It's sad knowing a generation of kids will grow up with the disney wars as their basis for defining what's a good kino.
It's sad knowing a generation of kids will grow up with the disney wars as their basis for defining what's a good kino
Nah, their parents won't be dragging them along to this shit.
I think young kids in this crazy time are going to go fucking bat shit right wing when they get older and realise what their elders were trying to do to them. We're going to have so many angry people talking about how they were getting molested by LGBTQP perverts and other sick fucks trying to convince them to cut their fucking dicks off and stuff.
These poor fucking little kids.
I can't wait for those days bros, LGBT people are fucking predators
God I wish that were me
the MCU is their star wars, for better or worse.
>I think young kids in this crazy time are going to go fucking bat shit right wing when they get older and realise what their elders were trying to do to them. We're going to have so many angry people talking about how they were getting molested by LGBTQP perverts and other sick fucks trying to convince them to cut their fucking dicks off and stuff.
Unironically this
Seems Rey can't get enough of the BWC (Big Wookie Cock).
It won't just be that they will be right wing, they will also be unstable. Innocent good natured children will pretty much play along with anything. They don't know any different. When their adult brain develops and they re-examine old memories and realise the sick shit that was being done to them, with their guardians not doing anything, and then experience that sudden wave of humiliation.... holy fuck... that's going to be either suicide or murder, or both, especially the boys.
I think we need to be ready for a very serious fucking psychological crisis because young adults who have only known a world of lies that has come tumbling down will revert to rage, paranoia and instinct and lash out in all directions furiously.
I think all of us need to start seriously mounting a massive offensive against genital mutilation and work our way down from there so that we can protect children from sickening left wing and neocon degeneracy. So much of this horrible structure of perversion and lies will come toppling down once we deliver a knockout blow to circumcision and genital destruction.
>I'll let you smell my pusy
How did she get away with it?
The mouse makes her Untouchable
Why is rey looking at Chewie's dick?
She's a slave for BWC
Check her next scene on
Exactly. What happened with the fail park is simply the parents who have checked out after watching TLJ. They don't want to introduce their kids to that Star wars and they aren't buying them toy figurines either. And since the kids aren't asking, nu-wars is failing big time on all departments. And that's a good thing. There's nothing more satisfying than watching jews lose money.
Just how big are wookiee cocks?
We don't ever see them but they don't really wear clothing.
>It's sad knowing a generation of kids will grow up with the disney wars
>implying kids cares about Nu Wars
they are all into Marvel
Kids don't like nuWars user
they like Fortnite, Marvel movies, and Teen Titans Go
Then why are they building another Galaxy's Edge?
Yeah just like the borderline zoomers on this board that call ROTS Star Wars kino.
She's probably telling him to follow her on snapchat for $3
The Last Jedi has a heavy narrative for children to follow, if you think about it. They watch it anyway I guess.
Millenials grew up with the prequels and they hate em. It'll be the same.
nah, she's pure
I didn’t understand any of the plot, underlying themes, or subtleties of these movies as a kid but I still loved them.
33 year old millennial here. Just to explain how Star Wars impacted my life it was
>worship the original trilogy as a kid, turned on to it by parents
>watch the special editions in theaters
>crazy hyped for prequels but ultimately disappointed by them
But the prequels didn't set my standard. The worship of the original trilogy was way more integral to my love of Star Trek than anything prequel related. They'll always be the measuring stick regardless of when you're born.
No reason to turn you into /pol/ack sperglords and literally right wing. The Last Jedi was unironically a Social Justice Warrior shitfest BY A MODERATE'S STANDARDS.
When Poe goes against that shoehorned militant feminist character, your only choice is to take Poe's side. She does not even explain herself, so Poe is right to suspect her.
PS. Also they force feed vegan propaganda with Chewbacca's food, Rey is a total Mary Sue, etc. (a good analysis I heard from someone that has read every single piece of literature on Star Wars is that Disney is literally scared to hurt a woman nowadays so they are left becoming boring Mary Sues that nobody, not even a girl, can relate to them).
The Last Jedi rewrote Luke Skywalker to make no sense at all. He went from someone that proved the most dangerous person in the galaxy can be redeemed to someone that gave up on a student because he could become evil.
That's the least of the problem though. If you give up on your friends that falter, you are no longer the light side so what is the point to even have a Resistance at all?
PS. Icing on the cake: They even wrote Leia to give up on her own son. What is the point to even call them "good side" anymore?
>the fit of her skirt
user, I...
Do you think cynical old people that become disillusioned with their lives and beliefs were always that way?
Luke does not make sense because the script does not offer even a reason that he became that way. He had already proven the most dangerous person, Anakin, can be redeemed so giving up on Ben on the chance to turn evil was total nonsense.
It could be stretched to make sense if there was severe psychological trauma changing them but they didn't even imply that.
The worst is that even if it could be stretched to make sense (which it doesn't), it would STILL do damage to the saga: What is the point to even have a "Resistance" if everyone acts like the dark side. They can't forgive and strive for redemption anymore. His own mother gives up on Ben. Total nonsense and boring and banal and uninspired on top.
The whole movie is the shitfest of a stupid wannabie that wanted to "subvert expectations" (Rian Johnson) and a stupid mititant feminist (Cathleen Kennedy).
I think Luke freaking out for a brief second before immediately stopping himself and realizing he can't just kill his nephew was relatively fine; it's an understandable reaction to learning that your student and nephew is about to lead a revolt and intends to kill you, and it takes a lot to not cave into going through with the safest and more logical solution. To me, the bigger issue was having Luke just give up on everything and resigning to die on that planet. At least with Lucas' original idea, Luke fucked off to search for answers and figure out what he did wrong; there was still that hope and optimism, and Johnson making him lose that entirely until Rey attacks him for no reason and says "uh, you're dumb," is the bigger character assassination.
that kid's barber though
this is what i thought would be the case originally
but then my stupid californian friends thought it was great apparently
starting to think virtue signalling is LITERALLY enough for millienials these days to be convinced a movie is good
I'm so angry disney replaced mini with spic rey. I want mini back bros.
she probably got hired for a modelling position or something
hopefully a bikini model
I haven't even had the chance to meet her yet...
I guess Luke kind of forgot what Yoda already tried to teach him in ESB and that he can't trust his visions.
Star Wars really wasn't that good. It just was released at a time when a lot of really depressing post-Vietnam movies were being made and people were in utter malaise.
If it were released in the 1980s it would have gone straight to laserdisc.
I grew up in the prequel generation, TPM came out when I was 10 and they had prepped us with the re-release of the originals a few years earlier.
We were primed to become fans and lifelong consumers, and some morons did.
By the time I was 13 I started watching movies like Goodfellas and The Godfather, now those are real movies - not this faggy space religion shit.
That's what I meant too because the jedi-school scene is only part of the movie, he also gives up on him, explicitly, for the rest of the movie.
It makes the entire saga turn banal since the entire Resistance has little meaning, if they are mainly about revenge and destruction.
*Notice that even Leia gives up on her son. Those are not just some characters, they have leadership roles.
Jyn Erso was the only good female in the movies since the disney buy out. I wouldn't be surprised if they actually have a rule in the offices where no female character can lose in any way
Enabling a person to fucking mutilate themselves is beyond retarded. Granted if the technology was there for them to get fully working male and/or female parts, I wouldn't mind but all these people are doing now is leaving an open wound in their crotch. To push that shit onto children is evil wolf in sheep's clothing type shit.
Don't be a hypocrite because all movies are simplistic miniatures of reality. The fact Star Wars was a simple analogy about bettering yourself and redeeming evil people doesn't make it a bad movie, it makes it a good analogy or good symbolism.
By the way, the prequels were not totally bad. Sure they are mostly juvenile and probably unnecessary but at least they were canon from the original creator and they made sense.
The Last Jedi is total nonsense. They rewrite characters to make no sense at continuity of the saga and worst of all, they turn the "Resistance" to be almost as dark as the Empire.