Us 19-year-olds on Yea Forums heard that guys had a waifu problem

Us 19-year-olds on Yea Forums heard that guys had a waifu problem.

Subscribe to all of Lil Beefy Clairo's seven so-me channels today and experience remedy! And music!

Attached: clairo being smugly fat.jpg (814x814, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's a disgusting fat thot, don't post ever again.

Attached: clairo.webm (480x266, 325K)

Fuck off, we all know it's one obsessed fag spamming her all day every day. Same shit happened with Grimes.



Attached: clairo's contract stipulates a weekly selfie quota and this is her only way to protest against (640x783, 142K)

the smell of her farts?

reminder that this mpdg wannabe is an actual certifiable plant due to nepotism


It's her dad or someone working for him.

It's called a Biffy Clyro reference, mister.

Don’t have the full info but her dad is deep in the music business, and put her in

her parents work in the record industry
it isnt a shock she became famous. she didnt just plug in a mic to her macbook and make it all herself

>helping your ballspawn have a career
This is bad now? If she isn't good, no one would be listening to her. Shit, she probably isn't since I don't.

shes nice and thick
unfortunately, she is retarded

i prefer billie

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uggghhhhh she's so expressive

and ****

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I bet Clairo is the sub in the bedroom and in the kitchen, but tries to take control in the living room.

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We already have a Yea Forums waifu FAGGOT

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industry plant clairo < hard worker eilish siblings

based billie posters rise

Attached: billie feet.jpg (474x840, 55K)

Is that aerial pink?

post more clairo pics

Too old, we prefer cunnies.

billie isn't cunny. go back faggot

what's that meme album Yea Forums likes with the green pattern on the cover that kind of looks like leaves and it's sort of an optical illusion where it looks like they're moving

Fuck your mother

>If she isn't good, no one would be listening to her.

it's an Animal Collective album

Her dad bought her a career for Christmas. No, seriously.

Animal Collective - MPP
and it's not a meme, it's actually very good

Attached: front.jpg (500x500, 305K)

Google Animal collective and go from there oldfag

Tell me how I was about to start online searching for her nudes but decided to look up her age first as it was the first prompted google search.

She's fucking 17? Like fuck me I cant wait that long for nudes

MPP is ancient though

She already has pics of her toes being sucked, it won't be long.

Animal Collective is definitely a meme and is one of the most numale onions bands in existence.

Thats my point, hasn't been memed in a while, NMH lasted longer.

how can clairomutt even compete?

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is THIS the clairo thred

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Gen z is so annoying.

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ITAOTS was a meme on GameFAQs music board in 2004

I've never heard of any of these chicks.

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Looks like the dumbass bitch thread to me

We should get tattoo'd grills

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i want to break all of her fingers and then violently rape her

>calls animal collective a "meme" and "numale so󠛡y" while using meme terms like numale and s󠛡oy
What did he mean by that?

Damn, guess Yea Forums is a bunch of posers

i didnt think billie was this thicc

Never really understood this as a criticism. Nepotism exists in literally every job field. One of the main reasons to go to college is to make connections that will get you into the jobs you want.

who is this child and what movies is she in

nepotism hires suck because it wasn't about talent or hard work, in hollywood/the music industry at least.

I meant that they're a band full of numales who make numale music for numales like you.

Attached: numale collective.jpg (608x460, 76K)

Art is a field for numales and incels, sorry bud.

>billie eilish
>her older brother has a gf that looks suspiciously like billie


Fuck off Yea Forums, I only listen to Japanese pop music not dumb Western whores.

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>its some pre-20 indie youtube star that already has millions of views
her boy Pablo and all the rest of them are very annoying

>thicc billie

This girl does things to me, even if she is only 17. Luckily we are almost guaranteed leaks once she gets a bit older. She doesn't seem the type who'll refrain from recording her fucking.

Yea Forums has always had the worst waifus and the worst music taste

It's not even funny at this point how worthless of a board it is.

K-Pop threads are your highest traffic, rest is dead spam and networking for amateur music makers.

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