do American grocery stores really bag purchases in paper bags or is it only used in the movies for aesthetic purposes and for the bottom breaking trope to introduce characters to each other when they help pick the stuff up.
Do American grocery stores really bag purchases in paper bags or is it only used in the movies for aesthetic purposes...
Wouldn't people just put everything back into the shopping cart and bring it outside to their car?
In Europe we do this only in very big supermarkets in specific places such as towns but in the big city we use plastic bags.
I haven't seen paper bags at grocery stores since the 90s, maybe early 00's. Really only see them at liquor stores nowadays.
Some comfy grocery stores like Woodmans. Fuck Walmart and target with their plastic bullshit and profiting off poor people
Some stores still have them as an option, I wish more did. It's become a lot less common over the years
Why would you make this thread again?
Most still carry paper bags, but really push for plastic. Most will give paper if you ask. Walmart only uses plastic where Trader Joe’s only uses paper.
One must pay for plastic bags in Europe. They are not given out freely like in the US. Also, the European bags are generally much stronger than the majority of flimsy American plastic bags.
My country just banned plastic bags I hate it
european paper bags are also a lot nigger than the American ones and also have handles that make them easier to carry
They’re trying to outlaw plastic “point-of-service” bags in my neck of the woods too
This is after mandating a switch to recycled plastic bags which are terrible and rip so easily you have to double-bag a lot more items
Yeah we pay a few cents for the bags. It was free some years before, btw.
>be Australian
>super market stop offering free plastic bags for bagging up your purchases. have to pay 15c per bag.
>supermarket chains acting like it's to decrease plastic bag use and as though it's for the environment as opposed to passing on the costs to customers
>all say that shit whilst having 99.9% of products wrapped in plastic. offer free thin plastic bags to put fruit and veg in as usual and literally sell bin liner plastic bags whose sales probably have increased since people don't get plastic bags for free to reuse.
>lefties eating it all up
if they really cared about the environment then wouldn't paper bags be offered as free bagging. but hey I guess it costs too much and is why bagging went plastic a long time ago.
High IQ people use canvas bags.
Don't forget the months of media pushing the "lol look at these losers crying over losing their plastic bags" narrative while Coles and Woolies pocket millions. The fucking movie theater near me stopped using plastic straws, they now use paper straws. Wrapped in plastic.
no shit
this doesn't seem that hard
I always have them in my car but then end up forgetting them in there and have to buy another one at the counter or use regular plastic bags
Take some vitamins or something
Not him but what would help with my memory recall?
Fruits, nuts and fish
Why do people wrap their drinks in these bags in movies? Hide it from the police or something?
It's illegal to drink on the street?
Yes. Alcohol cannot be visible in the public.
I read somewhere having alcoholic beverages exposed in public is illegal. and because it's illegal cops have to do something which they agreed was a complete waste of time and effort so people just put them in paper bags and it's become a mutual agreement that if it's in a bag then I don't know what it is and don't have to chase niggas down and do something about it
In Germany Aldi no longer sells their simple foil plastic bags. Instead they have sturdy plastic weave bags. Bigger than the old ones and more durable. Mine is approaching two years use with only minor damage.
thing is the containers can still be recycled. bags on the other hand end up in landfills. the real hypocrisy is that most groceries stores still sell plastic garbage bags.
It's an unwritten rule that the police won''t bother them if it covered up
>can't drink alcohol just out in the open
>if its covered in a bag they have no way of knowing if it's actually alcohol
>can't just stop you and tell you to get rid of the bag
It's a neat little loophole
How are you gonna take it into your house from the car without bags, smart guy
Some cities/states have bans on plastic bags but usually at grocery stores it’s plastic bags.
Why, what do they use in Europe?