This is one of the most important documentaries of our time

this is one of the most important documentaries of our time
why aren't more people talking about it?

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fuck off you antisemite

fuck you mom


just imagine having a mutilated penis

its even more horrible if you remember before and after being circumcised

Literally can not imagine

I used to find it funny but now i just feel bad for americans, its fucked up they don't even get a choice.

circumcision in the US has little to do with Jews. It was introduced by John Harvey Kellogg who was a puritanical Christian

There is also little correlation between level of Jews and level of circumcision. South Korea has one of the highest circumcision levels in the world and no Jews, France has the worlds 3rd largest Jewish population and virtually no circumcision

It’s the parents choice there’s no law mandating it

As the US gets more Hispanic it’ll decrease anyway

imagine having your genitals mutilated because of some pseudo-science to stop jacking it, by a man who makes cereal

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it has everything to do with them since they use the foreskin to make anti aging cream

same reason siege has never been put to film

>amerifats have to use lotion to fap

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i’m not a burger but i think my country should ban circumcision unless it’s a medical necessity. it’s a barbaric ritual that cause the child pain and fucks up the penis. don’t even get me started on what the rabbis do. if you want to chop your childs dick go to israel to do it

mohels, not rabbis

I use my saliva or precum

so they are the one that sucks the infant’s bloody dick?

you autofelate?

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>star sprangled banner starts playing

Not him but I've been sucking my own dick since I was three years old

keep in mind that Jews make up less than 2% of the population in the USA

and less than 1% in Australia

Attached: Circumcision_Prevalence_at_Country.png (1116x568, 156K)

kys faggot

pretty impressive that 2% of the pop has such a strong stranglehold on the entire country


explain australia

America is weak af, if jews control the media and goverment despite being 2%

>tfw you realise americans have never and will never experience a real orgasm

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American influence.
Same reason South Korea is blue.
Import American culture, get American practices.

>female circumcision is illegal
>male circumcision is A-okay!

fucking lmao, suck it boys.

Why do Muslims, Jews and Americans like mutilating baby boys so much?

They're afraid of sex.

>how to tell who is 3rd world.

It's not gay because it's my dick

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Its hilarious how circumcision became normal in the US. It was pushed by doctors to make money.

Even now US doctors will defend it because they get payed for every medical procedure- unnecessary or not. This has nothing to do with Jews or health just COLD HARD CASH.

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Well infant circumcision should be banned outright. Nobody cares what an adult does to their dick. People are crying about religious freedom in Australia right now so it will never happen here. Most of my cut friends claim they won't do it to their future children, so there's that I guess.

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>circumcision is a conspiracy by Jews to make magic immortality cream

Foreskin is literally just skin you could get it anywhere

>Foreskin is literally just skin
With a high stem-cell like cell concentration.

Fetuses have the highest stem cell concentration and 3 million are aborted every year and every one is worth 100,000 foreskins. Do the math

Circumcision dates back to the Neolithic so I never knew cavemen had an understanding of stem cells

So how do the Jews make this magic foreskin immortality serum without it getting out?

for me? it’s turning the boats back, banning of immigration from muslim countries, further building of mosques illegal and immigrants who are convicted of violent crimes to be deported!

what does it feel like to be non mutilated?

>father is cut
>not for religous reasons at all. australia. was just a common thing for men here until recently
>wanted me cut because it’s just the “normal” way to go for him
>mother protested
>she won and i still have an intact dick
thank god, mum

feels like it should. can’t understand how you cutlads can feel when wanking and having sex it’s like you got the major pleasure tool removed

This old lie. Perhaps this was true back in the day but Jewish interest groups are the ones behind keeping this going. The proposal on banning it in Iceland was dismissed because of foreign Jewish outcry, despite polls showing the majority of the population was against it.

most actually don't, they pull up their loose shaft skin (if the doc left them enough) to function as a tiny little short foreskin to stimulate the glans the way a normal dick would work. It's quite sad

Of the majority of the population is against it they can not do it

Watch Eric Clopper's talk on the topic. The Jews actually do play a heavy hand in it. You're just not supposed to talk about it


Not a rebuttal.

There’s circumcision in countries with no Jews and no circumcision in countries with lots of Jews.

You incels just blame everything you can on them because you’re obsessed

Circumcision should be illegal without medical necessity

I'm not making a rebuttal here, I'm telling you to watch his talk to gain the info. I used to say the same things, "oh it's not really the jews on this one", but that's really not the case. I'm not a tinfoil poltard either who's always spouting about jews, this is just one time they actually are doing some fucked up shit

>telling people not mutilate kids at birth is disinfo
Ty Murica

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Why don’t feminists ever talk about MGM? They’ll cry all day about FGM being performed in some African shithole but are dead silent on MGM happening right now in the Western world.

Imagine infant genital mutilation being this normalised. Fucking hell America

How did this fucking procedure ever come about? Whose idea was it to cut off the end of a mans cock without anaesthetic or even a proper steel blade?
Fucking barbaric

Because full-on infibulation is much worse and for some reason that's all they can think about. Doesn't matter that versions of FGM that analogously do less damage than MGM are still deemed evil and illegal.
Oh and also it isn't backed by jews and bogus studies

>if you don't like human rights being violated just don't violate them yourself, stop worrying about other people
This is either a dishonest argument or you're an actual amoral automaton that can't reason and relies on group consensus to determine what's bad.

Same in Denmark. We had a signature collection that forced the parliament to consider a ban, but due to backlash from Jewish media (haaretz and shit calling us Nazis), it was dead in the water. Only the communist party voted for

Lol what a cuck

My girlfriend was such an pure Christian autist that she didnt even know what foreskin was. Being uncircumcised in America is cool as fuck

Because feminism is overwhelming for white upper/middle class strivers to max out their possibilities in life while maintaining existing restrictions on men and lower classes (who of make it economically possible) while still being able to fall back into a trad lifestyle if they so wish


Yet you have no evidence

It's not a conspiracy. Korean baby foreskin is used in anti aging creams

She wasn't a pure enough Christian to not fornicate with you. Heathen.

We abstained from intercourse.


And how do jews keep this immortality juice from getting out. And how did jews 2,000 years ago synthesize stem cells

>we should look at Europe as an example: free healthcare, great gun laws. Also their right wing parties are more left wing than Democrats :O
>Except when it comes to the penile skin care ingredients, please ignore those

>Imagine never getting laid but obsessing over other people’s cock

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Cope cutlet

Just use google nigger jewish
Poll: 74 percent of Denmark's citizens want to outlaw circumcision - Jewish World - Haaretz ...

And here is one of many where they bring up the nazi shit europe
Danish parliament committee approves draft resolution to ban circumcision - Haaretz

feels normal

Third world feminists who speak about FGM often speak about MGM too.

Bless you.

>circumcision in the US has little to do with Jews

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loling at people who think challenges to circumcision are the biggest threats to Jews. Meanwhile kosher markets are being bombed and synagogues are being shot up.

Not a rebuttal tranny

I don’t see any references to anything nazi here

And if danish are so against circumcision they could just not do it

So how did cavemen 2,000 years ago synthesize stem cells and why does nobody else have access to this immortality stuff

And why aren’t they using fetuses when they have way more stem cell concentrations. Hell they could cut off someone’s arm for 10^8th more stem cells than one foreskin

Why do you stupid fucking Eurocucks keep assuming every American is circumcised? I sure as hell ain't and no one I know is either.

>don't make murder illegal, if people are really against it then they just could not do it

As long as barbaric genital mutilation is outlawed in my country, I don't care who it affects. Funny thing is, this legislation would affect the hundred of thousands of muslims compared to a few thousand jews in my country, yet the jewish media immediately scream Nuremberg laws while the muslims just go about their day.

So you incels literally think Jews have magic fountain of youth powers now eh

My man you are clinically retarded

Your whole point is it’s a Jewish conspiracy to be immortal, so if it were voluntary it wouldn’t be an issue

Blaming Jews for something that’s voluntary seems a bit odd

Wtf im just trying to get this whole circumcision is for immortality juice theory it has a few logical holes

Last link literally says "this legislation is just like the Nuremberg laws under the nazi regime". Then it skips one Danish jew who "feel prosecuted"

Not comparable to murder, nobody dies and apparently it does a lot of good since it can make you immortality

I wasn’t for circumcision before but now I think everyone should be so we can all be immortal

Okay so danish gov officials must have cited that in their decision to ban it then. Where did they

>ctrl + f Nuremberg
>ctrl + f nazi
>0 results
Why lie? You’re not even affected by this stuff

Circumcising people so we can all live forever sounds fine for me. I also support circumcision now. Based Jews.


>something that’s voluntary
Oh, infants can consent to permanently-disfiguring surgery now Schlomo?

Try this one then. I only get three views because of paywall
>You’re not even affected by this stuff
I'm not affected by pedophilia laws either, but I'm glad we have them since its disgusting.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, plus an Egyptian feminist and psychiatrist whose name I can't remember now

I’d rather have a group that circumcises their own babies than one raping and killing everyone desu

Pedophilia doesn’t make people immortal apparently

If it makes them immortal seems like a good thing to me

cavemen didn't use foreskin for cream, it was probably just some retard savage practice back then like eating the first born girl and giving the tribal elders jizz cocktails.

Killing babies for cream is alittle more controversial than using foreskin.

Seems like circumcision is an effective way to make immortality juice. Why not like cut an arm off a serial killer and use that to make 10,000 people immortal? And why aren’t there any 5,000 year old Jews running around?

I'd rather have none of those groups desu. It's not a pick one scenario

What a coincidence that a practice developed 2,000 years ago turns out later to be an immortality serum

Almost like it’s BS

So I looked it up and one aborted fetus has 8^40th the stem cell concentration of foreskins

Why not use that?

muh dead baby killers

Yeah, nah. I'm Aussie and only one of my mates is cut.

Why would the Jews care about that I thought it was all a big evil conspiracy

It's not so much Jews that care about aborted fetuses. That's more a concern from right wing Christians

It's not "immortality serum," dumbass. Foreskins are used for face lotion.

>America does thing
>majority of other countries who also do thing are in Africa
Every time.

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But if the Jews control all this they could easily do abortions. Theres already 3 million abortions in the US each year why not just use those to be immortal

i doubt the Jews would invest so much in this giant conspiracy going back millennia and circumcise literally billions of people over thousands of years if it didn’t have real results

I’m just trying to wrap my head around the circumcision is a plot for Jews to be immortal thing

>Ctrl-f "immortal"
>some insecure spastic spazzing the fuck out who doesn't understand what an anti-aging cream is

>a retard thousand years decided got wanted him to cut dicks
>this asshole is the cause for billions of people's mutilated dick without their consent
fuck you dude, I want my nerves back

I'm cut and I fap dry

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>tfw American but never circumcised
Feels good

>It’s the parents choice there’s no law mandating it
While this is technically true, most doctors assume the parents want it, and phrase it as "Now I will circumsize your newborn son's penis" instead of "Do you want me to circumsize your newborn son's penis?"

circumcision has nosedived in the last 15 years, it will be under 50% by early 2020s

>the prevelance of circumcision in africa is cause of merica

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>tfw phimosis
should I fix it, lads? I know I'll never get laid but still

you're not cut, you're mutilated

Sandra Bullock uses foreskin lotion on her face. She said this on Ellen. Circumcision is an obvious scam.

>ctr+f "jew"
>39 results

If someone cuts your ear off it's just skin bro lol what's the big deal?

I had it bad but it was an easy fix, I just pulled back on it every time I took a piss, eventually it stretched enough to pull it over the head, took like two months maybe.

Because even though circumcision is dumb and shouldn't be done, it doesn't cause much harm, so no one is ever really gonna care about getting rid of it.

I dated a Korean girl for a while, she was fascinated by an uncut foreskin and would play with it all the time

Its an unnecessary medical procedure. Can you put tatoos on a baby?

That's what I said. But most people are just not gonna care since it's not horrific like female genital mutilation so it will keep happening.

When I was younger, I never got why in movies guys would put lotion on their hands before mastrubating

I’m saying it’s unnecessary and inefficient to use foreskin for immortality serum like you guys are claiming

But the Jews developed circumcision for themselves 3,000 years ago, surely they would have figured out by now that the immortality serum doesn’t work

So they’re so stupid they don’t know what circumcise means?

Lol they’re literally just saying back what you were saying. Sorry if it sounds ridiculous