apparently the puppets in The Dark Crystal were actually anatomically correct
Apparently the puppets in The Dark Crystal were actually anatomically correct
extremely based and redpilled
Why wouldn't they be when you see them naked a couple of times? Not up close of course, but realism demands that it be there.
>You're gonna love it Mr. Henson
there's nothing "correct" about that micro peen m8
ever see how a horse cock works?
My penis is bigger than that
Jen you see naked for five seconds and his crotch is obscured so why give him a penis
and kira never has a nude scene
>tfw no nude kira pics
Because he's "real" in the minds of the creators and puppeteers so why wouldn't he have a penis?
Some guy had to sand his little peepee and balls into shape.
because its fucking weird
closest thing to naked Kira I can find is this pic.
I think that's her body with really tiny breasts.
Can't tell if they molded a vulva though
but WHY?
not really. its weirder not to have it. i think the same for models in games.
Lmao i didnt know emma roberts was in that movie. Fuckin knew she is a tranny. Look at his lil ding ding.
Robertsfags comfirmed FAGS! HAHAHAHA
Based and big dick pilled
Game models do not have penises, regularly. Why do you think that the Ellen Page model from Beyond Two Souls having fully detailed titties when you couldn't even see them in the game normally made such a commotion?
if you sculpt a penis, yer gay son
that small dick lmao
the netflix show will probably have some lore how these puppets came from white ppl
he's a child, you fucking idiots