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Where's my coffee and pie Yea Forums

I was promised

Now I'm out, unhinged, and I will kill again

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Should I watch season 2? I heard its a piece of fucking shit. Lynch says so as well

he'd be right if he'd actually said that
if you're gonna caption that why not at least make it funny

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Don't be a skipfag

he's just generalizing wildly. see pic related, it's pretty accurate.
yes, you should, you fuck.

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Alright, so I skip 10 to 16?

Lynch directed more season 2 episodes than season 1.
The first 9 episodes are absolutely vital, not to mention includes the best scenes in the entire series. Finale is a complete fucking masterpiece.

I don't recommend skipping everything because some of the plot elements leading up to the finale might be good to be aware of. You just need to know 1) there is going to be some serious garbage 2) the finale is more than worth it. So just put it on in the background or some shit, fast forward through shitty content, but some of it is alright.

On second thought I retract some of that, maybe you can skip more, I remember myself experiencing true suffering on my first watch, I'm glad I knew the finale was going to be worth it. Most of the plot elements you can probably get from 17-12, also, as far as I remember most of that is also pretty shit and I'd probably put most of the yellow episodes in red. But there are good scenes for sure. It doesn't REALLY recover until the finale though, which instantly goes to incredible.

new thread

You can skip from ten and jump straight to the last kino episode of S2 then the return in full

why are so autistic about these edits

cause I think I fell for one back in the day and I'm still butthurt

The first couple episodes of the return were legit spooky. Not scary but a good creepy atmosphere. What went wrong?

>What went wrong?
Absolutely nothing.
Everything went far better than anyone could've ever predicted

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>beauty pageant episode

The absolute state of the braindead retard that made this image is embarrassing.

The ending was unsettling but in a different way.


yes, very existential.
>what went wrong
I was indifferent to the season overall. it was watchable and occasionally amusing but it felt pointless

Wtf was the audrey scenes about in season 3? Also the green glove thing was really lame bordering on capeshit.

only cum brains hate those episodes

You've got that backwards, lad

I think I'm about ready to rewatch Twin Peaks 3 again bros, I'm excited

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Enjoy, user
When I watch it I'm gonna watch it in one(1) go, or split it into two sessions of 8 and 10 parts

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Oh you didn't get it. Fine then

No artist should be forced to elaborate on their creative process. Words can only convey so much; and it's obvious that Lynch doesn't have a way with them.

Do yourself a favor and get the Blu-Ray, it looks absolutely beautiful.

No, it's just the middle of season 2 that's bad. The beginning and end are what you fags call kino.

I actually camt rewatch Season 3 anymore. The shit with Bad Cooper racing diane and Richard are too fucked up. I was done watching it as it wired though but I cant even think about it anymore.

Cooper's story was kind of about him being a murderous rapist for 20 years its fucking depressing.

>“I don’t ever explain it. Because it’s not a word thing. It would reduce it, make it smaller.”
>“When you finish anything, people want you to then talk about it. And I think it’s almost like a crime,” he explains. “A film or a painting – each thing is its own sort of language and it’s not right to try to say the same thing in words. The words are not there. The language of film, cinema, is the language it was put into, and the English language – it’s not going to translate. It’s going to lose.”

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It was about how the actress was a cunt and difficult to work with. I'm not even joking. The manlet was Lynch's self insert. What's her face joked about yelling at Lynch a lot on set. And we know a lot of the original ideas and script was changed because she wouldn't stop whining about it. Shes a bit mentally unhinged on her Twitter. I dont think the cast got along with her either. The manlet literally says he's going to write her out of the story.

But it was also about how she became agoraphobic and traumatized after the bomb and how many years she wasted. She was raped by Bad Coop while she was in a coma too.

The ending with Laura mirrors her scenes in a weird way too. As soon as Cooper gets there she finds her coat, unlike Audrey.

He's 100% right.