Reminder that France is literally the only country that made good films

Reminder that France is literally the only country that made good films.

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Lies. The only good movie ever made was born in glorious Uganda

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Name 5 good French movies

You can’t name the hot lesbian and pretentious “I’m so deep” black and white movies don’t count obviously

France made Endgame???

La Règle du Jeu, Last Year at Marienbad, Ménilmontant, La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc, L'Atalante, the list goes on......

dont count all black and white

Out 1, Week-end, L'Argent, Le Genou de Claire, Sans Soleil

>Last Year at Marienbad
>La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc
>Sans Soleil
All trash. Get your mind out of the Nouvelle Vague and meme silent gutter and get some actually good directors in there like Renoir, Malle, and Techiné

*early Renoir
Rules of the Game and The Grand Escape or whatever it's called don't count

What early films from Jean do you recommend? I thought that Rules of the Game and Grand Illusion already were considered early Renoir. And I'll watch Malle and Téchiné

if any other country made a french style movie it would be considered shit. france has some art mystique which makes average works seem great.

* ahem *

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Onions thread

I remember my first week at film school too user

Bazin said America made better movies than everyone else during golden age Hollywood
Andrew Sarris said that film for film America can hold its own with the rest of the world
retarded frog

bump for me its godard

Le dinner de con, Les sous-doués, Le grand Bazar, Les Tuches and Nicky Larson...i can go on

>good movie

>My jew overlord said suck my dick and i did it

based Mbarara bro

Bazin is French and the most respected film critic in the history of the medium. Are you actually retarded? Also lmaoing at how you imply French cinema is some censor-less artistic haven that doesn’t care about profits

>Civil war style cap gun
lmao @ eurofags

Why did the guy in red have to die, bros? He was Tiger af