Neytiri is...
Neytiri is
why does reddit hate avatar so much?
they can't understand it, not enough fandom and quips
>*Starting to write "A SPACE NIGGER"
>thinking to myself: "No. I'm better than this"
yes you are, you know better than to write offensive and incorrect things about her
It was still written and the intent was there.
please do not call Neytiri "A SPACE NIGGER", it's both offensive and incorrect
a slut
Yes, you're better than this because Neytiri is BASED, YOU FUCKING NIGGER!!!!!
Imagine owning a zoo and having one of these monkeys in a cage. People would come from far and wide to see it.
a x*no
better than green...
yeah pocahantas with blue cgi cat people is a really complex concept
evidently it is for redditors
Number 2
a tall blue nigger
please do not call Neytiri "a [...] blue nigger", it's both offensive and incorrect
you're right. she's a tall blue UGLY nigger from a SHITTY MOVIE.
considering how many claim the humans did nothing wrong I do believe the plot flew over the head of them
addicted to anal sex
you have no broofs