup. De Boer?


It's the same shit. I don't know what those foreign tards think "tomato sauce" in the context you used it is referring to. Probably passata or something.

>and a positive family history
My family are all pessimists so we're good.

>tfw short, lazy, office worker that loves pizza and hasn't had milk in decades
>also not black
i gotta say, love being me sometimes.

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Yeah, tomato sauce and ketchup refer to a very similar set of table sauces in the UK and Commonwealth. In American English, however, tomato sauce typically refers to marinara sauce but that has more to do with Italian immigrant influence than anything else.

It's not that surprising when you realise he's 70-years-old. Something like 80% of men get prostate cancer by 80. Most men who have it die from something else because it usually takes a very long time to kill you.

>Drink lot of dairy stuff, including milk
>barely do exercise
>Sometimes have a puncturing feeling in my ass
>tfw 29
it's over

>Sometimes have a puncturing feeling in my ass

Probably just the butt plug you forgot to take off, mapuche.

it might be the milk desu.

No, only Nash got raped like that

Why is everyone laughing at this?

Stop having gay sex bro

absolutely based fellow ketchup disliker. If the food needs to be drenched in ketchup, then it's fucking grim and shouldn't be eaten.

I know it's 'gay' but massaging your prostate regularly will greatly reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer.
Also, not masturbating/orgasming regularly will increase the risk of getting it. This is why nofap is retarded, there's a lot of negative effects with not shooting your load when you need too.

based bong gastronome

>made out of tomatoes
not sure what all those seething responses are about.

It had to be a fucking bong

its literally the most popular tomato sauce on the planet

Genuine question: how do you treat that? Do you give ray treatment?

the prostate may be removed altogether
it's over

this and hope it doesnt spread

>Sometimes have a puncturing feeling in my ass
Are you by chance an Uruguayan living in Chile? That'd explain everything.

>British education
>British """cuisine"""
Thanks god I'm not born on an inbred island

this kind of cancer is pretty much a death sentence :(

>shove a finger up my ass because it supposedly feels good
>end up with a stinky finger and a sore asshole
yeah I don't get it

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No it isnt, people more often die with rather than from prostate cancer. They caught it before metastasis occurred (but after resection was possible), 5-year-survival is like 99%

Koeman has been pinning to return for the job

a bunch of gabagool fucks thinking their relevant

Prostate orgasms are worth eternal damnation tbqh.

it's because this man is gay


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Poor Anglos… I don’t envy your cuisine


>African-American race,

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tomato sauce is only used for pasta, pizza, once a week maybe
ketchup is a tomato sauce used every day

>all these ketchuplets seething at getting prostate cancer

oh no no no kek
you keep coping, ill keep living.

this post brought to you by the makers of tomato sauce, TomatoCo

You can add tomate sauce to a lot of things such as rice, soups or meat and vegetable dishes. Better then fucking ketchup.

Would you put ketchup on your pasta? Barbarians.

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That's not bad that's based

i only eat pasta once a week at the most, thats not enough tomato sauce to stave off the cancer

Are you joking, ketchup is godly in cheeseburger mac and cheese. But then again I do use it to fry the ground beef with white wine vinegar, paprika powder, onion powder, garlic powder and some pepper powder, I only add mayo as condiment afterwards.

>demands that everybody gets vaxed

karma's a bitch I guess lmao

manletbros... we won...

t. mayo monkey


>dutch put mayonaiise on their chips instead of tomato catsup

>get prostate cancer

NBA nigs btfo

mayo on fries is superior. I will die on this hill

Just like LVG lmao

They even put it over chicken and rice and call it a "National Dish."

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lvan laal is literally dying on it
ive had garlic mayo on them and it was good desu

>thread about LVG having cancer
>Turns into a debate about whether or not ketchup is a sauce
Never change Yea Forums

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Ketchup is made with tomatoes, sugar, vinegar/acetic acid and spices. Whereas, tomato sauce is made from tomatoes, oil, meat or vegetable stock and spices. It never uses vinegar. Also, ketchup is cold in nature and is never served hot, while all varieties of sauces are served hot.

Tall niggas be like, ayo muh dick hurt