Daily reminder that you will never see cinematic version of Silmarillion

daily reminder that you will never see cinematic version of Silmarillion

Attached: morgoth.jpg (768x1109, 133K)

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>Will never ever see literal satan get triggered and curb stomp some elf

Legit chills when Chris and John wrote the three words 'And Morgoth came.'
At least Fingolfin got his licks in.

Attached: morgoth_and_fingolfin_by_likearussianbear-d4l7kqe.jpg (1600x987, 164K)

The battles in The Silmarillion are so massive and epic in scale that it would be impossible to do them justice on film. There are armies with millions of soldiers and dragons so big that they flatten a continent when they die.

With a new character being introduced every third sentence, they'd have one hell of a cast list.

They don't really last long in the grand scheme of things.

Probably for the best, since they'd make Valinor full of blacks.

Is LOTR like the bible in that the being that is essentially god is invincible? If so doesn't that take the tension out of the conflict

>millions of soldiers and dragons so big that they flatten a continent when they die.

he actually believed the meme kek

they'd shoehorn legolas into it

hey Yea Forums is The Three Musketeers (2011) good or cool? didn't want to waste a thread for this question

>dragon so big they flatten a continent when they die
What? How big is that dragon?

Eru Iluvatar doesn't even get involved directly at the end of the First Age. I don't remember if even the Valar show up, but I do remember they sent the Light Elves who kick a lot of ass.
Eru *does*, interestingly, step in at the end of the Second Age, when Numenor and Sauron (with Ring) invade Valinor itself.
So Ar-Pharazon, and Sauron with the Ring and nine Nazgul, > Morgoth, the Balrogs, and the Dragons.

theyd shoehorn black and muslim elves in so ill pass

How the fuck does that even work in terms of scaling, there’s parts of a dead dragon in different countries?

Attached: AADB523F-C0D8-4502-91B3-BA4B618E85BB.jpg (640x190, 18K)

It's more of Ar-pharazon and the numenoreans > morgoth and the balrogs and dragons over sauron. The numenoreans are basically captain america per person. Then what captain america is to a normal human is what ar-pharazon and the royal bloodline is to a normal numenorean.

Ancalagon the Black was written to be as big as a mountain I believe.

lucky for me there's a book and I have a vivid imagination, so I don't need it spoonfed to me


That's a big dragon

They would turn it into boring garbage like the hobbit

Attached: 220px-The_Hobbit_trilogy_dvd_cover.jpg (220x295, 23K)

I think Sauron was also on the field when his master Morgoth was defeated, but he didn't have the Ring then of course.

In that Second Age dustup the Numenorean King's-Men, and augmented Sauron, had certainly recruited a lot of cannon-fodder from Middle Earth as well. I don't know about balrogs or dragons, but Sauron did have trolls and many, many orc veterans.
The main reason the assault on Valinor won't work as kino is because, the bad guys assemble this awesome force, and then G-d Himself shows up and just squashes them all like a bug. -splat-

shhhh, jew slaves are calling for their masters to shit a cgi rich version, don't interrupt them.

all good, i don't give two shits about fanfiction

Every time lmao

for middle earth

Can someone make this into a webm?
I made this a long time ago. I also made the "Feanor and muh Silmarils" title card.
