This film is too unrealistic

Nobody is a virgin past the age of 18

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you have no excuse to be a virgin in this day and age

tinder is ez mode

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I was molested when I was 12.

still a virgin faggot

The government should send a stud to everyone's 18th birthday to take their virginity.

why can't zoomers into zany madcap humour?

36 year old virgin here. Only 4 more years to go!

why the wait?

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Kino classic comedy.

he seemed happy to me, meanwhile look at 2000s kids. he wasn't driven by insecurity or the need to be seen as someone he's not. also he got to fuck elizabeth banks in the backdoor, member?

I'm 4 inches erect

The tiny dick mental complex is a lot more off-putting than the dick itself. Just find a short girl and act confident

what does a vagina even feel like haha

you must be gay, since this is an 18+ website haha

I did act confident and a girl from college came home with me but when we got to bed she grabbed my dick and laughed and said ''it's so small'' and we didn't have sex then

I am 28 and have never benis in human

>tfw can have sex a few times a month on tinder
>tfw never truly experienced romantic love or even platonic love ever besides my mother
>tfw all I want is to be loved I’d give up any sex for it
H-have sex yeah.

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really hope this is true

Religious or just too shy to go to a prostitute

And you didn't slap her head off?

It is true. She was English from London. Haven't seen her in 4 years. But for some reason she still sends me a message twice a year asking me how I'm doing.

>tinder is ez mode
not if you are ugly/have no good pics, not even a good bio can save you, i have tried tinder 3 times and the only match i got straight up told me i was ugly out of the fucking blue

>tfw 24yo kissless virgin

>match with fat girl on tinder
>we talk a bit
>she says "you look older than you are"

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>don't have sex with your rape victim for two days
>she eats too much chocolate and wants to kill herself
Films for this feel?

I got 3 who said I looked younger than I said in my profile. I'm 29 but they thought I was 22 or 23. So now I have a beard to look older.

Scared. Buying sex is illegal here and can you get you into fuckton if trouble. Probobly not worth it.

English women are repugnant I can't stand them

>26 kissless virgin
>don't want sex or gf
plebs. I've won the game.

I dunno I liked her at first. She was fiesty

Look at how she treated you bro.
It's unforgivable.
All of them are like this by the way you weren't unlucky.

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bags of sand

Idk how tinder even works. I got laid a few times using it but it's SUPER rare like only 1 out of 100. Most matches I get don't even respond to me. idk if its my profile, pics or what.

>Nobody is a virgin past the age of 18
I'm a kissless, hugless, handholdless virgin and I'm 28.

>tinder is ez mode
don't want to get STDs and herpes or have contact to degenerate subhumans. I don't even want them to see my profile picture.

I'm 19cm erect


kinda same, dont really see why I should even bother now with it as I missed out on too many things anyway.
also Porn and onahole are a good replacement, good enough for me.

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just pay for it bruv

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wow, this is pathetic.

Just go to Thailand. The girls will take care of everything if you just sat I am shy please give me full survise. Friend of mine did that at 25 (virgin). Came back a new man.

kinda disgusts me
>paying so stranger touch you

user I...

Never tried Tinder
Is it free? If not, it’s useless to me

I was a virgin until I was 19, i am a total man whore now though.

pre-marital sex is wrong

taking black cock makes you a bottom boy slut, not a man whore.

This unironically

>Is it free?
You have to pay to weed out the bots

Based and redpilled

What are some legit kinos or kino documentaries on the virgin feel?

The movies makes this point. Everyone of Andy's friends are fucked up and/or miserable human beings. All the degenerate whores hate themselves and can't cope. The only normal, decent guy is Andy, whom only has sexual intercourse after being married.

Shy boys documentary

is being a virgin past the age of 16-18 a big deal in first world countries?

yes it is, when people find that out they treat you different and look down on you.
to them you are not even a human.

Do you think these people want to shoot up malls and schools and stuff?

I am the bowler, not the wicket keeper.

Wtf. This is blatant projecting. Mybey all my friends are based but we have two virgin girls and a guy in our social cyrcle and we all are all suportive they are not whores. (Looking for serious relationship to start a family)

no one gives a fuck lmao

Had sex last night
It sucked

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But I live on Eastern Europe so this might be one of the reasons. Whoreing around is seean as degenerate western thing Westeners got from living with niggers. Bot even kidding.

I'm only 7 inches erect

I feel you. When I whip out my 9inch dicklet all the girls laugh...