>Male character takes a piss
>Doesn't wipe the tip of his dick to protect underwear from belated piss drops
Male character takes a piss
>doesn't lick up the last couple of drops
fucking dicklets
I just ball it up into my foreskin
I literally have never done that in my life
I let it soak in my undies
I just let your mom lick it up OP
>doesn’t use his bathroom’s designated dick locker
he’s got kids to feed and seed
>male character goes to take a piss
>he doesn’t go into the stall and piss all over the flush handle
underwear? they're called piss catchers for a reason
>doesn't wash it off in the sink and wipe it off on the hand towels
I change regularly so what does it matter anyway
>doesn't sit there for 30 seconds pulling his foreskin back and forth to milk out all the potential belated piss drops on the toilet paper
how can I take any plot seriously when all the characters are walking around with pants full of piss
>not double tapping and wagging it
cmon now
>wearing underwear at all
>not just pissing whenever the fuck you want
Doesn't sit to piss, Pleb.
>male character doesn't pee sitting down and take a shower after because he's an ocd clean freak and one drop of pee hitting the lid or floor would cause a mental breakdown and a 2 hour mandatory bathroom cleaning
>Take a piss in the morning
>Smell like piss for the rest of the day
You're either not very sociable or have some really forgiving friends.
>character doesn't take a super long piss that's so stupidly long that it begins to anger him
>touching your penis at all with your filthy hands even if you washed them beforehand
>male character doesn't piss in the sink
I started doing that a few years ago, will never go back
>character doesn’t flush mid piss to see if they can empty themselves in time
>implying i don't have dedicated penis touching gloves
This fucking shit never works, I can literally shove cottons balls up my urethra and the last drop will always find a way to drip on my underwear.
>starts pissing the moment he arrives at the urinal
>doesn't stand there for three minutes trying to start as others enter piss and leave
Have you tried to finish pissing before putting your cock back into your pants you fucking retard?
Is this legit or is OP being a big joker?
I'm always paranoid about small things I can be doing wrong because I feel that people find me disgusting for reasons I can't understand. A lot of wrong details can be adding up you know.
>Smell like piss
it's literally a few drops if that
I know that feel user.
>having a foreskin
I can't pee at urinal, Its not social shyness either
the amount of unnoticeable piss from other people you get on your shoes and trousers
>character arrives at the urinal
>doesn’t drop his pants to his ankles and lift his shirt over his nipples
immersion broken and irreparable
I've had multiple kidney stones and a double hernia, here's what you do.
>sit down
>press three fingers into your gootch
>keep pressure and pull them forward towards your balls
>all yoir leftover piss ejects out
you're welcome, can be done standing up too
if you shake it more than twice you're playing with it
the skin care industry thanks you
>takes a shit
>just pulls his pants up and walks away
>wipe the tip
>squeeze any excess out
>still get piss drops in my pants a few seconds later
I pretend to take a shit every 3 hours at work. I just sit on the toilet and look at my phone.
>typical male character private bathroom scene
>literally nobody else around
>sink at crotch height
>specifically goes all the way over to the toilet
>lifts the seat
>only then begins to urinate
>if he does use the sink, doesn't start have the water running first
so this was written by a woman, ok
oh believe me I'm playing with it
I feel like I didn't do it when I was younger and now I do. Like maybe the dick got leaker with time.
Everyone pisses their underwear a bit anyway so it doesn't matter.
>stood there for minutes
>the fact that I haven't gone yet and am still standing there with nothing coming out makes me more anxious, preventing the piss
I once went to a nightclub and spent the whole night walking in and out of the toilets, trying to piss once. I never did despite desperately needing to go, but I didn't want to stand there for minutes while drunk Brads made fun of me.
I do this sometimes.
It's a legit trick
>character starts to take a shower
>he doesnt spend 30 minutes on the toilet on his phone while the water runs
>character takes morning piss
>doesn't have to piss in the bathtub because of raging erection
>male character is still pre-operation mtf
Do people genuinely shake the piss off? I tried it in the past and piss sprays all over the floor and my trousers.
If anyone is waiting behind me my brain won't let me go no matter how hard I have to until I found the magic trick.
>16+16=32 (usually start pissing right about now)
>character is a city slicker that doesn't own land
>character doesn't go outside to piss like a free man
you toilet cucks make me sick
it's the dab and shake method
I just ask my coworkers several times throughout the day whether or not I smell like piss.
If you are dribbling piss you are masturbating too much
have sex
do white people really do this?
>doesn't get to at least 8192
try this technique
once you get around 40, no matter how much you shake it, no matter how long you wait, there will always be a few drops of piss that come out after you put it away
oh so this is normal?? I legit thought I might have prostate cancer or something.
How the fuck does everyone use urinals then? I have to use the stall because I need toilet paper to wipe my dick
I-I'm only 29 ;_;
>he doesn't pee sitting down
you don't run your hands under some water to get the rest to drip out?
pipe down krout
Shaking my dick has never worked for me. I don't know how others do it.
shake your hips instead
just wait til you're 23 sport, and rofl if you think women are waking around completely stain free
>male character masturbates
>uses tissues to catch the ejaculate
>doesn't just wrap his foreskin around his finger when he cums to make for easy disposal into the toilet
Why does my piss smell so bad bros
>Male character takes a piss and doesn't immediately take a shower afterwards while milking his dick of any leftover pee
Way to break my immersion
I'm was like this but I just pee in the sink now simply so I don't have go near the toilet. I do have to do the shower routines after a shit though.
>He doesn't have a pair of used boxers to use as a cum rag
Talk about beta
>cums on his own clothing
fucking cuck
drink more water idiot
how hard do you press? this sounds painful. do you do this maneuver at urinals too?
its legit, myself and others around the globe are dabbing the ends of their dicks with toilet paper to prevent urine drops from contaminating our undergarments. its a simple and elegant solution "how long do you shake it?" question
70% of the diaper-pants sales go to people under 40.
It feels like Yea Forums is made of teenagers that are either unaware of the fact that urethra starts to leak at much earlier age than they think, and the rest is not aware that they reek of piss and their mom doesn't have the heart to tell them, because, shit, your adult child should've worked this on their own.
drink less smelllet
>having watered down beta pee whose smell is too scared and weak to offend anyone
good luck marking territory with that lmao
You are literally a woman.
Kidney failure
>doesn't have the heart to tell them, because, shit,
>because, shit,
Cringe sjw cracked writer
Enjoy your piss stained underwear, dipshit
I do this too.
Shit, don't give me ideas
>Male takes a piss
>He doesn't progressively walk further and further away from the toilet, seeing how far his stream will reach, until his bladder starts emptying rapidly and he loses the strength of the stream and has to quickly walk forward before it does out all together but he walks too quickly and gets piss everywhere anyway
lmao have you ever seen what women do to their panties after a full day of wearing them?
What the fuck do you think underwear is for? Fashion?
Is to avoid getting shit all over your pants, dumbass.
>Male takes a piss
>Doesn't leave a tip