The two deadly incidents are set to reignite the US gun control debate. Democratic presidential candidates also weigh in

>The two deadly incidents are set to reignite the US gun control debate. Democratic presidential candidates also weigh in

Based CNN reporting on what matters most: pushing their politics.

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Other urls found in this thread:

god i want to fuck a chubby latina but i'm not american

fuckin' THICC

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>ywn feel the confort and hold her belly like that

fuck my life

I am unironically SEVERELY attracted to this color skin/body type combo. I live in Florida and see these massive Mexihoes everywhere and goddamn I just want to breed em

Jesus Christ she’s disgusting! Come on guys, this thread is supposed to mock CNN and question the validity of conspiracy theories about pushing gun control.

Smart girl, takinng cover behind the blubber

Why are mutts so determined to have mass shooting all the time?

Something about this mostly.

Constitution of United States of America 1789.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

An entire American school was blasted apart by a white guy and nothing came of it because your entire values system in America is hilariously fucked up

You're just going to kill yourselves off incrementally, and the country dies with a whimper instead of war

>well regulated Militia
>some random faggot with 20 assault riffles and 100k ammo

>a well-regulated state militia

Lol that's the state and national guard

The second amendment was drafted the same year steam powered engine was literally prototyped

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This is why America needs the wall, we need to stop all those poor innocent mexicans from getting shot

yeah haha imagine being dumb enough to think that prayers aren't enough to fix everything

I want to bury myself in her folds and smell her manchego

A-are these the shills I’ve heard so much about? This is the definition of a militia and it’s how America won our freedom from the British Empire in the first place. Why would Euros even care if American citizens are disarmed in the first place? If you want communism you can do that in your own nations, not ours.

>innocent people dead because white guys couldn't get laid

america is such a fucked up country. something needs to be DONE about this.

>people are dying because of a legitimate problem
>talking about a solution is an agenda! reeee

lmao the alt right is so retarded

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Do you think disarming the population and only allowing authoritarian government agents to own firearms will be safer long term? Reminder that the first things Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot did was disarm the population before going on to commit the greatest human slaughters in history. The death toll of these acts alone dwarf any sporadic shootings in America.

Don't forget to mutilate your kid's penis and buy him a bulletproof backpack when he starts going to school, Amerifriends..

I think the world should sit together and solve the incel problem once and for all.
I recommend deathcamps

cry harder

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This “argument” looks pretty foolish contextualized with the previous post, above it.

Can we please have less politics and more pics of chubby Latinas?

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Not a right guaranteed by the Constitution.
>Birth Control
Not a right guaranteed by the Constitution.
>Sex Ed
Not a right guaranteed by the Constitution.
A right guaranteed by the Constitution.

See the difference? God Liberals are so fucking retarded. Read the Constitution for once, yea?

The government doesn't run shit anymore and the corporations dont want their consumer base to die

For niggers.
>birth control
For niggers.
>sex Ed
For whites.
For whites.

See, it’s that simple.

euroniggers can't meme

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Who were the shooters? Probably some incel faggots who were upset 'life wasn't treating them right' so they decided to take it out on others

>I'm gonna live my live by this constitution written 250 years ago and this other book written by Jews 2500 years ago
Fucking mutts

>For anyone below 110 IQ
>birth control
>For anyone below 110 IQ
>sex Ed
>For anyone below 110 IQ
>For whites

Fixed that for you.

>A right guaranteed by the Constitution.
For well regulated militias...
But you always conveniently ignore this part, because sucking the dicks of gun manufacturers is way more important than human lives, america is fucking disgusting

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

>rules for thee but not for me

This is never going to happen again incel.

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Dead kids prove that's it's broken, mutt.

>The Constitution is old and therefore not relevant anymore!
You are so historically illiterate that you should never vote or breed. At least you haven't come to America yet to leech off our success. Yet your fixation with us is kind of endearing (pathetic, but endearing). What shithole are you from by the way?

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You’re right. A well regulated militia will require heavy artillery to be effective. Time to stop letting fun manufacturers get away with selling us inferior equipment!

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the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed

cry more commie euroscum

Pushing gun control ensures that Trump wins the swing states he needs in 2020, however I fully expect Trump and the GOP establishment to back "red flag laws" to take guns away from bad goys without any due process and for the boomer SCOTUS to uphold them. Hate speech laws for the internet will come next. This will trigger a new wave of deplatforming on youtube and similar sites. Yea Forums is too valuable a honey pot for glow in the darks to shut down and team Trump is savvy enough to know that shitposting helped get him elected. They might pressure gookmoot to have jannies start dropping the ban hammer at slightest infraction, but the totally separate and independent site 4channel will be okay. Can't say the same about h8 chan, but if q is really Kushner backed then they should be okay. Their /pol/ may be nuked but it's been complete shit since early 2017, so good riddance.

One thing everyone forgets is that normalfags are mostly apathetic when it comes to politics and all that effort crying on tv is wasted since it doesn't get through their thick normie skulls. It doesn't help that now everyone is 100% desensitized to mass shootings. No one cares for more than two days anymore, and no one watches the news on weekends. Remember David Hogg? But a few things like threatening to take guns will get them out to vote.

More kids died under fascism and communism disarming citizens than ever will from The Constitution’s freedoms. And you can stop calling me mutt, I have blue eyes and you most likely do not.

Are you suggesting that I, and every other person in America that wants to own a gun, join some kind of far-right militia group? That's not a terrible idea to be honest. Thanks for your suggestion!

dead kids don't negate rights. not an argument. euroscum
is this supposed to be a bad thing?

I'm sorry, is my freedom hurting your feelings?

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The older I get, the more I don't understand why some of you people are fine with people losing loved ones to firearms that don't need to be there. It's really apparent none of you have ever lost a loved one in any sort of capacity.
I mean look at you. Defending against some asinine comment about your appearance. Fucking pathetic, the lot of you. Just a really pathetic assortment of people on this website.

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did Orange Man give his usual 'thoughts and prayers' speech?
mass shootings in america feel like a deja vu

Based and Yurop-pilled

Confirmed for brown eyes dark brown hair. You’re in no position to be calling people mutt.

>What shithole are you from by the way?
It's one where we have literally 0 mass shootings, 0 kids killed in schools. One where I get a month of paid vacation guaranteed by the state. Also one where I can freely buy guy a gun if I want, but I have to go through a doctor to tell me I'm not crazy and then the police have to check if I'm not a violent criminal. It's truly a shithole.

>Government is full of traitors bent on ethnically cleansing whites from their own country.
>Lmao, give up your guns, white man.

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>If it ain’t broke-
>*gets shot*

it literally is. europeans and australians want you to abandon your rights because they make them upset

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>didn’t answer the question
Top kek. I’m never embarrassed to be an American.

>noooo what do you mean i cant shoot up my school?? what about my rights??

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>someone died so you should give up your rights
not an argument you histrionic subhuman

Lmaoo, do you really think you can defend yourself against well-trained soldiers with a gun?

>mass shootings in america feel like a deja vu
My favorite is "This is not the time for talking politics!" and wait for people to forget about it. And then when it happens again and people say something about new gun laws it's the same "No, no, it's a tragedy. Let's be silent and not talk about politics."


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>I’m never embarrassed to be an American
The rest of the world is embarrased for you

so why do you care so much about american laws? mind your own business and fuck off

>I am an blonde haired, blue eyes, ary-

Get shot

Blah blah blah we all repeat the same talking points and won't actually do any of it if we get in office.

You should be.

Do they do a criminal record check and shit before you can buy a gun?

millions of others have guns and they don't shoot up schools, retard. Nice conflation strategy.

yeah but you seem to be incapable of shame

>I can freely buy guy a gun if I want, but I have to go through a doctor to tell me I'm not crazy and then the police have to check if I'm not a violent criminal.
Yikes. Sounds like a dystopian police state. I'd rather the state/government stay out of my business. I'm glad you've convinced yourself to enjoy your lack of rights though.

I'll stay in America though where my abundance of freedom can literally make some eurocuck SEETHE from several thousands miles away just by existing lmao

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I can comment on anything I want. That's called freedom, mutt.

see keep crying. no one's listening

Why do you think the NRA exists? Retard

Obligatory stupid post that gets debunked every time it's posted
Weaboo larper conveniently forgets not eveyone is a sad loser ready to die for their kill-toys. Most people aren't, in fact

I unironically don't care what peasants think you can all die for i care but i would prefer to make you MY peasant

>weighing in

and americans can and do own guns. that's called freedom, euronigger subhuman. and there's nothing you can do about it. so keep seething

American guns are the only thing keeping your governments from going 1984 on your asses. You see, America rules the world, but our government really wants us to disarm. Americans will never do that if they see other countries' governments fucking them over. So, your governments are made to bide their time until our government has successfully disarmed us.

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>no one's listening
Which is why you have daily mass shootings lmao

>The rest of the world is embarrased for you
That's okay. You don't matter.

>guns are banned
>all those guns still in circulation
>now you can't even buy a gun to defend yourself
not even American btw

Debunk it then. Should be easy for you.

>you can all die
We're not the ones getting shot every day lol

Google Operation Northwoods

hnnnngggh hopefully the girl on the left is underage

i'm not american, and "mass shootings" are not daily, despite what your state broadcaster conditions you to believe

>noooo, what do you mean I can’t practice my religion? What about my rights??
>nooo, what do you mean I have to station troops in my house? What about my riights??
>nooo, what do you mean the government can search my property without probable cause? What about my rights???
>nooo, what do you mean I can be prosecuted without a jury of peers? What about my riiights??
>nooo, what do you mean I can’t openly disapprove the government? What about my rights??
>nooo, what do you mean I can’t leave the labor camp? What about my rights???

Need I go on? The 2nd amendment is the one that protects the others and it’s worth defending.

Honestly I hope you ameritards get even more heavy armament on the streets, it's funny as fuck how you morons keep cheering on mentally ill people commiting mass murder every week
Let's hope it escalates for our entertainment's sake

>You now remember America has 320 million people.

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Why are Mexicans so fucking disgusting?

Lel at that forced ass thought bubble, Europe truly the home of HACKS

>no, I don't want affordable healthcare, I want to mortgage my house so I can get a life-saving operation
>yes, I totally want every random scumbag out there to have assault rifles and shoot up my kids at school/church/mall
Americans have strange priorities.

>Government is full of traitors bent on ethnically cleansing whites from their own country.
Take your meds

Your government told you a lie so you can be happy about being an inferior being compared to the politician

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Texas has always been theirs, cracka.

>Weaboo larper
Almost everyone that posts on Yea Forums from Japan is American military stationed there. So who would know more about that subject, an active military member likely college educated on such matters, or you, an anonymous retard who doesn't even understand the basic human right of self protection.

>We truly hate you and want to replace you but just give up your guns and I'm sure everything will be fine

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banning guns now would only help criminals and hurt law abiding citizens

the only people committing mass murder every week are the niggers you leftist subhumans worship and cry about every time one gets killed trying to shoot a cop

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>demographic changes could only be the result of a nefarious conspiracy!
Take your meds

It's OK, in a week it'll all be forgotten, the dead will have been mourned and we will all go back to our regularly scheduled programming

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Americas gun rights were made so that the common people could rise up against any oppressive government that might form, just like they did with the British.
It won't be long before this happens to the Trump administration. Minorities and their supporters will rise up and use their God given guns to take the country back from facists.
Republicans should be the ones pushing for tighter gun laws.

>AMERICAN jarhead
>knowledgeable about anything
hard kek

>developed countries
>united states

No you can't incel. Go back to your 2D fake waifus

no it wasn't, jose

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>if we say things are free then no one has to pay for them
>if we ban guns no one will have them
You have the cognitive capability of a child lmao.

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nah, gungrabbers will never shut up until they get their way. then they'll start demanding knife control, baseball bat control, and on and on

>I am so unbelievably dumb I think free healthcare is unironically free and therefore everyone else must think so too
Americans hard at work.

>yes, I’m a healthy wealthy white man who wants to pay half his income to string sickly sub-standard genetics along on my tax dollar and wait 2 months to see a doctor
>yes, I believe only the government and criminals should have weapons because I can’t be trusted to defend myself!

Europeans have strange priorities.

'race' is a bit of a grey area in your country but I'm pretty sure the 2 shootings we had in the last 30 hours were done by """"white"""" american males (incels)

It's amazing how easily programmable people are.

kek. it's minorities who want guns banned because white people are the only ones who own them and believe in their right to own them

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Imagine the amount of shootings after Joker (2019) release. I feel really sorry for you, americans. Thanks god that guns are not allowed in my country

>Safest Countries in the World 2019
>1. Iceland
>2. New Zealand
>3. Portugal
>4. Austria
>5. Denmark
>6. Canada
>128 United States

What a fucking shithole

>imagine thinking this is an important point
You are ugly inside and out no matter what your pathetic race is, smelly incel.

How fucking naive are you?
Now take out the black and mestizo homicide rates and the U.S. is right there with everyone else, despite having more guns than anyone else.

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>the military is only comprised of grunts

Agreed, the guy spamming /pol/ infographs might as well be a bot

>wakes up after two mass shootings
>sees that majority of Yea Forums is anti /pol/ now

Bout time

go drink your nigger semen ration, you faggot

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It's a tiny minority voice that is completely ignored by the news outlets

They'll be protesting on the white house lawn but no one will pay attention
Maybe a senator or two, or a few congressmen might talk but the "old money" veterans in the senate and house will never let them be heard

kek this is literally what you peddle to your retards. This is why your 85 IQ chimps keep supporting it.

>Take your (((meds)))
Fixed that for you.

Pathetic incel and paedo what a combo.

>pay half his income
Do Americans really believe that?
My taxes are ~20% of my salary and that's for healthcare, pension when I get old, paid holidays, money if I become jobless, maternity/paternity paid leave and all kinds of shit.

Smart people don't sign up to die for Israel

Has the definition of free changed or are you just groveling because you lost the debate?

>smelly incel

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Yeah, our country is coming apart at the seems because it's a multiracial hellhole run by Jews.

Yes it is, way before you kind stole it Sharty

When is your shooting take place? What guns are you using? Keep us informed


>It's a tiny minority voice
half the country supports the democrats. there are millions of gungrabbers out there and they intend to get their way

What world are you living in retard. Every media outlet with a national TV slot is pushing the gun control narrative.

(((((((False Flag gun grabber incident )))))))))))

Ban social media, ban anti-male propaganda, ban hollywood (aka ban jews), ban gun-free zones, and encourage Christianity + a return to family values.
I guarantee you that mass shootings will be reduced to near 0 within a generation.

The upper management types in the military are literally all Ivy League educated. To imply these people aren't intelligent is moronic.

so you'll fix it by shooting up a place of worship, right?

what does that mean? you are resorting to nonsense since you have no argument

unironically have sex and stay away from wal-mart

Oh no.

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She’s being a hysterical bitch and so are you, nobody wants to ban all sex ed and birth control, and as abortion is a barbaric activity and is mostly used for the convenience of reckless slags then yes there should be tight controls on it. None of those “rights” are protected by your constitution either you mouth breathing shit eater.

I was also thinking to myself "this meme talks too much, and would be much more effective without the thought bubble".

Sometimes less is more.

>1/5th of all the time you work is wasted so losers can see the doctor
Meanwhile my employer pays for my health insurance NOT the entire countries. Sure feels like winning.

Das rite him>you disgusting mayo

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do you have enough self awareness to realize you sound like a parody of a right-wing boogeyman?

No, satan. That's retarded.

>left wing idiots: dress silly
>right wing idiots: kill people
great argument!

thread minds me of /pol/ lmao (lol too) buts dis is Yea Forums lol whys dis threads in Yea Forums wens it's is for /pol/ lol (lmao 2)

We are here to stay, camarada

When's 'getting shot' taking over baseball as America's number 1 passtime?

not an argument. leftist subhuman scum

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Or just look at modern day Europe, where the exact same people who don’t want the population to have any form of self defence are also trying to turn us into Afro-Islamic shitholes where gang rape, violence etc is common.

Our country. Also,

based op doing what matters most: whining and virtue signaling

Can someone explain to me why stricker gunlaws are a bad idea? Why are Americans so okay with letting children be massacred?

I asked you nicely to have sex

Are euphemisms too hard a concept for Ameritards or something?

((Diversity is your strength))

That's not the argument, brainlet.

ITT: seething euros get blown the fuck out and desperately try to cope

How many paid leave days do you have?
How many paid leave months/years do you get if you (your wife) have a kid?
How many months do you get money if you lose your job?

>literally BAN ALL GUNS
kek they're not hiding it anyone
2020 is going to be a cakewalk.

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Ahhh, Amerimutts, prioritizing the creation of more goblinos above anything else.

So will the people intent on committing a shooting run to turn their guns in if the laws change?

Why do anything when you can just tweet empty virtue signalling by repeating the same old thoughts and prayers line?

Why wouldn't you talk about gun politics after a mass shooting? It seems like that would be the most logical time to discuss it. You wouldn't avoid talking about the economy right after a recession or avoid talking about foreign policy after getting bombed.

It's not even an argument but if you try posting photographic evidence to the contrary it has a "triggering" effect on the /pol/ autists, who get extremely upset over images of people just like themselves and start screeching to the fuckhead janitor.

Guns are tools people are the problem what more do you want.

Dead and raped kids prove Europe shouldn’t accept any Muslim or African immigration in that case, but you’ll still keep ticking that box for that politician.

because they're already strict. and you are a hysterical, estrogen-filled pussy

We're not. We want better security placed in the schools and more responsible citizens concealed carrying. None of these things are forthcoming or encouraged by our government.

muh freedumbs

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>Can someone explain to me why stricker gunlaws are a bad idea? Why are Americans so okay with letting children be massacred?
Because big corporations told them that's "freedom" and they're dumb idiots who got brainwashed.

They just follow their anti-white programming.

Government monopolized health care creates inefficiency because there is no competition, no free market. You are locked into one provider with threat of imprisonment if payments are not made. This has never, and will never be the most efficient way to operate business. Period.

>selfhating white woman says stupid thing
color me shocked we need to ban assault trucks lol

>All midwest and southern states filled with notorious dipshits doing dipshit things

Stupidity killed these people, not guns

You'd think after all these so called false flags failed to drastically change gun policy they would try a new tactic. I guess that would make too much sense though.

Funniest thing is that Trump would be so easily beaten by some moderate guy.
Perhaps you will have some Macron-like centrist as president in the years to come

>disciples of the supreme incel that whine herr day and nite how 'roasties/thots' won't even acknowledge their disgusting existence because they can smell their incel fumes
>"not an argument"

they don't enforce the laws on the books so they are retards talking about more gun grabbing laws.

Because mass shootings are a statistical anomaly. You're about 1000 times more likely to be killed by some random nigger than a mass shooter. The only reason anyone cares is because the media keeps giving it a disproportionate amount of attention.

>gun politics
Because it's not an issue to be discussed. It's a right guaranteed in the Constitution. Period. No reason to talk about it, because it should never change.

>Look at all those gang rapes!
>But you know, having non-stop mass shootings is completely normal and okay.

define explain
define stricter
define gunlaws
define bad idea
define americans
define children
define massacred

Tools that allow someone to massacre children
Not an argument
So the American response to their ever increasing gun problem is more guns?

You wouldn’t shill your political candidates in very same (((news))) article where you address a tragedy.

>the corporations brainwashed you to want guns!
kill yourself you embarrassing faggot

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It's true. This is why we should ban the dangerous, racist, right-wing ideology that fuels all of these mass shooter.

Post your country so we can compare averages, nigger

Works for 1st world nations though

>threat of imprisonment if payments are not made
lol what

working together is all thats left but libtards don't want to.

Well regulated means there has to be regulations and where's the harm in discussing what those regs should be and if they ought to be improved?

Honest question for Americans, are you guys ever worried about getting caught in a shooting when you go out to the mall and stuff? If I lived there I think I'd be anxious as fuck anytime I left my house.

I'd have thought you asshats would be more upset about all these late-term abortions.

And most shooters and white men with right-wing ideologies. We should do something about them.

>So the American response to their ever increasing gun problem is more guns?
Yes. It's what rich and powerful people do.

They should ban you Americans from existing in general.

>can't prove she isn't wrong

top lmao

Come on, answer the questions, mutts.

But let's not ban the left wing ideology that's causing whites to be genocided and Western countries to disappear. Genocide is ok when you do it legally and slowly over time.

Or you could just google America’s immigration laws from around the 1960’s and all the people forcing the country into harmful demographic changes. Or simply read what Demoturds openly say about white peoples and “minorities” on Twitter to know what they’re working towards.


I blame you for that. Your parents as well.

Yeah because the current system where insurance companies pay thousands of people to try and deny payment for things, and medical providers have to pay thousands of people's salaries to fight and argue with those people is very efficient right?

Healthcare shouldn't be a business, it should be a public service.

imagine being schizophrenic

>"that thot doesn't share my BASED & REDPILLED racist opinion"
>"she must hate herself"

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well look at the purging of right wing on the net hows that working out now.

It's our country.
No. We have 320 million people here.

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don't tens of people die every other day to guns. how are these shootings any worse than the average day?

If you give a Liberal an inch, they will try to take a mile. So fuck them. They get nothing.

No one is saying people will stop having abortions if they're made illegal. It's about taking a stand that it's important to protect the rights of the unborn. On the other hand, anti-gun retards seem absolutely convinced that banning guns will mean people will stop being mean to each other.
Also, literally no one except some die-hard catholic priests want to ban birth control.

>Well regulated means there has to be regulations
That is not what it means, retard - the surpreme court affirmed this back in 2010. Why do you spew lies and ignorance, when the truth is only one google-search away?

>Brown guy kills white people: You know who are the real victims, right? That's right, brown people.
>White guy kills mostly white people: This was a racial motivated hatecrime, ban everything and everyone


based and redpilled

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Are you worried about sharks when you go to the beach? Because that's literally just a fear (unintentionally) manufactured by Jaws with no statistical backing. All this mass shooting propaganda works the same way.

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>I blame you for that. Your parents as well.
I got a checkmate.

Yeah the USA has 43 million black people committing an insane amount of violent crime, and has been forced to accept millions of people from all the countries above it, ohhhhcouncidence!

>every first world country has normal healthcare and gun regulations

>This is why we should ban the dangerous, racist, right-wing ideology that fuels all of these mass shooter.
>anyway. back to how we need communism and it will solve all our problems. 60 million dead? that didn't happen

More people are killed by mass shooters than sharks

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If this is how you have to think to feel like you didn’t get demolished in this debate then more power to you.

>El Paso

That's a God damn shame.

>One guy used a truck to kill people = blame the person
>Other guy used guns to kill people = blames guns


It's a massive country and this shit doesn't happen every day in every state like you fag Europeans think. Stop listening to our mainstream media. I'm more worried about getting mugged by homeless or niggers living in the inner city.

>would you believe that people who owned slaves had some pretty backwards racial beliefs?
woah what a mindfuck dude

"the corporations" do not support gun rights, you moronic subhuman

So white countries with relatively homogeneous, tiny populations and a Christian heritage...

Reminder that the chances of getting shot are infinitesimally small no matter how many agenda pushing events take place.
You will die in a car accident, from heart disease or cancer instead.

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More people are killed by niggers in a year than mass shooters have killed in a century.

define every
define first world country
define normal
define healthcare
define gun regulations
define no
define communism
define doesnt work
define big companies
define told me so

yeah im sure all the generals come here to discuss their favorite anime

>Trump is an evil borderline-genocidal monster and the police are racist trigger-happy maniacs
>only these people should be allowed to have guns

trucks have a use beyond killing people

Wtf I love gun laws now.

because those shootings were done by a protected class (niggers)

Attached: usa-basketball-mens-national-team-960-2016.jpg (1300x724, 168K)

Come and try it bitch boy

Not backward at all. Just no white guilt.

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because they arent satisfied shooting up elementary schools, eventually they want to move on to fight the military according to this thread

/pol/ is just the thoughts of normal people who actually go outside, they know exactly what things like ((multiculturalism)) looks like, whereas fat sweaty Walmart communists too anxious to talk to girls tend to be leftists.

shut the fuck up, goy

Eurofag here, KEEP YOUR GUNS. It would be better to dead then a literal slave.

You have your head in the sand if you can't see the way the 1st world is going. There will be revolution and guns in the citizens hands is essential for the success.

You have to crack a couple eggs to make an omelette.

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That’s why America is the worlds most powerful nation and yours is not?
I’m talking about taxes. And you have to pay them.
Like I said. You pay 20% of all your income for other people and wait weeks to see a doctor. My company pays for k my mine, and I see them that day. The choice is clear.
>health insurance is a right
No, it isn’t. It’s not in the constitution. But you know what is!?

See if the US population didn't have guns they might do something like tap into every piece of electronic communication coming into, through or out of the country, store them in gigantic datacentres and allow anyone with a badge to do warrantless surveillance simply because they don't like what you said or who you talk to.

Ever notice how stupid shit like this ALWAYS pops up during elections? Like they just HAVE to happen otherwise people might move on with their lives.

I know it's a conspiracy theory but the fact is shooting like this either aren't happening unless something major in the political world happens. And the sad part is when native Euro's were getting massacred there wasn't anywhere near the amount of press there needed to be about "refugees". I'm too late to be concerned but I am now.

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As opposed to the countless millions also killed by capitalism. I guess those don't count.

Imagine getting BTFO in a debate and this is the absolute best you can fire back with.

Why would I do anything?
You are doing a fine work yourselves.
You don't stop immigration even with a right-wing government, your media is all propaganda against the only people who keep the US alive, and white Americans are busy attacking all white people. Even the American right wing is focused on attacking whites, speak with nigger ebonics and have no problem with racemixing.

Peak degenerate dystopia, and it's going to get what it deserves.
America is simply the proof that multiculturalism is a mistake.

>why is apehoop dominated by niggers

>I’m talking about taxes. And you have to pay them.
Everyone has to pay taxes, you idiot.
>You pay 20% of all your income for other people
Your taxes go to a bunch of things that I already mentioned (paid leave, maternity leave, etc.). You're a moron.

>fat fuck meth addled red neck trailer trash will beat the US military.

>That’s why America is the worlds most powerful nation and yours is not
It's the price we pay for good healthcare and no mass shooters. Have fun using your "power" to fight for Israel

I want America to inact extremely strict gunlaws. Can you imagine how funny it would be to see all these "YALL CANT TAKE MUH FREEEEEDOMS" trying to fight back against the military and getting completely BTFO?

It's a numbers game.

the news needs higher ratings because the debates were shit so now they are going to argue about gun grabbing

So do guns. I'm not even American just fyi.

>Ever notice how stupid shit like this ALWAYS pops up during elections?
Americans are always in "election". There are candidates having debates and the presidential election in in ONE AND HALF YEAR. You recently had congress elections. You're always in election period.

Let me know when i have a statistical chance of being shot that isn't less than .00001%

Until then keep getting hysterical and pushing agendas.

Attached: mass-shootings-all-deaths-01.png (1280x948, 100K)

>da gubmints gonna put me in a labor camp if i dont have me machine guns!!

I didn't say it was a right. I just said it shouldn't be a business. Of course you could always propose an amendment to make it a constitutional right.

>everyone has to pay taxes
But Americans don’t have to pay taxes for everyone else’s health insurance.

War is not a numbers game
Thought you'd have learned that having lost in Vietnam

That would be very bad for everyone. A U.S. civil war would likely destroy the world economy and Russia/China would begin to make moves to become the world's superpower.

>fat fuck meth addled red neck trailer trash will beat the US military
The US military is literally comprised of fat redneck trailer trash. Good luck convincing them to shoot their own family and neighbors. If another Civil War happened, 60% of the army would just quit and fight against what remained.

How can you justify your countries economic and and military irrelevancy by pretending Israel is secretly controlling all of America when America was the one that gave Israel the land their country sits?

>60 million people take up arms and decide the overthrow the government
>the government nukes the entire country

Well that solves the problem

You're paying for your own health insurance, you retard. And when/if you're having troubles you don't die or get bankrupt.

>hurrr durrr I don't want to pay for other people
They're also paying.

It's a system that works in all developed countries and it's much better than the shit you have.

Vietnam actually proves the pics point. So, thanks?

>i can only conceive of gun owners as a moronic cartoon stereotype fed to me by jewish entertainment media
are europoors really this stupid?

its already illegal to murder
most murders occur in dystopian liberal controlled shithole cities like chicongo. in fact, this shooting like most others occured in a gun free zone. if more people owned guns at the mall there would be less deaths now.
also less browns = safer society

>Like I said. You pay 20% of all your income for other people and wait weeks to see a doctor. My company pays for k my mine, and I see them that day. The choice is clear.
That's your call there with your 1 vote. Polling numbers on medicaid for all reflect that more people see the bigger picture here.

I think it's pretty easy to see that medical care falls within the same umbrella of services that involve public good/life and death that we've already deemed too important to be handled by for-profit entities, like law enforcement, education, disaster recovery, etc. As someone who has to deal with private health insurance companies at my job every day, I can tell you that the current system is more inefficient, wasteful and backwards then any government based universal healthcare plan could ever be.

kek your worthless country can literally only exist in the bubble of safety we provide for you. Without us, you'd be polishing russia's cock. Know your place eurotrash

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>America was the one that gave Israel the land their country sits?
Not that guy, but who do you think convinced America to do such a thing? Think they did it out of the kindness of their own heart?

>he thinks rednecks with handguns and rifles could stand against an actual army

The US isn't yurop or australia though.
There's plenty of people who would not give up their guns voluntarily.
That's why they always use the phrase "gun control", which doesn't actually mean anything.

>>no, no WE control the jews

I'm confused here. Don't jews control the media to promote race-mixing and leftist agenda?

Look at all the triggered europoors replying to you lmao. Keep up the good work based burger bro.

how many of these first world nations are predominatly white with their entire militady budget subsidized by america?

how many are also fast converting into violent shitholes as their government, unapposed by the disarmed native citizens, are importing shitskins at exponentially increasing rates?

They won the world cup, so yeah, I guess it is

You don’t understand and I simply don’t know how much more clearly I could explain this to you. Sorry, but I really don’t care how you rationalize your backwards society.

The army is filled with rednecks though

>pretending to be stupid

Vietcongs were willing to die for their country
Are americans willing to die for guns considering most of the country is either dems or republicans who dont give a shit about them?

>their entire militady budget subsidized by america
What the fuck are you talking about?

All of these triggered euros lmfao. This is going to blow over in a week and we will still have our guns and you will still be fucking slaves.

>1 retard with 1 knife tries to kill a single target at closed distance
>somehow is this is AS DANGEROUS as a fucking white incel with ak47s shooting multiple targets at distance

Wowow be careful with that screwdriver he is goin into rampage!!

My place is safe at home
You place is getting shot like a dog lmao

fuck off nazi

This. Our army literally protects all of Europe.

>This is going to blow over in a week and we will still have our guns
and your shootings
Cant wait for next week's


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commie fuck pretending to be a rightard

europe's defence is paid for and provided by the u.s.. european countries don't have to spend much money on their militaries, so they can spend it on other things like their cushy welfare states, which are now collapsing under the weight of foreign immigration

bombs are fantastically easy to build and more destructive than guns
more people are killed by hammers every year than guns
more CHILDREN are killed by pools every year than guns by a wide margin
are we banning pools yet?

In 2018, 387 people died from mass shootings in the US. That's just over 1 death in a million!

In 2017 437 people died in car crashes, in Oregon. That's around 1 death in 10,000.

Which receives more media coverage? Mass shootings are incredibly rare and thus insignificant. They are dwarfed by normal murders, which are dwarfed by car crashes, which are dwarfed by cancer deaths, which is a subset of age-related disease (which kills literally everyone)

When's the last time you saw political debate about fighting aging? Where are the crowds calling for urgent medical research, on what's objectively the most important issue of all?

He’s talking about the hundreds of countries which have abolished their military in exchange for promised defense by America. And the hundreds more which benefit from America’s overwhelming financial contributions to NATO and various other agencies. He’s talking about the notorious American military might which keeps China, Russia, and any number of Middle Eastern dictators from eating your shithole alive. That’s what the fuck he’s talking about.

Old shitty book needs to be revised to accommodate the modern times
if you can't see that then lol at you
things aren't what they were 250 years ago, cuck

How does /pol/ spin the fact that right wing white dudes have been responsible for nearly every terrorist attack in the US for the last decade? Or that the violent crime rate has plummeted as the country has become less and less white?

Oh no, a retard shoots a bunch of retards.
This makes me want to have less rights every time it happens.

"If-" *ducks under ar burst* "it ain't-" *steps over dead child* "broke," *slips in pool of blood* "don't fix it." *returns fire*

That isn’t even remotely the point he was making you stupid cuck. Even the guy crying about “whatsboutism” was closer to a real counter-argument than you.

Democrats lose every time they double down on gun control, they will say the NRA is bad but they won't go further then that, unless they are really dumb

Stricter gun laws don't solve the problem and they more likely amplify adjacent problems in the future. The ignorant always say people shouldn't have "assault weapons" to which they mean automatic rifles because how many people can be killed with one. Not because it's easier to exert force or dominance over a group of people. Meaning people would rather be concerned about the numbers rather than the reason.

I'm not even going to get into the fact that the NRA already tried to propose one but got shot down multiple times or how government can potentially abuse such a restriction. And even if the gun laws were stricter people would find ways to kill on a grander scale like bombs, mines, chemicals and such.

>They're also paying.
Thats the problem user in mexican and black households there is a negative net value. They take more in taxes than what they give.

thers 300 million people here it's 0 percent of the population no one cares 1000 people died in cars today and your dubs scripts is shit.

>*returns fire*
This is your brain on jew semen

you can't ban cars or cancer

>you should give up your rights because it's the current year
not an argument, eurofaggot

those right wing attacks don't count cuz muh false flags even though they're clearinly the logical conclusion of the dumb /pol/ philosophy

or something like that

But that's wrong, you idiots.

>all white people are right wing
You sound like a nazi, to be honest

Considering how deficient in "whiteness" /pol/ is I don't see why it should be regarded as having any different ideas or motivations from Ruckus.

Attached: ruckus.jpg (480x360, 20K)

But you can ban 300 million guns?

based. keep paying for our military while we spend on healthcare and vacations dumb paypig lmao

Do you have enough self-awareness to realise that you've been brainwashed to think that the path to a better society is the path of a "right-wing boogeyman"?

>you can't ban cars
lol yes you can

This was really funny in your head, huh?

>you can't ban cars
But you can faggot.

>Old shitty book
It's to a book it's a document. So already you're off to a poor start if you're trying to convince anyone that you're not a retard.
>accommodate the modern times/things aren't what they were 250 years ago
Correct, if anything gun rights are now more important than ever. I'm glad the forefathers had the foresight to foresee how important the right to weapon ownership would be even centuries in the future.

>yeah but nuh-uh that’s not true
Ok retard.

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modern society cant function without transportation
what guns do other than shoot kids?

>socialist country takes pride in being a lazy welfare leech

>keep paying for our military
Will do, because if you haven't noticed, as long as we do, we literally own you.

>defending your country is bad

He who lives by the sword dies by it. Take a break from fucking your sister and getting beaten by your drunk dad for 1 second to think about how I didn't have to dodge any gunfights when I went shopping this morning.

Modern society is racist, lets ban cars.

think about what you just wrote.

>american takes pride in increasing murder rates

Fuck your rights lol, gun ownership should be seriously vetted and citizens shouldn't need anything more than a handgun, no shotguns or battle rifles, you don't need that much firepower to be safe in a home invasion, this isn't up for debate nigger
Gun rights isn't the issue, the real issue is any asshole can buy them and there's a ton of firepower available that defeats the purpose of self defense. A simple Glock is all anyone can need, not assault rifles and shotguns.

Personal defense from all the monkeys you let out of the zoo

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That retard thinks the US is paying for their military to be nice.
He doesn't realise that the US pretty much controls whatever shithole he's from.

Reminder that this thread occurred during EU hours while Americans were asleep and they got railed in every single debate. They even stopped to petty name calling and we beat them there. Honestly, it feels so God damn good to be born an American with wide open and unspoiled nature and infinite possibilities. The most powerful empire the world has or will ever see. And all my brothers here who left that shithole Europe behind to share it with.

if you have such a problem with deaths, then you should logically start with deaths caused by cars. but you won't, because you don't have an irrational contempt for cars like you do for guns. the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. it does not need to be justified. not an argument.

Comparing accidents and things people have little to no control over to intentional homicide is retarded as hell. But regardless, those are things people try to combat in certain ways. Laws regarding the safe operation of cars exist for that reason, or safety requirements on the manufacturer end. And there are debates over allowing people to receive healthcare for illnesses or the banning of things that can cause cancer, like asbestos for example.

>A simple Glock is all anyone can need, not assault rifles and shotguns.
Thank God you aren't the person who gets to decide that.

Holy fuck that was fast.

the only people fucking their sisters are the muslims who are now your neighbours and have turned your church into a mosque. spew some more hollywood stereotypes you braindead cuck


Gimme one scenario where you need an assault rifle against home invaders. Unless two dozen people invade you, you don't need it.

I didn't realize mass shooters were 13% of the population. Thanks for clearing that up.

A far-right rebellion that the US Military opposes would necessarily mean that every major city in the US would also be on the side of the Government/Military, and that almost all the coastal states except for possibly the Carolinas & Florida would in sum total, be against the 2nd Confederacy.
The "rebellion" would be left with flyover tier villages, and redneck militias reduced within weeks to subsistence and eventually, wiped out or marginalised in the north & west.
The vast majority of the population would simply defend their own property and accept the authority of the existing Government and their constitutional mandate to defend the US against enemies "foreign and domestic".
Even if the Nazi's took a bunch of cities in Texas, Oklahoma etc, the US military would secure the eastern seaboard (Carolinas, Georgia, Florida) and blockade or destroy the Gulf ports and the Redneck Rebellion would be trapped. They would have no access to the sea.
>but muh militia cell terror
what difference is a bunch of rednecks shooting people randomly to what happens in the us now? if anything, being in a civil war will see the 'snowflake' population arm & train itself to a much greater extent, and that any terrorist shooting in public would be immediately attacked by local militia defenders.
No-one is coming to rescue the rebellion. There's no-one like China supporting Vietnam. There's not millions of foreign fighters like what flooded into Iraq & Afghanistan.
Eventually the second south would lose. Again.
The white incel fantasy of inciting a race war, or playing WOLVERINES against the US Military is idiotic and retarded. Give it up.

>Fuck your rights lol
all the reason anyone needs to own guns. please kill yourself

Serious question to euros, how can you be proud to have less rights?

I get being indifferent to it, but actually gloating that your government controls your every action is something completely different.

>The most powerful empire the world has or will ever see
>he says this while the kikes run everything, top to bottom, in his shithole
lol faggot cocksucker burgers, your cuntry stopped being great after the 70s

>They're also paying.

they are really not, the white middle class will once again foot the bill for everyone else

Man, I wish I was American. You have all this cool stuff, guns and freedom.


>but you won't, because you don't have an irrational contempt for cars like you do for guns
because cars arent a tool made for killing lmao
i cant ride a rifle to work
and turning your head the other way doesnt make a problem disappear

In my shithole gun ownership requires a pissload of paperwork and vetting, so we don't have any random idiot owning them
even criminals don't have anything but home brewed garbage
as a result gun deaths are few and far between
if you can't see how super strict measures for gun ownership is the only way forward, you're cucked.

So build high-speed rail and other public transport.

because they don't believe in rights. that's why they don't have free speech or guns. they don't believe those things are rights

>lol sorry guiz we forgot to put the law that protects the other laws into the original set of laws.
>also we're doing another amendment before this one that protects the others
can you imagine how terrified the US population was in the three years between the 1788 constitutional ratification and when the amendments began

He who surrenders the sword is enslaved by it faggot. You have no safety except that which is provided for you by men with guns, be it the armed police or the military. Let that sink in for a moment.

>Gimme one scenario
The government decides that the inalienable rights promised to me as an American citizen are now void and they wish to commit an act of aggression towards me or my family. I would need it then.

But they believe moving to a country illegally and living on welfare your entire life is a human right though

>okay so bombs are so easy to made so let given guns insteand to kill people so they dont have to make bombs!
>hammer a tool used in multiple task is used as a weapon and it needs the user to be near his victim but its somehow more deadly than a tool made just to kill and relatively easy to get

Go eat a burger

>because cars arent a tool made for killing lmao
yet they kill more people than guns do, have or ever could. funny that
>and turning your head the other way doesnt make a problem disappear
you mean the gungrabber problem? yeah that is something that needs to be taken care of. unfortunately, an ironically, they're protected by men with guns who will shoot and kill anyone who tries to solve that problem

stupid burger, shoot yourself with your arsenal of guns

Ok, here's the (you)

Ask the goatfuckers with their AK's

you sound like an ausnigger. if so, please kill yourself you treacherous piece of shit

Imagine living in the first world and thinking this. No government can do that retard, and even in commie shitholes all it takes is a mass revolution to unseat the goverment. What a shit excuse, if the government magically decides to take away all guns and backs it up with the military's help you hicks are fucked anyway, no amount of firepower will help against trained military faggots

>a third of the country is made up of mexican land the US stole after invasion 170 years ago
>imported millions of black people as slaves
>complain about how mexicans and black people live in a "white" country.

It's a trade off for not having 3rd world tier violence in the streets
stay proud of being the freest rat in the garbage bin, you're doing great

Deplorable abuse of greentext. Don’t greentext your rambling rants especially when you don’t even have a counter argument just the tired burger meme.

ok. i'll always have the freedom to do that. unlike you. enjoy sucking government/nigger cock

lol stay cucked loser, any asshole can get bigass guns in your shithole and go on a shooting spree
that's highly irresponsible. You lot are too infantile to even own guns, considering how lax the ownership laws and purchases are

>Gimme one scenario
I don't have to justify it. The rights are mine, and cannot legally be infringed upon. Period. Disagree? That's to bad, you can fuck off.

>because cars arent a tool made for killing lmao
maybe there should be laws against drinking and using cars.

13% of the population is responsible for half of that, faggot. Please tell me more about how that's a gun problem.

>It's a trade off for not having 3rd world
If that was true then wouldn't your countries have very strict borders?

Enjoy getting shot everywhere, having false flags done to strip you of your (((rights)))
can't wait until 2A is amended and there's strict laws for ownership
you kids don't know what's good for you hahaha faggot fucker

>Ok, here’s your condescending last word to feel like I won the debate by further deflecting from the original point
Based retard.

>auscuck traitor calling someone else a cuck
lol. kill yourself scum

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Not going to happen

>conquest is not a legitimate form of land acquisition
Oh shit better call all of human history, we need to redraw some maps.

Enjoy getting shot and giving up your guhnz when 2A gets amended, if you own anything but a handgun or two you're a fucking NUT
fucking burgers lol can't wait can't fucking wait haaha aahahahahahahahahhahaaaa

>No government can do that
They literally are doing that by trying to take American's firearms. Are you an idiot?

the cities are full of soft liberal people & minorities with no loyalty to USA, it's not that easy

Though a civil war at this point is just impossible, people are too comfortable & the economy is good

americans can and do own guns and there's literally nothing you commie faggots can do about it. keep seething in your corner you impotent, irrelevant loser

Someone post the statistics on how many actually gave up their guns voluntarily in NZ.

You did nothing to make that "empire" you are talking about lmao
>inb4 i-im a navy's officer and am soo smarter and w-whitey than you!

You sure about that? The false flags will keep increasing, Dems will get in the house soon, it'll reach a tipping point. What then?

>Please tell me more about how that's a gun problem
How gun violence is a gun problem? I don't know, it's a mystery

>t. mentally ill eurocuck that is so jealous of American rights it literally drives him insane
Many such cases lmao

Because they lost all their rich, smart, and brave men when we went to America. They lost the rest in World War 1&2. All that are left are cringy little soi boys.

>fucking burgers lol can't wait can't fucking wait haaha aahahahahahahahahhahaaaa

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There are literally more guns than people in the US.
Good luck, pal.

Says the jew's vassal state resident, HAHAHAHA COCKSUCKER ENJOY YOUR JEWED COCKS
big difference, 2a needs to be trimmed big time and gun ownership laws need to be ultra strict so only the most responsible citizens can own them

I’m a Navy officer and I’m so smarter AND whiter than you.

How do you intend to fire all those guns at once when the military comes knocking? lol tacticool asshole thinks he's gonna noscope the whole army
just give it time sweety, say bye bye to your tools of death and destruction

he's an ausnigger. they're even worse. imagine a california democrat voter on steroids

that's like saying taking away the internet will stop teenagers for jacking off.

Car crashes are around a hundred times more deadly than mass shootings DESPITE your security measures. Ban alchohol and marijuana - there are some pretty obvious moves here. Remove the human element, accelerate machine-driving development.

15,549 people were killed with guns in 2017. That's a far better reason to ban guns than 387 in mass shootings - but this is still minute in the big scheme of things.

Why not just throw money at anti-aging research? Getting there a few years early would save more lives than any gun ban.

I doubt it, NZ didn't even elect her, shes only PM because a centre party formed a coalition with her party, which was unforeseen

The Nationals should have won but they were soft on the Chinese home owners, so fuck them too

Is >muh jews now the ultimate Euro cope when Americans objectively demonstrate their surperiority?

>""""gun"""" violence
Fuck off faggot, its just homicide and we both know why it happens.

Attached: chartoftheday_5369_murder_rates_across_the_world_visualised_n[1].jpg (960x684, 282K)

There has been like a million mass shootings already, people are getting desensitized to it.
This is the reason why younger people are more keen to gun grabbing while older people are the opposite.

>Going to an expensive college guarantees intelligence

You will be fighting both rebels and subhuman chimp outs the cities do not have the resources to maintain order for a week. You are delusional, you can't even police the ape gangs.

Coming for another one (you) bitch? Okay there you have it!

Where do you think a republican confederacy is going to get 60 million armed militia from? They only got 62 million voters in the last presidential election.

Shut up faggot we already addressed this. Nobody has time to go over things 30 times with you because you’re desperate for attentions.

paypig cope. its about time you get back to work isnt it? if you dont get enough tips you wont be able to pay for my next vacation

>2a needs to be trimmed big time and gun ownership laws need to be ultra strict so only the most responsible citizens can own them
Well thank God that you have no say in that. I find it pretty funny that non-Americans care so much about this. I literally have zero interest in knowing your countries laws, why do you care so much about my countries laws?

>Coming for another condescending deflection, bitch? Fine here’s me coping with losing the argument by acting like a child!

>you can't even police the ape gangs.
This holy shit the police just give up on certain areas. They don't even bother responding.

>i want to die of cancer aged 35 to own the libs

>ummm like the dumb redneck military will round up all the guns when president Bernie Stalin passes the "ban all guns" bill and stuff *sips onions*


Joe Biden is the only one with a chance & won't take guns away

The SNL skit of Joe Biden giving Republicans everything they want is accurate, it's exactly how he has always been