Now that the dust has settled
was it kino?
Now that the dust has settled
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Absolutely, 10/10 Chad-core. Only incels and trannies don’t like it.
Pretty good. The actual true remake of karate kid.
>was it kino?
Yes, Fight Club is an amazing movie.
most underrated kino there is.
love the message that violence solves every problem and if you dont get stronger youre a bitch
>women and zoomers will never understand
Is that physique possible natty?
lol, I actually though that the other guy will stab him in the ending. Why would a psycho respect someone that beat him?
I love modern day alt history mixed with every comeback movie ever.
This time Hector beats Achilles ass.
Is that the film where some poorfag trains with Digimon Hounsou, beats up some richfag MMA kid or something, all the while "YOU'RE GOING DOWN" plays?
>The actual true remake of karate kid.
Literally what flick?
warrior (2011)
yes, because Amber Heard wants to fuck the MC, but she cant because her boyfriend is stronger then MC. Thats what motivates MC to train and fight the bf, so Amber heard isnt too embarrassed anymore and will fuck him
a true portrayal of a roasty. the movie is a masterpiece
Karate kid (2010)
Never Back Down
I saw that when it came out and some channel played it. Can't remember much past the song and general plot, but I remember going "yeah, that'll be me in High School". And then, well... yeah...
we are all going to make it, brah
This movie made me hit gym, absolute kino.
I'm a zoomer and this is my favorite movie, fuck you
Never Back Down
Training montages are so fucking kino.
Based Stallone is a fucking visionary for starting the trend.
God, why did they stopped doing these kind of movies? Also the Never Back Down sequels are fucking shit
Because it's chadcore kino, can't have kids watching something that may pino testosterone in them. Here's your capeshit goyim
>gets bitten by a spider
>take roids
>just be born as superman
>get strucked by lightning
capeshit is ridiculous. No one even works to become great. It's just handed to them.
Eh, Batman and Iron Man work for their heroics. Folks like Daredevil and the like do too.
B movie = kino
Fuck off op.
B-movie bad
A-movie capeshit good
>Why would a psycho respect someone that beat him?
Because that's how human dynamics work in a society free of soigoys
low t posts