Meta Yea Forums thread. How do we stop this retarded wojakposting?

Meta Yea Forums thread. How do we stop this retarded wojakposting?

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For me, it's the second from the right soijack. His grotesquely stretched mouth is, dare I say it, bond chilling.

"My bad"

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Why not just enjoy the wave of meme of the month and then continue on like a normal, mature person? If a thread was worth talking about then it'd get replies.

It's a problem when there are 10 of them. These 4 in particular right now had the word "jumpscare". Also, I got banned last week for avatar posting, yet these faggots constantly pop up and make new threads.

A counter-operation is currently being implemented. Be part of it.

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>watching horror films

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If they can come back after being banned then so can you. Sounds like you're just salty you're bad.

i like how its all one guy who thinks he can meme Yea Forums into liking jumpscares.

you didn't cap your own posts, right?

>Meta Yea Forums thread. How do we stop this retarded wojakposting?

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>noooo stop shitposting on the shitposting board!!!!!

>Meta Yea Forums thread. How do we stop this retarded wojakposting?

Attached: 1564818739293.png (726x750, 124K)

I absolutely, positively did and I like this to be known; and while you are reading this, a new post will have appeared on the catalog. I encourage people to partake.

Giving him a (You) just to spite you. If you don't want to give him attention, don't reply in the first place, faggot.

cringe zoomer

fucking y*kes sweetheart

Giving him a (You) just to spite you. If you don't want to give him attention, don't reply in the first place, faggot.

y*kes. just y*kes.

all you
