HoH: Jess
Veto: Jess
Noms: Jack/jackson
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Jess
Veto: Jess
Noms: Jack/jackson
Previously on /bb/:
Rice pudding
Holy fuck finally the power alliance is being hit for once. Thank god
Actually I’m a blacked out fag who has pretty much been using these threads to keep up
this will be the last season we get to watch with /bb/ after they shut all the chanz and channelz down
actually you're a retard
They’ll shut down /pol/ and maybe /r9k/
The SFW boards are safe
What exactly do they think shutting down /pol/ will accomplish
go be retards somewhere else
entire site is getting purged buddy
Hold up. What is going on?
another retard posted his manifesto on a chan before shooting a place up
They might just take infinity down.
who is this a chan?
the hacker known as Yea Forums (and his retarded brother 4channel) is too notorious not to banish if they get the chance
over 9,000 penises
Post cute anals
to be fair, id probably get a lot more shit done but I still hope it never happens.
>Last season of Big Brother! Love Island is gonna cancel it!
>Last season of /bb/! The internet is gonna cancel 4channel!
just havin a laff
Only one of those things can gain political brownie points tho
can someone explain how love island, the least watched show on cbs, got renewed?
apparently there was a big bidding war between cbs and netflix to get it so probably sunk cost fallacy
they should realize that if they are bidding against Netflix then they are trying to buy a pile of shit
some exec just wanted company paid trips to fiji
moot must be thrilled some retarded gook bought his ticking time bomb of an anime message board so he could go be a good boy for Google
I’m gonna go watch the new Tarantino joint. Ta ta gals
tommy had to do the sound punishment at 6am
gays only on rhap this morning
Brent's gay?
he’s a strict top so only gay by technicality
enjoy. I’m going on Tuesday
where is everyone
has fat realized yet that taking down jackson and putting up analyse will ensure jack goes?
we all died yesterday
>Apparently a cameraman laughed at Jackson putting deodorant on his balls last night and he overheard it.
>This led to him telling Holly about his practice.
I would rather Jackson go home. He annoys the crap out of me.
>not supporting based Snackson, conqueror of Bog
no love for jack either but i agree jackson is a douche. preferably they put up christie and she goes but wont happen so they better make sure they get the target
He's a big pussy. I don't get what you see in him.
>first HG to fuck two girls in the same season
>consumes food
>casts rogue votes
>blows up on people instead of keeping it cool
>brazenly breaks have not rules and suffers no consequences
>all his haters whining how they hate him so much
he's against the dyke
He's a fun villain and not nearly as awful as reddit/twitter claim.
>Why yes, I did piss my pants during a challenge to cement my power level to the rest of the house. How could you tell?
That 4channel move was actually 200iq
I didn’t wake up
not that anyone cares but wakeup fish
hi mom
don’t make me regret telling you about /bb/
the challenger appears
well said. I don’t particularly like the guy but all of those are reasons why he’s based and should stay in the house
also this alone was enough to gain my respect
kek based
I can imagine Tommy singing this
>When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs
>Every morning to help me get large
>And now that I'm grown I eat five dozen eggs
>So I'm roughly the size of a barge
you dont even need to change this part
What practice? He's a lawyer?
he's a nutsack lawyer
>ywn watch enzo mist the entire house all summer again
why live
Change eggs to watermelon
he eats an entire carton of egg whites in one go
>Sun 1:21 AM PT Holly says Nick is so sick. Kat said Nick asked her to snuggle her and she said no.
>Sun 1:25 AM PT Jess says Nick is a coward
>Sun 1:52 AM PT Jess says she does not know what category Nick is? Holly says Nick is a sleaze
>Sun 1:54 AM PT Holly says she would not normally date a Michie. He is a toddler
b-but analyse is a mean girl
wakeup fish is approaching 45 minutes
This morning's wakeup music is Thick as a Brick by Jethro Tull
all girls are mean girls
>not Locomotive Breath
Lmao at Tommy trying to bully Kat yesterday when he no longer controls the house. He lives in the past
they are all gathered on the couches
>said, "He's a nigger bro. I don't fuck with niggers." About David.
oh it was yell guy fucking with jack
why the fuck are they vacumming today and what the fuck is with this dudes hair?
they are only given the vacuum once a week so they're probably vacuuming now since they got it on a random day
imagine being obsessed with a fucking deadbrained uggo.
have some self respect
allen the angry alien punishment. it came in and yelled at jack, threw out the coffee and threw baby powder on him
jackson has one coming up too
aww, christie is so compassionate. what a good person.
that's not how you dab, holly
this is why everyone hates fags
I don't.
>I'm attracted to my own penis
>I do not want to procreate
>I want to fuck a shithole
>I love shoving things up my anus
>I need all attention on me at all times
mental illness
Who was the most fuck able this season?
if i was a producer, i would make him do that every 30 minutes no matter the time of day
>cliff telling story about his wife's tragedy
>cut all four cameras to Tommie doing dumb gay faggot bullshit
why production
his wife left him because he's a fucking coward and pulled the waivers.
I like them.
Unironically, kemi
christie. i want her to fuck right off
kemi was so fucking hot
*fishes your gametalk*
Her body was smoking
thanks for doing your shitty slapstick garbage during the gametalk, cbs
watch those f-bombs
if you mean most likely to give up dat pussy then kat won that race
Well given his high score, clearly Snackson.
is it thicchie punishment time?
i believe you are the [spoilr]f-bomb[/spoiler] here
at least i know how to spoiler
get out of the closet already
oh no anal can’t make a spoiler
misted lol
with Jess Gheesling having the veto, Jack's fucked, right? either Snackson is staying on the block or an even easier pawn is getting put up
pretty sure Big Jess is leaving the noms the same. current plan is cliffs angels + holly vote out jack and see where nicks loyalties are. jess will break the tie and vote out jack
yes princess katty and sneaky nicky is voting out douchjack
what does jack have to do to stay alive
get jackson to implode pretty much
>Power alliance
That alliance has already been disbanded, showfag. Half of that former power alliance is partially responsible for this week's events.
The one with the most sex appeal is Anal.
But you have your obvious fetish picks as well.
fuck some grod dick. she likes that long hair
pretty sure nick is onboard but if they arent sure its not worth the risk. just take down jacskon and put up analyse. the "other side" loses a vote and they gain one plus nick will for sure vote out jack too
let mistie do her thing
Get Jackson to punch Holly out
>only 4 days until Mistie flips the vote when the feeds are off before live show and Jackson is evicted 8-0
can't wait
How will she do it? Do we know what this post veto bomb is? It seems like jack is a lock.
shes got nothing to get them to flip
>doubting christie's mist
not a true student of the game desu
I've said it before, but Cliff is 100% jealous that Nick is sliding into his spot of playing both sides and any chance he's gotten he throws nick under the bus
>He grabbed my boobs and said that he wasn't going to stop trying to have sex with me. Like oh my God, I literally could not believe it. If you don't vote him out you support rape culture.
michie respects women now
did kat forget that jackson literally yelled at and belittled her?
too bad hes doing a terrible job pretending to work with the 6
nick is taking christies spot
jackson was yelling and made her cry in a good way
i know you're joking and shit, but absolutely nobody buys her shit anymore. even the fatso got weirded out by her last night and doesn't look at her the same way
>tells julie shes voting out jackson to julie
>complains on live tv that jackson treated her like shit
shes a cuck
anals belly, hips and thighs are heavenly
Finally able to sit down and watch feeds today.
I'll be here the rest of the day, fellas. And looks like we got some good Kat/Cliff gametalk going!
Kat to Cliff: I don't trust Tommy...
>calls out his fake crying
LET'S GO!!!!!!
sounds good bbo
kat cliff want to do christie on the double. up next to jackson or tommy
kek thanks man
Lol she isn't slipping through shit, she's being dragged as a goat
and just like that... Brent won
by who
>taran and melissa
bimbo aka holly want christie out in the double
imagine EVER taking tarans opinion seriously
taran is dead
I can actually see Kat winning
shut up already, analfag
holly is taking jackson
holly will lose votes because jackson is putting his dick in her
I'm shocked Brent didn't draft all the darkies and Kat.
Tommy/Christie had the perfect set-up with the Nine, both sides wanted them. They really blew it with that stupid Cliff blindside. And then turning on Jackson.
i'm fucking living for this kat/cliff convo
jackson will lead the charge to evict christie if tommy did nothing
tommy ruined it with his constant damagecontrol with bimbo
sam would have still voted out jack
two women (bella and christie) couldn't keep their mouth shut
who is brent and taran. i assume the girl looking one is melissa
why on earth would he pick a pretty white woman?
taran picked ovi
brent picked nick
Kat is the definition of a cuck.
hi taran!
I actually can't. She's played stupid too long that even if she drops she went to college and knew what was going on majority of the time, no one will really believe her except cliff or nicole
not really. they needed to finish the kat flip if they were ever going to start it. then all they had to do was not let fat win hoh and they would still be dominating. cliff would be in the hoh right now swearing on his children how loyal he is and how they need to get jackson out
no thats marty
>ovi, kemi, anal
i wonder who's behind this post
Nick will win bb21 and it will be kino.
why is christie cleaning the hammock?
no idea, shes been going to town on it.
kat and jack boatroom
bimbo bent over in the kitchen
>fucks you
>dumps you
>fucks holly
>dumps holly
>holly begs for his cock
>holly lets jackson use you as a number
cliff going to the john to masturbate after his talk with a bikini-clad kat
oh boy he can dig his grave even deeper
the cuck is SCRAMBLING
Stop, that's his daughter!
Tommy looks like a dickhead
second best daughter, first best fap fodder
go outside
Can’t wait to watch Jack go home thursday and get booed on stage for being a racist @CBSBigBrother #bb21 #aquaman
but at least he wears a spaceman suit now
did cliff really sniff christie's vagina?
Smells like halibut
Do you think that survivor season 40 will deliver? What do you think of the Sarah /Kim/Tyson final 3?
he may be old and have a barely-working dick but he is still a man
Anyone have the house blowup from Thursday? Like a fool I just watched it on YouTube and didn't save it :(
>Do you think that survivor season 40 will deliver?
not if they have that stupid camp comeback island shit they had last year
women secretly like that sort of thing
I had half of Melissa’s team in the draft
the 4 are full on scramble
Kat can't get answers b/c she doesn't let people actually answer her questions
mistlet and brainlet are SCRAMBLING!
>he would rather work with us than them, they are not winning comps
dead man walking
christie knows shes next on the double
the absolute state of mistie right now. but the universe will provide.
but the double is not next, dumbo
mistie is actually right about the jackson/holly/kat trio
the fact that jackson shits on kat the most and she's keeping him should be a wake up call
imagine dying or her, just so she can kill herself too.
powerful moves.
are you sure it's not a red flag?
Sitting right
>Nicks with us
she went to college
So did Anal
have any of yous been doing the field trip vote? i havent cast a vote the past couple days...
the literal state of america
your votes dont matter
>they switched the cams to protect mistlet from embarassment...
i figured. and i honestly dont much care about this twist either.
>jack: i'm sad i've trusted somebody with something and it bit me in the butt
does this dude know what irony is?
whats the point of voting if we don't know if our choice will be rewarded or punished
Just vote the three people in the house you hate the most. One will go home.
at least we get to watch jessica sunbathe all summer
I just don't want to say give Christie the chance for safety, but I hear you
can we get some of the most kino caps from this season? someone post the one of jack, kemi, holly, etc. all looking at jackson
>cliff wants to request quaran and dyke wants to read it too, after crying the whole week how much jesus helped her
nick said the same tho
i don;t think he did
he said he wouldn't mind reading all the religious texts the other day when he had his nose stuck in the bible
typical. as the pressure mounts, everyone turns to the one true God
oh, i thought you meant this cocnversation.
>we only get one book
>I want a 2nd book
how strange
wonder if you can request L Ron Hubbard's scifi books lol
what if you're a jedi?
can you request the whole extended universe?
hahahahahha lolaololpaod;kfmal;skdfnapio
nice of you to join us aggro
beautiful marky post
your post was based
Only the disney approved canon. None of that legends shit
>sis was always very smart with her words
based retard nick telling nicole he wants a alliance with tommy and sis
lmao this retard is gonna go out before christie
nice, getting my wisdom teeth pulled was the first time i ever tried an opiate.
melissa seems like she's feeling it.
based markyposter
damn snackson thiccie looks like THAT??
it's a mental disease
so is being a bigot
i agree. tommy has said some awful stuff
I wish her face wasn’t so fugly
pure kino
sticking a rod up your ass is wrong
only if it's black
lol kat is so stupid. i knew that parents part was what she would dwell on
i like how you have as much iq as your waifu. very fitting
what are you babbling about
no. you're gay. you should have died off by now
are you confused?
just mash your hands into the kb for your next reply, it will make more sense
Why do people hate f-bombs so much. If they want poop on it who cares.
i love you and he loves you
have sex
because it doesn't end with simply getting their dicks all shitty behind closed doors. they're not satisfied until they can get shitty dicks in front of gradeschool children every single day as a part of state-enforced kindergarten curriculum.
christie is safe either way from everyone except a perfectly executed hoh from michie
please have sex, im begging you
BASED s-tier
I do, often, with my girlfriend. sticking your dick in another man's anus is not sex
no you don't
That sounds like redneck Boomer Facebook paranoia tbqf. F-bombs acting like queens is a cultural thing and in the minority of f-bombs.
>sticking your dick in another man's anus is not sex
how will faggots ever recover?
this guy here is passionate about gay sex
Lisa is an underrated winner
you didn't even try. faggots are pathetic failures
why is Drew so low? he played a game as good as Maggie, winning comps and fucking Diane. yeah BB5 had sort of a weird shitty cast, the Four Horsemen were an le ebic alliance
lol shut up
aggro is really going for it today
You're posting in an fbomb forum made for f-bombs by an fbomb. Maybe you would be better off on a site like reddit
look faggot, die of AIDs of of a muslim shooter I don't care but nobody wants faggots in their everyday life. you're a failure of society and you need to just fucking die for the human race to procede
How will normies ever recover?
bimbo, jawson, holly, cliff, nick want her gone next
Of course the homo brings up reddit
he does the same thing every day
stop trying to pretend Yea Forums is ok with faggots
big looking uber-bogged today
? half of Yea Forums wants to suck off ronaldo, another writes in /heem/
go take a shower with a big muscular hunk. we all know thats why you like sports anyway
>we're very loyal people, you've seen how we play. we've only fucked over nick bella jack and holly
superior tier coming through
Of course the skinny fat white boy incel doesn't want to go there, he might get his feelings hurt and shoot something up.
>nicole not in SSS-tier
holy freakin yikes
oh look a faggot just ruined a conversation. faggots are so good they contribute so much. DICKS IN MALE ASSES
>implying aggro is white
white people are too civilized to get into petty squabbles on the internet
your faggot brain is so ill that you still don't understand you think the majority of the thread is aggro
give template, i will show you the tru opinion
ur dumb lol
at this point anal is gonna be the only one blindsided by the eviction
you watch love island, surviro, and retard race you pathetic fucking ass fucked showfag
>autismo wants either backstreetboys or one direction as her music
i don't watch any of those lol
our girl
backstreet boys are pretty based desu
you take dicks up your ass
no i don't
>they take every detailed measurement of us
>w-w-what do you mean, you didn't have penis inspection day
All the people here going off about homos are pretty funny. They see homos when there aren't even homos there. So deep in the closet. Sad.
can you even fathom that there might be straight people out there who don’t hate gays?
homosexuals need to be purged from the planet, they are worse than muslims